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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. dmedin


    Zut alors, Peregrin Took! 🐮
  2. dmedin


    Then again, all the indices are up so why wouldn't the stocks be
  3. dmedin


    Sorry, I never got alerted to your reply. It's built up momentum and odds are that it will go higher from that point. Here I am with benefit of hindsight:
  4. Purely on technicals, Price > 5 SMA > 20 SMA, RSI > 50 Bullish candles, gap higher etc.
  5. The only thing about DFB is you get charged daily interest whether you're long or short (it's a little hidden-away fee) and it can add up.
  6. If you lose money on CFDs you can pay less tax on any other investments you have.
  7. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-tui/tui-strikes-compensation-deal-with-boeing-delays-737-max-orders-idUKKBN23A0OR
  8. Nikkei has a window to close, up to the 88.6% 😻
  9. Got pinged out of PRT again. It's becoming pretty unreliable
  10. dmedin


    It's always delightful to find a nice bottom
  11. dmedin


    Looked like a good call, you found the bottom
  12. Got an update to PRT last night. Woo hoo! But it was just a patch to version 10.3
  13. They did make a good call on copper
  14. dmedin

    Buy BP?

    Does BP have a big pee pee?
  15. lol it's not the charges that's killing you
  16. lol it is truly awful, I stopped watching it a long time ago.
  17. Gold and silver both sh@t the bed last night
  18. Gaps higher on increased volume, buy!
  19. It's a chance to skive, sit outside in the sun, drink and smoke through the day. Nothing wrong with that and all people deserve to have a good life. If everyone worried about the future, no one would have children.
  20. Nobody is working in the UK any more. Can't even get a plumber in.
  21. So you're a big man, you make lots of money and you're very clever. Good for you, congratulations and good luck. No one's even reading your junk never mind 'stealing' it. Cretin.
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