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Cannabis stocks

Guest Mtweed27

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Guest Mtweed27

Hi there looking to try and compile a watch list of all cannabis stocks/ETFs available on IG. If anyone is aware of others can they please post below.


ACB (Aurora)

APH (Aphria)

WEED (Canopy)

HMMJ (Horizon ETF)

CBW (Wheaton)


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One way to search would be to google list companies involved in production and associated products then see if they or their parent companies are listed on IG;



















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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been looking at them myself , i do not think you can currently invest through IG in canadian stocks but there are some austrailian companys listed like Auscann who have signed deals with canopy for distribution to canada and also MMJ Phytotech

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest michaelv

That's what everyone else wants to know!

I tried to top up my aurora position and I found out that I couldnt, IG didnt even bother to give me a prior warning of their decision to discontinue this stock. Common sense and respect for the investor would normally ensure that IG investors who hold these shares would be notified!

At present IG is reviewing their decision whether to continue with cannibis and such related stocks.

The only explanation they can give is that quote "because of the political landscape around them" to start with quite strange english and a very poor vague response. When requesting to transfer my stocks to another broker this option is refused. At present we cannot buy or transfer just sell,while this matter is resolved. IG have their investors over a barrel until this matter is resolved. No deadline for a decision has been announced. Meanwhile position holders will get tired of waiting and will be forced to sell to close their positions without knowing the real reason for not wanting to deal these shares.If IG doesnt approve of can stocks then simple allow people to transfer them to other brokers who want to deal these stocks. I dont see how this would disadvantage IG. I feel sorry for stock holders who bought cheap, this would be wiped out if you are forced to sell.

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So the witless cretins at IG no longer allow us to trade these stocks but are happy for us to spread bet or trade cfds and are creating their own index of them which we can trade. Will be moving my account to a better broker

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Such a joke - below the email I have received 2 days ago.

What does evolving political and regulatory landscape surrounding recreational cannabis-related securities even mean? Surely regulations are being weakened everywhere around the world right now and not tightened, so unsure why IG went with this decision.

Does anyone else have any further details on this?

Can anyone recommend a good broker to specifically invest in Cannabis stocks? 

We no longer offer share dealing on recreational cannabis stocks

Due to the evolving political and regulatory landscape surrounding recreational cannabis-related securities, we have decided to stop offering share dealing on the below cannabis stocks.

Please note that CFD trading and spread betting on cannabis stocks and our soon-to-be-launched Cannabis Index will not be affected. You can continue to access these markets as normal.

Which stocks are no longer available for share dealing?

With immediate effect, you can no longer invest in the following companies and ETFs with IG:

Aphria (US)

Aurora Cannabis (US)

Bod Australia

Cann Global


Canopy Growth (US)

Corbus Pharmaceuticals

Creso Pharma

Cronos Group (US)

Elixinol Global


ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF


Innovative Industrial Properties

Insys Therapeutics

Lifespot Health

New Age Beverages

Stemcell United


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Guest DanielaIG

Hi all,

Just to give you some more information about why the decision has been made by IG to stop offering Cannabis stocks for share dealing clients:

IG has become aware of various financial institutions performing reviews of the regulatory and political implications of offering Cannabis stocks in the UK with a recreational link, and because of this and IG's own internal review the stocks listed above are no longer appropriate for IG's risk appetite. 

Therefore there has been a business decision to take action as quickly as possible but within the legal allowances detailed in IG's Customer Agreement. 

Regarding why we can continue to offer these stocks on leverage accounts, the reason is that there is additional certainty with regards to derivatives referencing the underlying stocks, and as IG uses swaps to hedge our clients' leveraged trades with us, we will not be engaged in the physical trading of recreational linked cannabis stocks.

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Guest SS_NP

Any idea if we can still trade Cannabis shares on other website. Just wondering if others are planning to stop trading like IG. I have few shares with IG which were bought at higher price as of now. If I sell them now then I will be loosing quite a lot. Please suggest.

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Guest rohantigcomm
On 29/04/2019 at 11:18, rohantigcomm said:

All very well.... but trades are not allowed for cann global. So what do I do now?

Well?? Can IG please let me know what I do if I can't trade my Cann Global shares please?

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18 hours ago, SS_NP said:

Any idea if we can still trade Cannabis shares on other website. Just wondering if others are planning to stop trading like IG. I have few shares with IG which were bought at higher price as of now. If I sell them now then I will be loosing quite a lot. Please suggest.

Unfortunately I am unable to advise on other companies dealing practices, however in the interest of forum transparency other Community members are more than welcome to have their say as some already have (in accordance with our terms of service and within reason of course). I do know, however, that a number of other providers have taken the same action as we have. I'd recommend independent research before taking action. 

When it comes to 'moving' stock we are unfortunately unable to facilitate a stock transfer and you can only sell to close with us when it comes to Cannabis stocks on a share dealing (and/or ISA account in the UK). Our CFDs and Spread Betting leverage accounts remain unaffected by this decision.   

To shift your exposure from IG would therefore require you to sell on IG and buy on an alternative brokers platform. One possible option to reduce market movements / fluctuations in the individual share price over this period and reflect exposure on this new broker is to set simultaneous orders in the same auction with IG and the new broker.


17 hours ago, rohantigcomm said:

Well?? Can IG please let me know what I do if I can't trade my Cann Global shares please?

Hi @rohantigcomm - you can still sell to close on IG, however we are unable to maintain your exposure or transfer stock to alternative brokers. You would have to buy on an alternative broker if you wish to maintain your exposure to the stock.  If you are invested in the affected companies with IG, you’ll need to sell your shares no later than 11.59pm UK time on Thursday 23 May 2019

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If the UK adopts a sane cannabis policy (which is probably never will) will that decision be reversed?

I mean seriously ... how uptight and prudish can you be?  Trading tobacco stocks is fine even though tobacco kills millions of people?

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14 hours ago, dmedin said:

If the UK adopts a sane cannabis policy (which is probably never will) will that decision be reversed?

I mean seriously ... how uptight and prudish can you be?  Trading tobacco stocks is fine even though tobacco kills millions of people?

We periodically review all assets and form business decisions based on the available information at the time. 

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Guest martinportisaac

What I do not understand is why we where not informed before this took place, and also why we can not transfer our shares to a new broker.

Hargreaves Lansdown will allow you to trade these stocks but IG will not let you transfer.

Shame on you IG, and you wonder why your stock price is going down

Any advice welcome Thx

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Guest 61Tau

I bought the BOD stock at much higher price than the current price. If I have to be forced to sell them I would suffer a big lost. Will IG do compensation for this!???  And how about the cost of transaction fee? 

IG had real data of stock price which was good, but then they said you need to pay if you want too see real time data feed; Later they said they would charge you if your account is inactive for 3 months. Now they stop the trading for some stocks no matter how big lost the investors will have and they are doing this while no other platform is doing the same.  IG, could you think, at least a bit, about  your users? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sharm

I am also in this position with my Tilray stock down 40% - I have received the same lacklustre response from IG quoting their customer agreement terms - am hoping the Financial Ombudsmen will step in and force IG to either let me transfer my shares to another platform or refund me my losses!

If anyone has further progress please post.

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