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I can't be the only one again having problems with this platform?


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Nothing is loading.  Not even IG itself.  Everything else is fine.  If they DO load, they've defaulted AGAIN, but charts won't load.

WTF is going on now?

Don't tell me....It's my end!!  

Have I called?  ****....Why would I do that?  to be ignored.   To tell me to check my internet?  

Why the hell am I still here???????

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1 minute ago, dmedin said:

From my memory of the last year, this has happened each time the U.S. indices made a big downward movement at the open.  Coincidence :P 

Several countries already officially in Recession.  this could be the big one.  Get your bags ready............If you can access the **** charts that is!

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I've had the same issues yesterday the charts would not load on my recent trade list or my live trade on Wall Street i was in I was trading blind im not happy platform seems flaky or something else IG might be doing on purpose  makes me think that!!! but also what I have been having issues with is when I put a trade on it dont show up in my trades column but if you look at my funds it states I'm in a trade ive closed the app logged back dont make a difference then it appears 2-3mins later. Ive also noticed that the pairs that I trade regularly on charts seem alot longer to open than me opening a pair that I don't trade on do anyone have these issues also??

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Hi if any one working with computors are using them for other actions as well as IG trading i would recommend that you use a computor for that alone, if you consider the info that comes throught IG is massive you have the  power to trade the worlds countrys.I made this error as problems with the platform was due to the settings on the computor needed to be reset due to buildup of junk cookes upseting the platform such as not able to place stops or limits, if you work with google crome go to the site and select settings and re set or phone IG tec and ask for help. If you do use your laptop/ etc for everything else i think you are at risk in times of high activity on the platform. 


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5 minutes ago, TGSDMR said:

Hi if any one working with computors are using them for other actions as well as IG trading i would recommend that you use a computor for that alone, if you consider the info that comes throught IG is massive you have the  power to trade the worlds countrys.I made this error as problems with the platform was due to the settings on the computor needed to be reset due to buildup of junk cookes upseting the platform such as not able to place stops or limits, if you work with google crome go to the site and select settings and re set or phone IG tec and ask for help. If you do use your laptop/ etc for everything else i think you are at risk in times of high activity on the platform. 


or on a mobile phone with next to no signal.

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The platform went off specifically between 14:30 and 15:00, a perfect time to stop people from taking new short positions while the U.S. indices tanked.  Exactly the same as happened in March, but in March the platform was worse because the downward move was bigger :)

Edited by dmedin
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Yes felt the same way about IG when first trading always distrusting, always at a loss more than gain and i do beleave there is scull gugary in the world of trading but it comes through the markets not IG there is no point for IG to do anything for you to fail they want you to be successfull and make money and keep you as a client long term, the hard lesson we all have to learn is a time to trade and a time to stand aside. so i had to asks myself the question is it all there doing or do I share some responsibility why  I loose more than gain I had a reailty check up from the neck up and started to embrace what i had before me warts & all. However I do believe that you have had a WALL ST. mugging

Respectfully yours

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This isn't a threat, it's simply a mission statement.  I'm looking for a new broker and platform.  This is a joke!  I've lost almost a 1/4 of my capital to platform issues over the last 18 months.  I've another thread open asking why I can't remove my Limit from my open position.

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On 09/09/2020 at 11:57, TGSDMR said:

Hi if any one working with computors are using them for other actions as well as IG trading i would recommend that you use a computor for that alone, if you consider the info that comes throught IG is massive you have the  power to trade the worlds countrys.I made this error as problems with the platform was due to the settings on the computor needed to be reset due to buildup of junk cookes upseting the platform such as not able to place stops or limits, if you work with google crome go to the site and select settings and re set or phone IG tec and ask for help. If you do use your laptop/ etc for everything else i think you are at risk in times of high activity on the platform. 


I dare disagree, I have 1TB hard disk and 16 GB RAM SSD on laptop and only IG is running but still charts are not loading ...it's a problem on the platform for handling the volatility and volume ....

Edited by RANZ
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yes happened again to me also today, obviously platform still has issues.

Samsung note 10 using own data has the issue...

Samsung tablet on fibre has the issue also laptop 

so this tells me its not our hardware or internet as i have proved this above

might but common but this platform should be 100% as its our money that's at stake..

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what ever you do don't use microsoft edge with this platform, charts won't load! google chrome best, Just pointing out to new traders.I Think under the circumstances with the problems you have i would video all your trading actions as evidence before this blows up your account. you may need it  if the situation gets out of hand. 

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