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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Another crappy day with no action.
  2. Buuuuuuuuuy the dips! There's no alternative! No wonder so many people never short ...
  3. dmedin


    Guess what the strategy will be after prices fall for a bit https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-tesla-stock-investors/teslas-surge-inspires-fans-to-buy-sceptics-to-dig-in-drives-fear-of-missing-out-idUKKBN2010JC
  4. dmedin


    Ten years of stock market gains for the bulls ... almost makes you wonder if perhaps buy-and-hold people have the right idea, and that 'trading' is a very unprofitable thing to do?
  5. The tone at Reuters has certainly shifted now that oil prices are still falling. Interesting psychology. (Reuters must have a vested interest in rising oil prices because it's obsessed with oil.) Now it is very negative sounding on the stock market and it's even running articles about how stock market gains mainly go to the very rich. Marxists!
  6. Both of those men have to work to keep their fortunes up because they have so much money invested in stock markets. Bill Gates is bosom-buddies with Warren Buffet and trusts him to manage all of his money. Neither of them would **** on someone if they were on fire. Helping others is the last thing that ever came across any of those men's minds. They are pure psychopaths.
  7. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-health-markets/from-black-swan-to-bubble-as-virus-concerns-fade-investors-worry-about-a-melt-up-idUKKBN2010K0 A nice wee bit of in and out is good for you Just make sure to take precautions
  8. So no action till 13:30, boring 🤠
  9. dmedin


    Seems like often the best strategy in trading is - not to trade. 🧐
  10. So ... the house holds the winning hand ... again ...
  11. Okay then, I'll buy if it breaks above 3500 🤪
  12. Same thing happened to me with JD Sports. You think it's too good to be true, and you are afraid of buying at the top, but the price just keeps rising and rising. It's too expensive anyway.
  13. Buy and holding now bonnie loon 🐮🤓
  14. Looks like another slow and sh!tty day of going nowhere
  15. The buyers are winning I think!
  16. It might have based at 400, and the MAs are slowly reversing course, but there's no point buying and holding as you have to pay overnight fees. Totally useless index
  17. Tabitha, the mattress is bending.
  18. 🧐 Not really going anywhere just now.
  19. So I bid adieu to the cannabis index, it looks like it will be moving sideways for a long time now. I really missed out on a chance to short it but who is enthusiastic to break into a new index tracker by short-selling it? Vast majority of people are buyers in an exciting new market and want the price to rise. And they all got sh@fted. And so did I.
  20. What? Follow the trend, and it happens to be up (buying) right now
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