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Guest xavthetrader


Guest xavthetrader

Hi all,

I'm using the online IG platform and one thing which is greatly missing is... TICKERS!! How come a trading platform don't have tickers?! PRT and all trading platforms on the market have tickers. Traders speaks with tickers, not company names. So please could you add tickers ASAP (as soon as possible)... you see TICKER!! I need SPY, I need AAPL, I need NVDA, MSFT and so on. And I'm sure I speak for everyone else. 

I've searched on platform options, forums, etc and couldn't find anything about tickers. So if there is a way to have tickers could you tell me where to allow the option. And if not, could you ask your technical team to allow them quickly?

I agree I could use PRT as there are tickers on theirs but there are things that I don't like, like it doesn't show the amount of money used from balance when purchasing a stock unlike IG platform, so you go a bit blindly and i don't like that.

Thanks and sorry for the rant but needed to say it.


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How come the ig team is not taking care of this, like .. Tickers is a must and i've never seen a broker without them displayed before/after the stock's name. Great platform but missing a basic thing like tickers is unacceptable. Devs please sort it.

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Since there’s been no success here with requests for ticker-codes, can we at least have unique names that distinguish ordinary shares from options?

Also, if names have abbreviations, can you keep them consistent within the platform?

I have several examples, here’s one of them.

Click on the "History" tab and look at the "Trades in the last 30 days" and notice that the rows identify markets only by name (no code). This can be easy depending on the market name, but for some names, I have to resort to the price column to distinguish between ordinary shares and options (i.e., find the price of shares/options on the day).

For example, in my list of trades, I have “Lake Resources N.L." listed several times, and I cannot tell which are shares or options except by looking for the price on the day (there’s too much to remember). So, I copy the name and search for it, but find nothing because some names (like this one) have a variety of abbreviations. So I search for "Lake Resources" and find two entries for “Lake Resources NL” (i.e., both shares and options with the same name). Then, to identify whether it’s shares or options, I must look for the price on the day of the trade, or when there’s too much price movement I have to search for the time on the day of the trade. All this just to distinguish shares (LKE) from options (LKEOB).

The positions table causes the same problem, although it is a easier to resolve with the last-price being current.

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2 hours ago, DPDallas said:

Since there’s been no success here with requests for ticker-codes, can we at least have unique names that distinguish ordinary shares from options?

Also, if names have abbreviations, can you keep them consistent within the platform?

I have several examples, here’s one of them.

Click on the "History" tab and look at the "Trades in the last 30 days" and notice that the rows identify markets only by name (no code). This can be easy depending on the market name, but for some names, I have to resort to the price column to distinguish between ordinary shares and options (i.e., find the price of shares/options on the day).

For example, in my list of trades, I have “Lake Resources N.L." listed several times, and I cannot tell which are shares or options except by looking for the price on the day (there’s too much to remember). So, I copy the name and search for it, but find nothing because some names (like this one) have a variety of abbreviations. So I search for "Lake Resources" and find two entries for “Lake Resources NL” (i.e., both shares and options with the same name). Then, to identify whether it’s shares or options, I must look for the price on the day of the trade, or when there’s too much price movement I have to search for the time on the day of the trade. All this just to distinguish shares (LKE) from options (LKEOB).

The positions table causes the same problem, although it is a easier to resolve with the last-price being current.


I have pushed for these to be added and every comment on here gives it more trader insite so thank you so much for commenting. 

I will pass this on but I want to see if they can add the tickers as suggested if that's what everyone wants. :) 

All the best 

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New to this forum, but cannot believe there's a trading platform where you can't search by ticker, or view a ticker. Hope this gets sorted out soon, or else its a bit of a NO GO.

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This is really frustrating -- not only do they not have tickers on key screens and reports (P&L etc) that I need for matching in excel but where they do exist (ProRealTime) there are lots of out of date tickers (e.g. Corcel should be CRCL but it's RGM in PRT).

Come on, IG, this is basic stuff and actually reflects badly on you. I (and others) are considering shifting provider because of one very small development tweak IG need to make that is core to every other broker platform.

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I absolutely agree, I use the API and lack of ticker support makes working with it far more effort than it ought to be. Same on the frontend sometimes ticker searches work other times they do not. 


I cannot understand why a stock brokers software platform does not support stock tickers. Otherwise your platform is ace, but this needs sorting out. 

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On 29/01/2021 at 23:46, CharlotteIG said:


I have pushed for these to be added and every comment on here gives it more trader insite so thank you so much for commenting. 

I will pass this on but I want to see if they can add the tickers as suggested if that's what everyone wants. :) 

All the best 

Hi CharlotteIG,

Very long time IG customer (trading/managing multiple accounts for family) and seriously considering switching ALL of the accounts (have already moved 70% of one porfolio) to IBKR if tickers cannot be added to historical reports.

Most of the accounts I manage are actively traded so tickers are essential to import the data into portfolio management software such as Sharesight. I'm done with using spreadsheets because it's too difficult to feed the data from IG into portfolio management software.


It may not be what "everyone wants" but it is what MOST people want and EXPECT from a trading platform. I've never seen any other platform that doesn't support tickers.


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Guest ashtool
On 14/06/2021 at 11:07, ct18 said:

Hi CharlotteIG,

Very long time IG customer (trading/managing multiple accounts for family) and seriously considering switching ALL of the accounts (have already moved 70% of one porfolio) to IBKR if tickers cannot be added to historical reports.

Most of the accounts I manage are actively traded so tickers are essential to import the data into portfolio management software such as Sharesight. I'm done with using spreadsheets because it's too difficult to feed the data from IG into portfolio management software.


It may not be what "everyone wants" but it is what MOST people want and EXPECT from a trading platform. I've never seen any other platform that doesn't support tickers.


Hear hear! add tickers. This is beyond a joke!

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I have contributed to this string before. In all fairness IG does provide Tickers BUT .... Its 3 Mouse Clicks to get there. IG needs to provide an extra columb in its Share Trading Search Feature AND its PORT FOLIO TAB.

I too have been waiting for a long time for IG to abligue. 


Cheers All

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Guest +1 to tickers

I've read this thread.  This is two years now of this obvious request being in and it not being delivered.  It's so important on every other platform.  I don't know why IG hasn't done it when you are viewing positions or searching.  You have the data.  Surely your front-end devs can work out how to add it in nicely.  

+1 from me for getting this implemented.  It slows me down every time trying to work out which position is which because I think in terms of tickers.  

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On 16/01/2022 at 00:41, harpalss said:

Is there an update on this? I think in terms of tickers and when searching by tickers it can be difficult to find the stock I'm looking for e.g. "MO" returns a lot of results.

Hi @harpalss,

Thank you for your message, I will pass on your feedback. We are aware that it is a feature that clients are asking for. We worked other features that has been added and are working on continuously improve our platform.

Thank you - Arvin

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