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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. 🤔 Interesting ... surely there's better potential in buying & selling
  2. How are you managing to trade something that's so unstable?
  3. Looking for a nice wee bouncy-bouncy off a Fib/support level and/or the EMA.
  4. Maybe the **** bags have finally cottoned on to the fact that next time they crash the economy with their greed they won't get bailed out ...
  5. Not sure if this is relevant to this particular thread but it's very funny, 'The ultimate goal is to sell the most sophisticated product to the least sophisticated client.'
  6. Caw canny now, my bonnie loon. 🐮
  7. There are charges for leaving positions open overnight unless you have opened a 'future' as opposed to a 'cash', and in that case you get hit with a larger spread instead.
  8. Breaking on through now, Samantha 😻
  9. To me it looks like 'socialism for the rich', while the people get austerity the markets get unlimited amounts of free cash created out of thin air. 🧐
  10. What's this, Reuters talking down big stock market gains because Trump is boasting about them? While pensions and retirement funds were lifted by the rise in stock markets, the president has avoided talking about one key point about who really benefits when the market rallies: Most of the gains go to the small portion of Americans who are already rich. That’s because 84% of stocks owned by U.S. households are held by the wealthiest 10% of Americans, according to an analysis of 2016 Federal Reserve data by Edward Wolff, an economics professor at New York University. So when the stock market has a blockbuster year - such as the nearly 30% rise in the S&P 500 benchmark index in 2019 - the payoff primarily goes to people who are already rich. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trump-speech-stocks-analysis/trump-touts-stock-markets-record-run-but-who-benefits-idUKKBN1ZZ1AT
  11. The patient is nearly back to full health already 😮
  12. dmedin


    Could you say no to a face like that? Good luck!
  13. I think a lot of IG's clients came to trading because it is possible to do it all online, only people from the older generation like to use the phone.
  14. Not a failure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Deal
  15. Made a nice wee bouncy-bouncy off a Fibo support and volume picking up 🐮
  16. He's got a plan ... tax a wee bit of Elon's trillions and use it to build, you know, useful stuff for ordinary people
  17. Yesterday was great but still not out of the woods 🤔
  18. Bernie Sanders for President 🇺🇸
  19. Big move up, big move down. Going sideways. Precisely the kind of market that causes the most losses. Horrible.
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