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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I guess the 'technicals' didn't confirm USD bearishness after all. But then again, do the 'technicals' ever confirm anything? (Unless it's to 'confirm' something that's already happened, LOL)
  2. Will watch this when I get home, hope this guy covers the Fibonacci extension ratios as they are about the only thing in EWP that are actually useful for trading (as opposed to teaching/providing 'analysis')
  3. I've read his book and I know he spends most of his time in salaried employment (writing books and training people) so I know where he really gets his money from. I've long ago given up on the idea of 'making a living' from 'day trading', my sole goal is to do better than sticking my savings in a 2% savings account, but the ONE AND ONLY method that has even a remote chance is sticking funds in a broadly diversified ETF and LEAVING IT ALONE. (Better yet, paying off the mortgage and spending the rest on having a good time before I die ...) Active trading is risky, just like running a business, but the similarities end there. Unless you want to tell me that taking your cash to Vegas is like running a business as well.
  4. If people did that, they would 'learn' that trading is a waste of time and do something more productive with their time than gamble using methods that cause 95 - 99% of people to lose money.
  5. I think a book dedicated to showing how cr@p TA in general is, from the perspective of someone who has done it, would generate some interest. But it's far easier to make money from just selling people 'number one strategies' and 'winning formulas' instead. Just put some videos up on Youtube and you'll draw in all the credulous punters. You can cherry-pick chart patterns with the benefit of hindsight and say 'Look, if you'd done this at that point you'd have been rich by now!'
  6. lol! They are going to try and smear Sanders in the same way they did Corbyn.
  7. Bernard Sanders for President!!! The indices seem to be forming a wedge, so expecting a pullback soon.
  8. Russell 2000 is doing fantastic just now.
  9. You're right and I have nobody to blame but myself - Boeing is just 'too big to fail'. Should never short the big U.S. equities if you're just retail pond life ****. Will get burned EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  10. Boeing storming back up again, going to fill that gap? Another one that's totally unpredictable and untradable using TA ...
  11. Completely adrift at the moment ... nothing seems to be working, TA is utterly hopeless (including those pivot points, as they swing up and down without rhyme or reason) and the markets driven entirely by big institutions manipulating things ... once again beginning to think retail clients are stupid for taking part in this. I certainly am.
  12. Not worth buying and holding it then. But thanks for that useful info.
  13. Hi @CharlotteIG, do we pay interest on holding a long gold DFB overnight? I can't remember.
  14. Why is the volume bar green on a red candle stick period? Still not sold on this method.
  15. From what I can see on the daily time frame gold is really going nowhere, and IG don't offer the option to buy and hold (the only future is Feb 2020, and I doubt we'll get the eventual breakout before then). Maybe put some funds in a gold-tracking ETF?
  16. BoJo is the true champion of the working class: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-johnson-davos/pm-johnson-bans-ministers-from-attending-davos-source-idUKKBN1YL2F9?il=0 😅 😅 😅
  17. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-column-russell-commodities-2020/column-commodities-2020-trump-china-bring-deja-vu-all-over-again-idUKKBN1YL0RR
  18. Here we go again ... let's all look forward to 12 more months of the same ... https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-commission/britain-stands-to-lose-more-than-eu-from-lack-of-trade-deal-by-end-2020-eu-idUKKBN1YM0ZI
  19. @Caseynotes Not sure how to trade FTSE 100 stocks right now. Could just be the influence of the GBP shenanigans.
  20. Donald J. Trump has singlehandedly negotiated a REALLY GREAT DEAL that will make everyone SO HAPPY.
  21. LOL Okay my advice is, don't do day trading. Try investing first. There you go.
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