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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Can you copy and paste in plain text so that it does not veer off to the far right of the screen?
  2. Happy to be wrong but not to be wrong AND lose money. 100% of the GBP rise was captured by the big boys, retail clients were literally locked out of the market and it was over in minutes. So you're telling me the institutions really thought Boris Johnson would stretch out Brexit for years to come and the massive **** selloff is simply the astonished, naieve reaction of good-natured traders? And not some kind of massive bull trap designed to screw people over?
  3. What kind of trader am I? A sh!t one.
  4. Very high employment means lots of people with cr@p jobs. Basically it just means that nobody (government or business) is investing in productive assets, because that entails a long-term commitment whereas a spiv can be laid off with a month's notice. As soon as the masters of international finance call in their chips, these jobs will be the first to go along with waves of house repossessions.
  5. Again, I'm not stupid enough to believe that either. The Tories are a nest of pure unadulterated skum.
  6. Not sure what you are curious about here. Fairly sure you're trying to make a point of some kind, but phrasing it in some kind of neutral language.
  7. The notion that institutions don't try to **** over little people is just stupid. Most people couch it in more neutral language, that's all. Apropos from Reuters: Anyone who thought that is a total **** moron and I don't believe the big institutions (who, alone, move the market) believed it.
  8. Boris 'There will be no extension' Johnson is a lying sack of sh!t, and nobody is stupid enough to believe anything he says, so I can only conclude that the suits in London are doing what they do best - bending others over a barrel and going in dry.
  9. TA revealed that GBP would dramatically reverse more than 100% of its gains when the fundamental situation is completely unchanged?
  10. GBP collapsing - fundamental situation identical to election night. Why are retail traders even allowed to bet on such heavily manipulated/rigged markets? Can anyone show me any kind of TA that actually works in forex?
  11. Because retail **** are supposed to fight over the crumbs, not get in on the real action.
  12. Nope! It definitely was a fakeout. Until ... not. Imagine some poor **** trying to trade this ****
  13. Gap filled ... maybe further to fall? Just goes to show how untradable these things really are.
  14. Or 'sell and hold', like I should have done back in August with Boeing.
  15. This is the obverse of the medal. I should have put my short on back in August with a stop above the ATH and let it run. See? All it would have taken is to use a future-dated contract, and that would have dealt with the overnight funding/dividend cr@p. Sometimes it's just better to hold on to a position for a while. 'Let it brew.' Lesson learned.
  16. Well, since you asked I'll tell you what I think. Before I even consider going long on this again I want to see a higher high (break above 516). I'll probably then want to see a lower low and then a break above the 50 SMA, with the slope of the 50 SMA turning upwards. Considering how disastrously bad this index has performed over the last year, even then it won't be for certain.
  17. How much time/effort do you put into this? Does it beat buying and holding?
  18. Zut alors, the Footsie has done rather well today. (The FTSE 250 gapped higher like a mofo, though!)
  19. dmedin


    More bad news! Would love to see that bottom of 38p tested. A nice firm bottom would make go long.
  20. Outlook cut to negative after it's said to plan halting 737 Max production 😮 😮 😮 Could be the start of a big-**** drop:
  21. Well it was just a wee teaser, to shake out the fainthearted. Now, back down it goes!
  22. Data coming in a this point is old news as it predates Trump's 'amazing deal' (Trump will singlehandedly grow the entire world economy for years to come). So it's safe to ignore anything negative
  23. The entire FTSE 250 is boosted by a stronger pound, so I doubt the wisdom of picking out individual stocks (a rising tide lifts all boats). Then again it's cheaper to get leverage on Greggs than the entire FTSE 250 index. But yes, buy and hold. Only way to avoid these horrible 'sudden swings'. Or buy call options, if you can.
  24. Buy and hold is clearly the only strategy that works in cases like this. Ignore the short-term spikes up and down.
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