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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Come on now bonnie loon 🐮🤓
  2. U.S. dollar has a big *****, end of month demand for dollars I hear.
  3. Do you mean to say that a constant supply of gullible idiots is required, 1) To take very expensive courses (and not only that, but they are London-based - one of the most expensive cities in the world, where everywhere is out to f*k you anyway) 2) To keep putting on trades and get robbed blind, thinking they can use 'technical analysis' to make money
  4. Who am I competing against, more people selling training?
  5. dmedin


    All the way up to 6324 and above 🐮
  6. Recovering already?
  7. Will Germany penetrate its triangle to the upside, Tom Bombadil 😀
  8. Back up again now, bonnie loon? 🐮
  9. lol what's that new, exotic-looking indicator now 🤓
  10. Germany is having some morning glory, Peregrin Took 🤓
  11. dmedin


    Could it be that some IG clients know what they're doing?
  12. dmedin


    Copper up, yet 70% of IG clients are long. How can this possibly be? 😒
  13. Fed gives lots of free money to huge companies: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-fed-bonds/big-tobacco-big-oil-and-buffett-join-feds-portfolio-idUKKBN23Z0M6
  14. It's available to borrow on archive.org - for one whole hour 🤣 It's clear where these Shylocks make their money - and it's not from trading with their own money!
  15. Is there anything that works even some of the time without the benefit of hindsight?
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