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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. This will help to remind people of the highly anti-democratic nature of the international financial system, and that the international financier can manufacture a crisis as quickly in America or Britain as he can in Venezuela. Will be interesting to see how the 99.99% react when the 0.01% throw a temper tantrum when asked to pay a little bit more tax on their multi-billion fortunes.
  2. Three hours is more than enough for me ...
  3. Looks like the completion of a complex H&S (one which has double-headed shoulders), look to short USD versus the various pairs or the dollar index itself (not sure why you would as it requires more leverage, has a higher minimum bet size and a wider spread...).
  4. Looking for 412 to hold as a bottom, otherwise, good lord - can this really fall another couple hundred points or more?
  5. Fanciful but worthwhile article from Reuters ... https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-markets-outlook-2030-analysis/recession-robots-and-rockets-another-roaring-20s-for-world-markets-idUKKBN1YV0QZ Universal basic income? I think it's more likely people will be forced to work on precarious contracts for very low wages. Especially now that Britain will become 'Singapore on steroids' and have a great bonfire of 'red tape' such as human rights, environmental protections and rights for workers (which do nothing but stop companies being efficient and profitable - bah! Humbug!)
  6. Looks like crude will take a wee wander back down again, buy the dips my bonnie loons 🥳
  7. Wee pullback happening just now. Buy the dips, Mr Chips!
  8. All the big financial companies in the world should be knocking at his door and offering him a salary in the billions then, if he can make 1000%+++ returns with such ease and so consistently. He would literally be able to flood the entire world with money singlehandedly if he could use BlackRock, Goldman Sachs etc capital to trade with. We can all be gazillionaires if we subscribe to his channel and make the same trades as him - ****! World poverty solved. Is he Je-sus?
  9. No pullback yet. Nice and juicy thus far 😘
  10. Zut alors, Geraldine? 🤔🐮
  11. IG is fine, I have set up accounts with others but never actually traded with them yet. I get bad vibes from Oanda (probably because it's NYC based, and Americans are very pushy and aggressive) and besides their web platform is confusing. There are others but inertia has set in for me, at least until the next big platform cockup.
  12. dmedin


    Victoria Scholar did a good video on Tesla recently, I don't see any way to share the link to it though (it's in the platform). She even discussed volume, the first time I've ever seen someone from IG or DailyFX talk about volume. Good lord, they will be discussing open interest, Commitments of Traders and all sorts of other sensible things before you know it
  13. Silver & gold taking off and oil too - the major indices look like they are hovering in preparation in for a retracement 🤔
  14. A gold and silver Christmas 2019? 🤔
  15. Confluence of factors here suggesting there will be a pullback soon - get ready to buy the dip 🐮
  16. Yet another share that would have richly rewarded the cautious, patient, buy-and-hold approach at or near the bottom. Seems like a bit of a theme with stocks?
  17. Russell 2000 is a good index to watch and trade on in 2020
  18. What's going on with silver? 🤔 https://www.ig.com/uk/news-and-trade-ideas/gold-and-silver-long-bias-at-the-extremes--oil-sentiment-shifts-191111
  19. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-weekahead/wall-street-week-ahead-history-suggests-rally-may-slow-for-u-s-stocks-in-20-idUKKBN1YO1C1
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