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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Come on ye silver-tongued serpent, beguile me.
  2. Website claims 75% or so of clients lose money but the actual success rate of day traders is about 4.5% (so a failure rate of 95.5%) according to this guy: https://vantagepointtrading.com/whats-the-day-trading-success-rate-the-thorough-answer/#:~:text=Some traders I talked with,% to 4.5% success rate.
  3. Tom Bombadil, the DAX has just sprouted a big erection! (Yes, I was late to enter.)
  4. That's certainly what he did when he was a Wall Street pro 😉
  5. What will this week bring, Eileen? 😷
  6. I wonder how often this happens without people noticing or complaining about it ...
  7. Morning glory for the Nikkei? 🤔
  8. The lagging span (purple) isn't quite out of the cloud yet ...
  9. Long? 77% of IG clients think so 🧐
  10. I'm in desperate need of a haircut ...
  11. TradingView seems to have the best features of all three combined.
  12. Buy the dip? With all countries now 'getting back to business' it seems terribly unlikely that we'll get another lockdown.
  13. I noticed IG TV has been unrelentingly negative for weeks, almost as if they knew another crash was coming. Is this it now? I f*ked up big time first time around so here's hoping I can survive the sloppy seconds
  14. Because they can turn around and say 'you can do that in PRT'. I've no idea what their business objectives are with the web platform but they don't seem to have any interest in making it feature-parity with PRT.
  15. Markets tanked because Apple shuttered some stores in the USA, is this just a wee panic or are we about to see gallons of sh!t hit the fan again?
  16. Pick-up in activity in the VIX:
  17. All the indices have got their breeks down around their ankles, PARP! PARP! PARP! Phew what a stink in here ☠️
  18. Speaking of which, I was looking for any particular reason why oil and stocks started plunging right now (17:25 ish) and so I loaded the Twitter feed on IG and Tyler Durden tells us it is because Apple is closing some stores because of zombie apocalypse. So there you go, it is useful!
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