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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Looks like everything completed turned around on Monday (dollar down, oil up, indices up), the Goldman Sachs banshee was right, buy the dips and don't short sell!
  2. Still amazes me how some people find that useful. I have tried to understand it and it just confuses me and makes me want to give up.
  3. I wonder if silver is about to hoist down its breeks 🤯
  4. dmedin


    Well really, the problem was that I got in too late.
  5. dmedin


    It took a massive f*king dump, stopping me out, then proceeded to rise again. Like I've said for ages on this forum now, it's far better to buy a call option if you're long-term bullish on a stock and don't want to buy it outright. But IG make it really f*king difficult to do so.
  6. What a sweet surprise, oil is on the rise 😘
  7. And? You obviously keep the good stuff (that makes you profitable 1700 out of 1900 times) to yourself
  8. Four consecutive flat dojis, wtf ... Maybe this is one those penny stocks you ought to avoid ...
  9. Could still be in with a chance, Peregrin Took. I lowered my stop loss
  10. After brief pause to catch its breath, onwards it goes 😮
  11. Wait for a test of the trendline on hourly right? Or a test of the trendline as a support on 4 hours. 🤔
  12. The same market viewed from three angles. Daily: possibility of a hammer which implies price goes sideways or up from here. Four hours: still in an uptrend. Hourly: in a downtrend.
  13. If it looks like a long on 4 hours and a short on 1hr or 30 mins then that's confusing
  14. Hourly chart paints the opposite picture
  15. What impact will BLM stuff have on markets? 🤔
  16. Wonder what rah-rah born-with-silver-spoon-in-mouth public schoolboy BoJo's 'commission' will make of his remarks on 'pickaninnies' and other racial slurs? https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-minneapolis-police-protests-britain-j/johnson-to-launch-cross-government-commission-on-racism-idUKKBN23L0T4
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