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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Knock-out options and Binary 101s (I call these 'casino products', ching-ching-ching, put more money in the slot!) are not lawful for UK retail punters.
  2. Is this about to go up another leg?
  3. Maybe it will be worth buying again after the effects of the 'secondary IPO offering' have subsided. I take it that's something to do with diluting the value of shares through issuing more of them. Right now it's given off a sell signal.
  4. dmedin


    Might be another chance to buy in if it sorts itself out (gets back above 5 day SMA)
  5. dmedin


    Oh. I was hoping we could 'socially distance' (a term used by middle-class white people who do yoga and are 'very concerned' about social issues) on planes because they are f*king overcrowded and smelly even without Covid 19.
  6. Prices of commodities falling even - d'oh
  7. Cripes Eileen, it doesn't look good :(
  8. Victoria Scholar did yet another video with Serge Berger on options strategies, I have no idea why since they aren't all that keen on offering options to their customers.
  9. It would seem so, prices of commodities rising (dollar rising and indices falling) = AUD falling.
  10. *Parp!* Blimey, what a stinker!
  11. Indices must have had vindaloo for dinner, now they are taking a serious dump
  12. I consider myself very lucky I haven't had any reason to try and phone them. I'd be tearing my head hair out and in great distress, waiting this long.
  13. Do you think the bigwigs in the City of London care about punters losing money gambling on the markets? I think the people who founded and own IG are members of the same clubs and dine, date and drink with the same people who are regulators ... you can guess what I think
  14. Sure thing bubs, enjoy posting your oblique little charts that nobody will read or understand. Have a nice life!
  15. You should sell a trading course then, that's what every 'successful trader' does
  16. Yeah and you can't answer it. If you're not making money then your trading is failing and you shouldn't be doing it. You can make money from buying an S&P 500 tracker and doing precisely f*k all.
  17. Key takeaways: - Goldman Sachs loves the fact that the Fed is providing unlimited liquidity to the 'market'. This is also known as corporate socialism, and the bourgeoisie are drink and high AF on unlimited cash. (I also suspect from her wild eyes and speed she's talking at that she might have had a wee 'sniff' before coming on air.) - The retail punter is the pig that gets slaughtered. Witness Herz. It's far more sensible to rely on a professional active investor to choose your portfolio than have a punt yourself. Price/earnings and all that shijazzle. Amateurs, GTFO or else you'll be slaughtered. - Cash will get sloshed around to buy depressed stocks and dips - this is not a time to short.
  18. All that you say is true, but are you making a net profit commensurate to the time and effort involved in trading? If not, why don't you pack it in and pay off your mortgage instead?
  19. If you have the patience to stick to it, and the patience to not take any trades for an extended period of time. Who doesn't log in to IG first thing in the morning and spend all day looking for trades? That's like spending all day in a house of ill repute and waiting till you think you've found one that doesn't have an STD.
  20. So you're making money? That's the main thing. It's really easy to make money when the market trends. Literally anyone can do it. You must have found a way to avoid the whipsaws (which isn't apparent at all from your charts, which make no sense to me), and the market whipsaws most of the time hence almost everyone loses more than they make.
  21. Yes, and if there's one thing the English are good at it's talking.
  22. That's an American thing. They talk in imperial units and have complicated 'options' strategies because America is the greatest nation on earth. Find an American, kiss their feet and plead with them for help. They are our overlords now.
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