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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. You need a full training course before MT4 is even remotely understandable.
  2. Ooh Patricia, Veronica, Eileen and Samwise Gamgee - is it time to go long? 😍
  3. That's clearly the most sensible way to do it, but nobody is going to earn their daily bread from day charts. Why not just admit that you built up enough 'reserves' over 15 years as a highly-paid FSI person to get to the point where trading it just icing on the cake for you? H3ll, you probably aren't even trading - swing trading at best - investing is more like it, yes? Like that Anton Kreil who teaches people how to hedge their portfolio so that they can make 8% a year - f*king peanuts for anyone who isn't already filthy stinking rich.
  4. If you want to trade for a living you're going to have to serve somebody (Bob Dylan song, love that guy) You ain't gonna be setting up at home with your $20,000 of savings and turning it into $5 million in five years. Your going to be sat down in a prop trading firm office, and you're going to be dancing to some rich t0sser's tune - day in and day out, 12 hours a day for the rest of your life. Enjoy!
  5. Great practice for budding traders then eh
  6. Bummer. I went to bed early on Friday because I was so fking depressed and coudln't stand it any more.
  7. They must have made a few quid yah 🤓
  8. Old doddery-head-man-baby will remind us all how wonderful and strong he is and what a great fking job he's doing 🤣
  9. All of the indices are now pulling down their knickers and squeezing out a huge stinky t^rd. How anyone can make money in the markets is beyond me.
  10. The ironic thing is that Thomas probably doesn't get paid very much.
  11. Why would you use the IG app on a Chinese Communist spying device?
  12. The third tweet to be flagged started as a message of support for the governor of Minnesota, where there have been three days of violent protests over the death of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man who pleaded for air as a white police officer kneeled on his neck. Trump added at the end of his tweet, “Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” https://www.barchart.com/story/news/4964643/twitter-adds-glorifying-violence-warning-to-trump-tweet What a fking scmbag ...
  13. 'Twitter has added a warning to one of President Donald J. Trump's tweets about protests in Minneapolis, saying it violated the platform's rules about “glorifying violence.”' Hahaha Worth it just to wind the big baby up. What a ****.
  14. Surprised he has time to take away from Twitter and his temper tantrums to talk about something serious. He's a real piece of sh!t.
  15. Also, I've still idea what 'tick volume' represents. Is it activity on IG's platform only? And why can't tick volume be included in PRT charts? The old chartists emphasized volume very heavily but almost nobody bothers with it nowadays.
  16. Day ended on a Debbie Downer.
  17. Seems to be the normal in the UK at least. No sooner did lockdown begin than just about every company in the UK told customers not to bother calling them any more.
  18. The Youtube videos by TradingRush are very useful in showing you how to test a strategy without having to learn programming.
  19. No. PRT is clunky software. Has a distinctly 90s vibe about it.
  20. Oh it needs some patience all right. It's just about impossible to watch charts all day and resist the temptation to make some bad trades. I could consign myself to looking at the daily and four hour charts two or three times a day. In that case I need to learn some other skill to ensure I don't go into middle age qualified only to flip burgers.
  21. I'm stuck in a shitty IT job, 38 years old, falling behind in skills etc - I can't really afford to spend another five years 'practicing' trading. If I don't learn marketable skills pronto I'm f*ked. Trouble is I hate the IT stuff, I really f*king detest it. Well anyway, I'm fked and that's nobody else's problem
  22. The last good 'buy' signal for the market below came on May 14th, when MACD crossed above zero close to the 200 SMA slope. That was 14 days ago. If you have the patience to sit and wait fourteen or more days for a reliable signal then maybe it's for you. Most of us will lose everything and more from trying to trade every day, or almost every day, which just decimates your capital. Hence 'day trading' - trying to make at least £150 - 300 EVERY DAY - it's just fking ridiculous and a c*ntish pipe dream.
  23. It's as close to impossible as earning a living from blackjack or playing roulette, good luck.
  24. Most people can't, just like most people cannot become doctors or lawyers. Real life is sh!t.
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