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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Well here's a conundrum. It looks like it was just another 'wee dip' in the DJIA, but most IG clients are long. So, what do I do in the here and now? Not, like Chris Beauchamp, smugly look back months from now with his awesome powers of hindsight and say that most IG clients were dumb losers. ANSWER: Don't go long or short. JUST DON'T TRADE!
  2. Doesn't work when I try it. Must be doing something wrong. I mean ... if all you're doing is buying and selling bounces off pivots then why even have 'indicators'? It's like all these hideous f*king charts plastered with sh!te to make the 'analyst' look like they know what they're talking about. And the punters (who are a bunch of losers, mainly) lap it up and ask for more. I am both confused, and stupid - I know that I know nothing. What?
  3. That looks great although I don't know what that alternating-coloured line is. On IG's 1 min chart you can see it bouncing off daily pivots, PRT lets you have hourly, four hourly pivots etc.
  4. Well, 90% of IG's clients are long on silver - therefore don't buy right?
  5. Well, the ten-can is below the Cajun chicken, the cloud ahead is red, but the lagging span is a naughty man.
  6. Unemployment claims were slightly more than expected. But Chris Beauchamp was probably right yesterday, there won't be another dramatic drop.
  7. Here's another great chart. Sell if the lagging span (green line) drops beneath the cloud.
  8. Great chart, could be doing with more lines plastered all over it.
  9. Apropos of which, why do I never see people use pivots in this videos? Surely a pivot is easier to actually trade with then using power of hindsight to put S/R lines on charts?
  10. So what are you studying that makes you successful? Stuff on Dailyfx? 'Here are a dozen lines; price may do this or it may do that. If it does do that then it may do this; or it may not. And if it does this then maybe this will happen, or maybe that. And by the way, 62% of IG's clients are long and they are a bunch of idiots who lose all their money.' How is that working out for you?
  11. What jobs do people have to go back to now? There's nothing left to do but carry out suicide en masse
  12. It's all higgledy-piggledy bonnie loon
  13. Fundamental analysis? Elliot Waves? Or analysing charts with the power of hindsight?
  14. Some backtesting on the chart
  15. Results look good so far! I'm great a backtrading 😂
  16. Has anyone read this? 'Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profit in Bull and Bear Markets'
  17. Conversely, if I had gone long on Tuesday 16th June (after the RSI divergence and bounce back up above 200 SMA) then I'd still be long to this day
  18. If I'd entered that trade on Friday 19th I would still be short (nearly getting stopped out) But TradingRush said don't sell when it's above 200 day SMA 🤢
  19. Yes, they are false 'signals'. Definitely agree with you there
  20. 'IDGAF' - I'm just here to subtly remind you punters how stupid you are 😂
  21. Why would he mention anything of relevance to us? He is obviously not here to provide actionable insight to retail traders. By his own admission he sits on the fence, he uses the benefit of hindsight, states the obvious - what purpose this guy serves for retail investors I have no idea. I'm sure he must be more useful to private, paying clients.
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