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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. And what you'll find is that is an infuriating way to trade stocks because you will inevitably get stopped out by price spikes, situations where the price drops to a ridiculous low (or gaps low) before immediately turning again. As a bare minimum you should only trade individual stocks using a futures contract and have an extremely loose and distant stop. Don't bother shorting any big-cap stocks. Buy call options if you can. But best of all buy real shares so you can get dividends too. Buy and hold is the only method that has any realistic chance of success with stocks.
  2. Most 'screeners' have a fee attached. Why give away the good stuff for free, eh Neil Woodford/Hargreaves Lansdown ...
  3. Producers are hedging against price rises, usually a good sign that price is expected to keep rising?
  4. You need to install the Iced Tea Java package. Do an apt search icedtea-web
  5. It's called 'priming the pump', a big selloff in anticipation of benefiting from a lengthy rally.
  6. Heck, I've got a plan after all. I'm going to sell everything I have and go to Vegas - bet it all on the throw of the dice. But before I throw the dice I'll ask (pay) the prettiest lady in the room to kiss my dice for good luck. 😘
  7. Go long? You lose. Go short? You lose. Have fun!
  8. You forgot to mention the 'technical' analyst's NUMBER ONE TOOL. HINDSIGHT.
  9. TA is like a broken clock. It's hopelessly wrong almost all of the time, but on precisely two moments a day it is perfectly correct. This is why the two most important elements of trading are timing and position sizing (there are only very certain times that you will be right, and you should never bet too much since the chances are heavily against you most of the time). As for my continuing involvement, it's a sunken cost fallacy. I can't believe I was fooled hook, line and sinker by such a silly and hopeless proposition. I suppose I still do believe I can make something of it. No doubt there is a high correlation between mental illness and trading/gambling addiction!
  10. As a trader all you can do is be glad you haven't lost all your money ... it's a mug's game. Sadly we are all where the system wants us to be - wage slaves and debt slaves till we die
  11. I have to be honest and admit that I tried my hand at shorting the indices, lost money again. TA is so much fun
  12. What does your 'technical analysis' tell you? What invaluable insights does that German guy reveal with his price technique 'secrets'? Surely all the answers are right there if only you look close enough.
  13. In other words, it's as good as random and any kind of TA is completely hopeless at explaining the situation until after it's happened (the hindsight thing that all good TA videos warn you about for 2 - 10 seconds at the start). Maybe a buy and hold approach would be best, using a cost-averaging technique to drip-feed funds in?
  14. All demonstrated with the benefit of hindsight ...
  15. True enough and 15,000 job losses in a country of 80+ million people is a drop in the ocean. I'm sure gutting out stable middle-class jobs and replacing them with insecure, lowly-paid 'zero hours' type contracts will make for a really healthy future society though.
  16. Pete 'I have got down on my knees for 40 billionaires so far' Booty Judge? Not a chance in hell
  17. Massive job losses may not necessarily impact the stock market, because the rich are backed by unlimited free money from the central banks, and they don't give a sh!t how many ordinary working people lose their livelihoods so long as asset prices keep appreciating. At some point though I'm sure the underlying weaknesses of the 'real' economy will become impossible to ignore, and yet another immanent contradiction of capitalism will create another crisis. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-daimler-layoffs/daimler-to-cut-15000-jobs-as-cost-cuts-intensify-handelsblatt-idUKKBN2030N9
  18. Wherever you see the words 'where money is made' you should also add 'and where the most money is lost'. There's a high correlation between certain pairs and I don't see any particular reason why you should 'expect' to make more money trading GPB/JPY than GPB/USD, a priori
  19. To be fair, it's long past time for some income redistribution and Bernie Sanders is the guy to do it. You know that old saying, if one person wins all the money at the casino the games stop. So he has to give some money away in order to get the games going again. America needs another 'New deal' and this time it will be focused on green energy, reskilling the labour force, letting everyone who wants to own their own home, and building top-quality public transportation links between the big American cities - just like China has already done in record time.
  20. I could tell you my story and you could learn what not to do based on that.
  21. It'll take me several years to win back what I've lost from SB if I'm lucky, but I recouped all my losses on S&P 500 ETF within 12 months and would have made big profit if I hadn't sold off.
  22. It will come all the way down to below 12700 - one to short next week 😱
  23. That's true. A buy-and-hold S&P 500 ETF on the other hand would have done the trick nicely over the last two years. One could even have made drawdowns far less painful by 'averaging' money in every month rather than investing in single, larger one-offs.
  24. Wee bit of downward movement building up now, Samwise Gamgee? 🤔
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