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On 25/04/2020 at 18:15, mjwade402 said:

is there a reason I'm still getting charged commsion even though I'm making 3 trades a month?

@CharlotteIG..can you help with this please? I too seem to be charged full fees this morning on my Shares ISA despite making over 30 transactions in UK and US stocks last month? I am still on phone after over an hour..as I trade small considerations in multiple stocks it was the main reason I use IG. Thanks

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Guest Marta


Do trades made in my Stocks and Shares ISA contribute towards the 3+ trades required to get the reduced commission of £3 for UK trades. I opened my ISA last month and made more than 3 trades, but was still charged £8 for my trades this morning.


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I have the same question too. Its been a bad enough start to my IG trading as it is after this week, i could do without the £470 extra daylight robbery lol

The prices of most the stocks are already higher than most other online brokers as it is you'd think that would be enough.

Can someone please explain? I'll be moving onto another broker if im having to pay these high fees

Edited by OnurG
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Sorry to hear people are having problems with this. As you wait for an IG reply, I can confirm that I have an ISA and my trading last month has automatically given me the £3 UK and free US commission rates this month. I don't think the charges info on the IG website is clear enough but my understanding is that ONLY UK share trades count towards the 3 trades needed to qualify for lowest commission the following month. So, is it possible that either of you have traded mostly US shares and not met the 3 UK trade minimum? Just a thought, which I hope might shed some light. If not, I trust IG staff will respond soon. They do let themselves down sometimes with slow replies to client queries.

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52 minutes ago, M1das_Touch said:

Sorry to hear people are having problems with this. As you wait for an IG reply, I can confirm that I have an ISA and my trading last month has automatically given me the £3 UK and free US commission rates this month. I don't think the charges info on the IG website is clear enough but my understanding is that ONLY UK share trades count towards the 3 trades needed to qualify for lowest commission the following month. So, is it possible that either of you have traded mostly US shares and not met the 3 UK trade minimum? Just a thought, which I hope might shed some light. If not, I trust IG staff will respond soon. They do let themselves down sometimes with slow replies to client queries.

I did 3 UK trades last month and was still charged £8 commission for a trade yesterday. No responce from IG and a few people asking.

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8 minutes ago, Alanb7298 said:

I did 3 UK trades last month and was still charged £8 commission for a trade yesterday. No responce from IG and a few people asking.

So strange how people are having different experiences with what must surely be an automated and fairly straightforward system built into IG's share-dealing platform. Eager to hear their response in case the same happens to me next month!

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Update.  I got through to customer support and there was an issue between 30th April and 1st May with the automated script that updates accounts.  So IG are aware of the issue and are fixing it.  The accounts should be upgraded next week and we will be refunded any commission paid over £3 on 1st May.

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On 25/04/2020 at 18:15, mjwade402 said:

is there a reason I'm still getting charged commsion even though I'm making 3 trades a month?


On 01/05/2020 at 08:46, JGD1972 said:

I'd like to know too...I've traded over 30 times in last month in an ISA, the offer was for 0 fees US and £3 UK, yet this morning its still showing full fees? Can't get through to IG yet again


3 hours ago, M1das_Touch said:

Sorry to hear people are having problems with this. As you wait for an IG reply, I can confirm that I have an ISA and my trading last month has automatically given me the £3 UK and free US commission rates this month. I don't think the charges info on the IG website is clear enough but my understanding is that ONLY UK share trades count towards the 3 trades needed to qualify for lowest commission the following month. So, is it possible that either of you have traded mostly US shares and not met the 3 UK trade minimum? Just a thought, which I hope might shed some light. If not, I trust IG staff will respond soon. They do let themselves down sometimes with slow replies to client queries.


3 hours ago, Alanb7298 said:

I did 3 UK trades last month and was still charged £8 commission for a trade yesterday. No responce from IG and a few people asking.

Bpcue did share on the forum yesterday a reply they had from IG on this very issue (see pic below). It seems IG are having problems with the automated system and are working on a fix.


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8 hours ago, M1das_Touch said:

Sorry to hear people are having problems with this. As you wait for an IG reply, I can confirm that I have an ISA and my trading last month has automatically given me the £3 UK and free US commission rates this month. I don't think the charges info on the IG website is clear enough but my understanding is that ONLY UK share trades count towards the 3 trades needed to qualify for lowest commission the following month. So, is it possible that either of you have traded mostly US shares and not met the 3 UK trade minimum? Just a thought, which I hope might shed some light. If not, I trust IG staff will respond soon. They do let themselves down sometimes with slow replies to client queries.

This is wrong, I checked with support before I started trading - all share trades count regardless of region. The only thing I'm not sure of is whether CFD Equity trades count towards Share trades and vice  versa or not. I've asked the question but haven't had a reply yet.

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On 25/04/2020 at 18:15, mjwade402 said:

is there a reason I'm still getting charged commsion even though I'm making 3 trades a month?


On 01/05/2020 at 08:46, JGD1972 said:

I'd like to know too...I've traded over 30 times in last month in an ISA, the offer was for 0 fees US and £3 UK, yet this morning its still showing full fees? Can't get through to IG yet again


On 01/05/2020 at 11:36, Guest nsuk said:

I have the same problem :(


On 01/05/2020 at 11:42, Guest Marta said:


Do trades made in my Stocks and Shares ISA contribute towards the 3+ trades required to get the reduced commission of £3 for UK trades. I opened my ISA last month and made more than 3 trades, but was still charged £8 for my trades this morning.



On 01/05/2020 at 12:17, sambo88 said:

I'm having the same issue. Made several UK/US trades last month, yet still being charged full commission for both of these markets.


On 01/05/2020 at 14:42, TJ83 said:

Have you had an answer ye?t, same for me. Was going to transact today but still getting charged commission


On 01/05/2020 at 18:59, s-m-c-w said:

I am in same situation.  Still being charged full price not the £3 promised on signing up.  I traded a lot last month and made plenty of trades.  No answer from IG by email and just kept on hold on the phone. 


On 02/05/2020 at 01:27, OnurG said:

I have the same question too. Its been a bad enough start to my IG trading as it is after this week, i could do without the £470 extra daylight robbery lol

The prices of most the stocks are already higher than most other online brokers as it is you'd think that would be enough.

Can someone please explain? I'll be moving onto another broker if im having to pay these high fees


On 02/05/2020 at 08:09, M1das_Touch said:

Sorry to hear people are having problems with this. As you wait for an IG reply, I can confirm that I have an ISA and my trading last month has automatically given me the £3 UK and free US commission rates this month. I don't think the charges info on the IG website is clear enough but my understanding is that ONLY UK share trades count towards the 3 trades needed to qualify for lowest commission the following month. So, is it possible that either of you have traded mostly US shares and not met the 3 UK trade minimum? Just a thought, which I hope might shed some light. If not, I trust IG staff will respond soon. They do let themselves down sometimes with slow replies to client queries.


On 02/05/2020 at 09:05, Alanb7298 said:

I did 3 UK trades last month and was still charged £8 commission for a trade yesterday. No responce from IG and a few people asking.


On 02/05/2020 at 09:29, Ethanfung said:

Same here.it charged £8 for commissions even I trade more than 3times uk stock in a month


There were issues with the UK reduced commission scheme. 

We're looking into refunding all clients that were not meant to be charged the larger rate. 

Going forward this issue should not happen again. 

All the best and apologies. 

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