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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Apropos of which, another bad week for me, another bad month. Cheers!
  2. Both FTSE 100 and Nasdaq 100 have completely pooped out.
  3. Fortunately, the Ichimoku Cloud brings some clarity to the situation. (Whose bright idea was it to make the Cajun and Ten-Can lines the same colour?!)
  4. Look how beautifully it bounced off a pivot each time and proceeded to move down a leg. If only every trade could be so perfect - or at least 50% of them.
  5. Might be time to go long, Sarpong?
  6. If MT4/MT5 could overcome the limitation of not being able to handle shares I would use it ... PRT does similar things but it's only free under certain conditions and it is also very dated-looking.
  7. dmedin


    Did Tullow hit rock bottom?
  8. Dunno pal, Goldman Sachs 'experts' said crude at $35 soon and it's now getting closer to $45. You don't need to pay anything to look at the charts and see what price is doing.
  9. S&P 500 is not the best for scalping as far as I am aware, the best indices for scalping are DAX, Wall Street and Nikkei 225 as they move in much bigger numbers.
  10. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-retail-trading/main-street-investors-bank-profits-on-rally-that-wall-street-doubted-idUKKBN23Q0RJ
  11. Restarting holidays, which TUI did on Monday with two flights between Germany and Mallorca, Spain, would result in an immediate working capital inflow and have a positive impact on cash fixed costs, TUI said on Tuesday. "We have seen a notable increase in bookings for our summer holidays over the last week with Germany and Belgium seeing strong recovery week on week," TUI said.
  12. Nasdaq might be on to something 😽
  13. Yes that's what I thought, but it seems that outlets like IC (which is owned by Financial Times) have other opinions.
  14. He's good at making money and you clearly admire him. He won't be successful in forcibly micro-chipping the world's population though ...
  15. That's right, Tom Bombadil.
  16. Billy G is a massive pr!ck but money talks (thanks capitalism). Just don't underestimate the power of human resistance. He tried to dominate the world of computers and the internet but he was stopped from doing so. Windows is now largely a legacy product, most people don't need it and even businesses that rely on Microsoft Office for whatever reason can now get Office on non-Windows machines. Nobody will miss Billy G when the c&nt dies.
  17. Dang. It's at times like these, when the markets are bobbing up and down like buoys in the ocean, going nowhere, that I wish I could make money from doing something else. Like teaching people what candlestick patterns mean. Or showing them the bleeding obvious on a chart using the power of hindsight. Hang on ...
  18. You've got a 75 - 95% chance of ending up tired, frustrated, suffering from a disastrous loss of self-confidence and being much poorer. Don't like them odds.
  19. There is goes back up again, after two very bearish candles and a build-up in inventories. Just goes to show, you can be an expert 'market analyst' all you like but your guess is as good as anyone else's ... what a load of old tosh.
  20. **** the bed big-time. Looking to sell a rally 😲
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