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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Well, it has hit the bottom and started climbing back.
  2. After a year I now know enough to be able to say that SB isn't for fools, but active trading per se certainly is.
  3. Interesting, but active trading still isn't appropriate for 95% of the population ... This will bring in lots of new people who will lose lots of money.
  4. This is one of those comical times when people contradict themselves every day. Josh's 'trade of the week' was short gold, one day later it's long. Just goes to show how little use technical analysis is when there is no clear trend in the market and when you're trying to spot 'patterns' in extremely short-range charts with arbitrary points of S/R. He is also 'predicting' that the indices will have a deep retracement, so let's see what's being said this time tomorrow.
  5. The Clintons are evil and corrupt and so is Trump ... and so was Bush ... the point is, Trump is just another cheek of the same ****.
  6. He was only less awful than Hillary, but he's still an evil ****.
  7. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-germany-economy-trade-exclusive/exclusive-german-exports-to-united-states-jump-despite-trade-tensions-idUKKBN1XV0VG
  8. The media said Hillary would win by a landslide. (She got the most votes and still lost lol)
  9. I think Mercury means a personal ignore list that many other forums have. Each member manages their own ignore list.
  10. I wonder how useful those bitcoins will be when the apocalypse comes and the internet connection goes off.
  11. Apropos of 'crazed communist schemes', the OECD blames governments for not being active enough: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-oecd-economy/oecd-sees-global-growth-at-decade-low-blames-governments-indecision-idUKKBN1XV12Z
  12. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-election-labour/ready-for-change-britains-labour-unveils-radical-manifesto-idUKKBN1XU2RD The only thing missing from Labour's fully Marxist manifesto is price controls - something which the Conservatives have already introduced with the energy price cap
  13. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trade-china-timing/phase-one-u-s-china-trade-deal-may-not-be-completed-this-year-trade-sources-idUKKBN1XU2C9 Trump is too busy dealing with scandals at home ...
  14. Big drop happening ... Damning evidence against Trump - he is going to resign or else be impeached. TRUMP IS FINISHED.
  15. Options are a great middle ground between shares and SB/CFD, because OTOH you don't get stopped out and can hang on to your position till the end, and OTOH you can still trade on leverage without owning anything. Would love to see more instruments covered on the web platform, including individual stocks.
  16. I am trading, have been for about a year. I've got a UK account yes. When you set up an account with a UK broker now you have to provide a National Insurance number, I don't remember having to do that last year.
  17. A demo account should work the same as live, otherwise it is misleading.
  18. @CharlotteIG Apropos of RTP 11, are you able to confirm if it will be able to show 'tick volume'? As currently there are many instruments in PRT that don't display volume, such as FX.
  19. We're seeing a proper pullback now. View it as an opportunity to get back in later at a better price.
  20. I imagine that's because 75% lose money haha.
  21. Suppose you'd bought shares in an S&P 500-tracking ETF and left it for three years. The value of your shares would have increased and you'd have extra money in the form of quarterly dividends. And that's without doing any work at all (except perhaps reinvesting your dividends twice a year). The question I often ask myself is, will three years of trading perform as well or better? Because if it can't, then what's the point in doing it?
  22. Can you set up two accounts, one in Australia and the other in the UK?
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