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Problems with IG trading platform

Guest tajak2012


Guest tajak2012

Firstly I have contacted IG about this and they have been of no help.

When I am in the trading platform looking at charts, the whole thing regularly seizes up so that I cannot swap between stocks or add drawings to the charts.  The curser still works.

This happens in chrome on multiple computers and is fixed by refreshing (which is not really viable when you are checking through a 200 long watch list)

Tried to use IE but that just seems too slow and laggy.

Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?  The computer i use has no problem with TC2000 and I have fibre broadband

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Guest PandaFace

I don’t trade mt4 platforms but opened it for a once over on demo... couldn’t see anything on the crypto markets or cable. Maybe it’s your side? 

Also this is looking pretty dated software ? why is mt4 so popular I don’t understand? @Caseynotes I know you’re keen on this - what are your benefits you seewhochb I don’t? 

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Hi @tajak2012 - I'm sorry that we haven't managed to resolve your issue on this. I had a look for this email however I wasn't able to find it (however please note that could be down to my permissions specifically). I've asked @WillA to look into this directly and get back to you as soon as possible. Any additional info (for example if you sent from an email not linked to your account, or the date/time of the send) can be sent to me directly if you feel it may help.  

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Guest tajak2012
On 29/07/2018 at 20:03, tajak2012 said:

Firstly I have contacted IG about this and they have been of no help.

When I am in the trading platform looking at charts, the whole thing regularly seizes up so that I cannot swap between stocks or add drawings to the charts.  The curser still works.

This happens in chrome on multiple computers and is fixed by refreshing (which is not really viable when you are checking through a 200 long watch list)

Tried to use IE but that just seems too slow and laggy.

Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?  The computer i use has no problem with TC2000 and I have fibre broadband

emailed a short video

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@tajak2012 apologies that this thread has veered off course with a different issue. For your web platform freezing issue it would be very interesting to see this issue live if you are happy to grant someone from my team remote access to your PC.

Do you think you'd be able to replicate it and are happy to do a remote session? If yes please email helpdesk.uk@ig.com quoting this forum post and that Will has requested you setup a remote session. If it's over the next week it won't be me doing it as I am out of office however my team can help.

The alternative to this is you providing a screen recording of the issue so we can understand it better, please also send this to helpdesk.uk@ig.com.

@RWw your issue is different to the one this post is about so please send clear screenshots and info of the date/time of these chart discrepancies in MT4 to helpdesk.uk@ig.com and we'll be glad to take a look. If you need help taking screenshots on different devices please let us know and we'll try and help.



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and for anyone else reading this I don't actually believe IG is a scam broker, otherwise wouldn't have stayed with them for more than 18 months. It's just this kind of behavior in charts is reminiscent from the time when I was new to trading and actually had set up an account with what turned out to be a scam broker(a valuable but costly lesson). 

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Thank you for your feedback caseynotes but this is something that has only started happening for about a month now. I've been with IG for well over a year and a half now and this was never really an issue before then. And yes I do realise the whole different brokers different charts thing. But this is only an issue on their mt4 platform. Their old and new web trader doesn't have this. On there the ger30 charts look like the IC Markets chart. So that isn't the issue either with differing data and all that.

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Yeah @RWw, the 2 bars you have circle are on my IG feed but there is a reason for that, different brokers are not going to have exactly the same prices because exchanges don't have the exact same prices, brokers use a number of different exchanges to get prices so they can't be exactly the same as another broker. On the IG chart there was only minuscule price change for those 2 min but there was more from IC, nether is right or wrong, it's just the prices they can get. If you look back 20 odd min you can the IC chart gaped down 5 odd points while the IG chart opened normally.

You are correct on the count down though, if there are no price changes on bar open the clock doesn't move until there is so it might start at 40 seconds for example. 

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notice also how in the IG screenshot it skews the chart where you have one big green candle following the outtage of data when in fact it is a series of red and green candles as shown in the IC Markets screenshot.

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in mt4 on mobile I'm looking at the GER30 chart on the 1 minute time frame. I have attached screenshots to highlight this issue. The black circle shows the candles when there was no data and everything was just standing still. The chart with flat candles is IG and the other chart where you can see movement is from IC. Same mt4 app on one and the same Samsung Galaxy S8+ where I just switched accounts. Screenshots have been cropped to keep file size to a minimum.

ger30 ic.jpg

ger30 ig.jpg

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Rakuten doesn't have this issue, FCXM/FXTM doesn't have this issue, IC Markets doesn't have this issue, LCG doesn't have this issue. But IG Swiss and IG UK has this issue(they operate data feeds on the same server though so that is no surprise).

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The more I look into this the more IG is coming out looking like a scam broker with unreliable data feeds when other brokers from other side of the planet has no issue with providing good and reliable data feeds.

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and this is all happening at random, not connected to certain actions(otherwise it would happen when I pull up the IC Markets account as well). I've noticed at home as well when using a candle timer(that shows the countdown til the current candle closes) that when running IG Markets mt4 and IC Markets mt4 side by side the timer for IC Markets counts down as per usual but the IG Markets counter lags and skips every few seconds. Utterly ridiculous.

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And now it started moving again, there are 2x1 minute candles that are showing 0 activity(no wick and a body that is less than 0.1 point wide). Is this what a serious broker has to offer? how is this even possible? This isn't platform or performance related. It's IG that can't provide a reliable data feed for their mt4 platforms. Which is really weird. 

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So right now I'm looking in mt4 for mobile IG Markets, same mobile application but on IC Markets account, and IG's proprietary trading platform(the web version). In the IC Markets connected account the DE30 is moving as per usual, in the web platform everything is showing fine as well, but on mt4 mobile with my IG account nothing has happened for well over a minute now. Like **** is going on? Seriously get your **** together, this is costing me profit.

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Guest tajak2012
1 hour ago, WillA said:

@tajak2012 @RWw

Sorry to hear you are having issues, is the freezing random or is it triggered by certain actions? Also what amount of RAM and Processor do you have? You can screenshot the info shown under About your PC option in Windows menu.




It is when I am looking through charts or drawing on charts.  I keep having to refresh the page.  Sometimes it happens a lot, sometimes I can get through a whole watchlist without a problem.  


Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.41 GHz

Ram 8GB

64 bit operating system.  x64


I have contact IG support several times and they basically told me to stop bothering them



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@tajak2012 @RWw

Sorry to hear you are having issues, is the freezing random or is it triggered by certain actions? Also what amount of RAM and Processor do you have? You can screenshot the info shown under About your PC option in Windows menu.




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I have the same issue whether on mobile(have tried 2 different models as well as two different operators), my own computer, computer at work, or laptop. It just freezes for a few seconds(sometimes, although rarely, upwards of 10 seconds. I've started counting and keeping track) and then all the activity comes at once. It's truly terrible and not an issue with 2 other brokers I have accounts with. Looking to switch soon if this doesn't get fixed(which it probably won't).

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Guest tajak2012
On 7/29/2018 at 9:41 PM, Caseynotes said:

Hi @tajak2012, couldn't say for sure but in my experience the computer memory has been the centennial for successful racing through many charts, both for keeping a lot of charts open at once, or for rapid opening and closing of charts.

A long time ago 4GB was enough but now I can't run on less than 16GB. Just a thought.  

I never keep charts open as far as i know.  I think the most annoying thing is how IG just dismissed the issue

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