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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Yawn... Time to find a new hobby.
  2. Going into a prolonged sideways period. Don't trade.
  3. I didn't believe the stuff about being microchipped and mandatory vaccination ...
  4. From my perspective (FWIW ROFL) the last buy signal on DJIA was here, you would have got a profitable trade here at 1:2. It's all about having the patience to know when to sit aside and NOT to trade. I don't see myself ever becoming a scalper, unless I somehow develop a purely mechanical system for doing it.
  5. Modern psychiatry tells us that gambling, alcoholism and other addictions are diseases. Psychoanalytic theories are generally considered obsolete. Why? Because you can't prescribe expensive and profitable drugs unless you have a well-defined 'disease' for them to target. Oh how I wish I had been pumped full of some kind of drug that would have stopped me becoming attracted to this massive f^king scam.
  6. Time to rethink my entire 'strategy' yet again. Taking positions in and out just isn't profitable. What IS profitable is staying in a winning position for as long as possible, whether it's 1:2 or 1:4 or 1:10 - setting arbitrary R:R ratios just isn't helpful. It means you sit on the sidelines for extended periods instead of letting profits run. Then when the market stops trending you get whipsawed so much you lose everything you made in the blink of an eye and have to start over again. Sigh.
  7. Indices sh!t the bed big-time.
  8. As of 7pm, the entire trading day was a complete non-event. Oh well.
  9. Very deep and profound. But man, I don't know which is worse. Unchecked population growth or having some kind of control over things. I can't imagine a planet with 10 billion or more humans, rampant inequality and global warming will be very pleasant to live in
  10. Now it's showing how he was a scumbag who ripped off other people's stuff 🤣 But all the suits on LinkedIn think he's a genius? 🤔
  11. Through improving their quality of life though, not by surreptitiously immunizing them 😮
  12. 'What the developing world needs least is more children' Yep, it's true ... comes straight out of the Protocols but it's true. Quality over quantity
  13. It's bouncing up and down off the 200 EMA like a pair of lovely-jubblies and the MACD is near to crossing, so I have hope
  14. This is really fking painful to watch
  15. Looking to see if DJIA turns it around from here 😳
  16. Okay now we get into the real stuff, the vaccine for Corona
  17. 20 mins in and confirms that he is a greedy capitalist scumbag who hides profit-seeking behind 'philanthropy' just like every other billionaire ... no surprises yet ... I thought you were in favour of capitalism? I don't see anything 'sinister' in encouraging 'population control' in third world countries at all, either. It's what they desperately need the most.
  18. Have you seen Bill in joint interviews with Buffett? He sits like a little boy and looks up to Buffett like he's his daddy. Pathetic ...
  19. He's bosom buddies with Warren Buffet, 'the legendary value investor' that everyone in the financial services industry has to pay lipservice to. Bill Gates also has an obsession with fecal matter 😮
  20. Another stinky f4rt in the elevator 🤢
  21. I wonder if it has put in a bottom, Patricia? 🧐
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