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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Like a Christian who can't tolerate to hear criticism of his fairytales, because his faith isn't quite as firm as he'd have us believe.
  2. Interesting rationalization, common among all gamblers/addicts. I suppose you think you'll be able to make consistent profits 'one day'?
  3. Do you actually make money? Because most on here don't. I think it's something like 98%.
  4. Go kiss Donald Trump's @rsehole. Again.
  5. It's about time for me to hang my head and shame and get out of this before I lose even more money.
  6. Yep. Whipsaw time for the indices. This is when all the money is lost ...
  7. I'm impatient, overtrade, don't wait for my signals and ruin myself but even I wouldn't be trading on a one minute time frame. I really don't understand what can be gleamed from it. I suspect the only way one could is to be sat down with someone who does and watch them, and nobody likes being watched. I don't even like getting near other people, f*king hate them.
  8. Yeah I see it. Whipsawed 5 or 6 times before you get one good trend.
  9. Uh ... so keep buying even although prices won't go much higher for a while. Great advice.
  10. It's looking like the indices are going to take a huge sh!t today after a promising start the London open.
  11. Haha so that's what, almost three months and they haven't filled in the gaps in support personnel yet? Mein Gott!
  12. Well it's rising again now and I'm out. I shouldn't be trading counter-trend anyway. Silly fecker that I am.
  13. I'm looking to sell ... but very open to buying too
  14. Are you looking to go short on rallies, Tom Bombadil? 🤔
  15. dmedin


    Bearish engulfing
  16. Sell in June and emigrate to the Moon?
  17. Oh for heaven's sake ... now silver is at it too
  18. Oh dear. Getting f*ked really hard.
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