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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. And the cannabis index sh!ts its pants yet again. Stupid fecking muggins that I am
  2. There it goes, Tamsin. Don't make daddy disappointed, now.
  3. Sinking despite modestly positive data ... Doesn't look good
  4. Oh dear, moving down another leg.
  5. Look Eileen, it might be recovering. If it goes up above 200 EMA and MACD crosses then we'll buy 😘
  6. Bloke who was having blondes round to his house during lockdown says the destruction of the economy should have started even sooner! https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-epidemiolo/uk-lockdown-a-week-earlier-could-have-halved-covid-19-death-toll-scientist-says-idUKKBN23H2GB
  7. Oh great, Greggs just sh4t the f^king bed too. That noose in my drawer beckons. Fk this sh!t.
  8. Stupid fecker, should have looked at the daily charts and noticed the indices were about to drop a huge t^rd on Tuesday.
  9. Thank g*d I didn't, although I lost plenty elsewhere - stupid fecker that I am
  10. TBH they just throw any old sh!t at you, in the hopes of getting you to trade. I'd do the same if it were me. 90% of all these retail mugs are going to lose their shirts anyway.
  11. Retail investors are inherently stupid. They should avoid the stock market for the same reason they avoid performing advanced medical procedures on their family members. I.e., leave it to the professionals. The London traders went on to scoff (off the record) at these punters, who they described as 'f^cking mugs', 'muppets' and 'pigs getting slaughtered'. Then they all had drinks and engaged in macho banter.
  12. FOMC off! Who all is dead excited for this evening's dead serious business? Ha! Ha!
  13. dmedin


    It continues to maintain and yet 74% of clients are long. What?
  14. What's this I see here, Samwise Gamgee? Patricia, Veronica - what's your take? Doesn't it look like a tempting long? Ay me - the temptation!
  15. F*k me sideways with a broomstick. I guess you should just do the opposite of what I do, Peregrin Took. Hahaha. Tom Bombadil, stop laughing at my expense! Irene, is that you?
  16. It pulled down its breeks and took a huge dump on my face.
  17. I'm looking for a 'late bloomer'; blossom for me now, Jasmine my sweet, and redeem the tears of my days.
  18. Woe, woe unto the sons and daughters of man! A voice crying out in the wilderness, Prepare thy way: for the Day of the Lord draweth nigh. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Today on Reuters, they are cheering about the 'retail punter' (their words) getting f*ked over. 'It's about time!' We're all sheep to the slaughter. We exist to get f*ked for the rich folks' benefit. Read some books and get an edumacation, moran. There is not much time left.
  19. Prepare to get hammered into suicidal depression over and over again and lose a lot of money.
  20. Do they brag about the size of their tallywhackers and their big fancy cars?
  21. Oh Eileen, why do you do me like this
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