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Time Cycles

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  • 1 month later...

We've got 7 trading days after todays session left until this TC arrives 

Markets getting nice and volatile in the build up to it - you will see that all the "rational reasoning" for the markets increased volatility around these key dates can be poo pooed as we go forward because I'll publish the dates of the TC's well in advance, so that you can see the TC date published months/years in advance and then the "news" around it

This TC due 10th Feb is the EXACT same TC that arrived at the Dec 2018 low - is this significant? Well it's the same TC that's been present at lots of turns for the past 100 years and it was present at the March 6th LOW of 2009 too! Compared to the Feb 2020 TC this one is a tamer TC, but it does move things, this is the TC's 2nd Occurrence since the major TC commenced in Nov 2016

Whatever happens as traders we have a proven TC date very very close - we need to be prepared as we don't know the extent (IF ANY) of any reaction - but to not be alert to the date would be a crime 

ALREADY in the build up to this TC date the 2nd to LAST sentence (What I am attempting to do here......) from the post above is already true


Ignore the candlesticks they "squish" together to fit the chart layout

Kudos to WD GANN and BFC for their works in Time and Time Cycles

Disclaimer - Trade at your own risk and only if you understand a method 100% - THT will not be held responsible  for anyone's losses other than his own - posts for information purposes only

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  • 4 weeks later...

The one thing with the markets is although you can predict WHEN, you can't predict with consistent accuracy the PRICE LEVEL they will rise or fall to

As is proven in the post above WELL before the time and INADVANCE 

I'll do a more complete and fuller review following the next TC date of 4th June 2021

Reaction to the 4th June Date? This TC (Please note TC's of the SAME colour are linked - Different coloured TC's are well as the name suggests - different TC and different degrees) in the past has been very hit and miss, it should cause a reaction but how much and to what degree I can't say

The chart below is of the Nasdaq100 Index

So far the TC's have a 100% hit rate  - I don't want to publish next years chart before 4th June TC has been and gone, as it will mess up the sequence of the thread - to prove that there is no fudging the dates - the 1 and only TC for 2022 is due on and around 4th April (you can compare the dates shown when I publish that chart after June this year to prove no foul play)


Kudos to WD GANN and BFC for their works on Time and Time Cycles

Disclaimer - Trade at your own risk and only if you understand a method 100% - THT will not be held responsible  for anyone's losses other than his own - posts for information purposes only

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The market can do A LOT  in the next few months until the next TC date - as a general basic rule of thumb if the market is falling into a TC then it should halt and rally, vice versa for a rising market into a TC as has been seen in the NASDAQ100 for the Feb 10th TC

Listen, any fool can make money from the markets (I was that fool for years lol), millions of them do so passively via buying and holding without a clue as to what is going on in the markets, so you don't need to understand or know anything about TC's at all to be successful in the markets - the purpose of this thread is to SHOW you the markets are not random - it takes geniuses to work out how to time them - Hats off as always to WD GANN  and BFC for publishing works that led me down this road


OK so lets look at the next TC due 4th June 2021

Look closely and you will SEE that the THICK BROWN date lines are the exact same as the BLUE TC date lines in the 1st chart posted in this thread - This IS the cycle that DRIVES the markets - it IS ABOSLUTELY responsible the UP/DOWN sequence of the market 

The THIN BROWN TC date lines for internally to the THICK BROWN date lines and they are HARMONICALLY structured - EVERY like for like cycle (down and down, UP and UP etc) will have a very similar FORM visually to all previous like for like cycles - its exactly why the nasdaq100 in 2000-2003 resembled the Dow from 1929-1932 (and onwards!) (same cycle repeating just in a different era)

So - we can see in the chart below their influence in the 1998-2016 cycle - this cycle tends to be fairly turbulent in DOWN major cycles, as the period 1998-2016 WAS a DOWN cycle, that cycle changed from down to UP as mentioned previously in Nov 2016

The Internals during an UP cycle as we are in I hesitate to say will not, so I'll say should not be as bad as in the Down cycles and that of 1998-2016, but they could cause significant turning points up or down

Remember right throughout an UP cycle the pullbacks and corrections will mostly be minor in the grand scheme of things and they will ALL be quickly and easily recovered, just as 2018 and the "big one" of Feb 2020!

I've been asked about 1987 - It's coming in the next few years - will post closer to the time, the dates have been on the chart below since 2015 and that's what the scrubbed out text on the chart mentions

You can pay thousands for bad middle of the road technical analysis none of which will show you any of this - I plan to publish all the key cycle dates going forward - there is the 1987 cycle to come, also look at the chart below, eyeball 1994 - imagine KNOWING that was going to be a massive acceleration turning point up into the highs before the whole major cycle stopped and turn downwards - well guess what, those points ONLY occur in an overall UP cycle and we've been in an UP cycle since Nov 2016! That SAME rally is going to happen all over again THIS DECADE


Disclaimer - Trade at your own risk and only if you understand a method 100% - THT will not be held responsible  for anyone's losses other than his own - posts for information purposes only

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Really enjoying your missives re market timing. Thank you for your continued diligence. Interesting and informative. Left field too, which is satisfying. Your understanding of the methods of WD Gann are profound, though suspect WDG adopted said methods rather than originally authored them. 

Btw, suspect Oil market will retrace from Monday/Tuesday, till 23rd March(ish) then resume it's bullish trend. 

Have a great weekend and look forward to your next update. 

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I was going to keep this thread specifically for the stock market, but I'll slip this one in for educational purposes - please note the cycles that form in the Stock market are different in times to the commodity markets 

Everyone that has NOT researched or looked at the markets properly will tell you that the markets are "Random", "It's Time in the Market, NOT Timing the market" etc etc.........BS

Right Let me explain: This is the CORN market (Soybean market is VERY VERY Similar)

Ultra basic cycle analysis - but shows WHY you should be looking back decades!

Within the Corn market there is a 4 year cycle

The BLUE circles show the 4 year cycles hitting LOWS every 4 years (not exact 4 yr periods!) AND

The PINK circles show the 4 year cycles hitting HIGHS every 4 years (not exact 4yr periods!)

As we can see this cycle hits every 4 years, there's a cycle of importance EVERY 2 years throughout this sequence = TRADING OPPORTUNITY!!!!!!!!

Now only if it were that simple! There is a slight fly in the ointment - the INVERSION points!

As you can see the INVERSIONS cam e in bang on time but instead of being a low or high they inverted to a high or low point!

You could still trade these - as all you have to do is identify what the market is doing in the run up to the date

For those of you that haven't worked it out, let me show you the opportunities:

  • Blue to Pink cycle period = 2 years - If Blue is a LOW, then prices are going UP for 2 years -that simple!
  • Pink to Blue cycle period = 2 years - If Pink is a HIGH, then prices are going DOWN for 2 years!
  • Notice the cycles are turn points - they do not have to be extreme high/low points - this is important

The Inversion points cause some issues and reverse things - but NOT precisely I'm afraid!

You should also note that 2018 to 2020 was a L-L cycle, 2018 + 4 years = 2022 AND as Pink 2020 Inversion was a LOW then we expect the 2 year cycle to BLUE will be in 2022 too, which fits with the pattern or 4 yr and 2 yr cycles syncing

The question is will BLUE 4 yr cycle be a LOW or an Inversion High point again?

Who cares - you can devise trading methods to trade either way! Look at the last PINK Inversion point, it was clear at the beginning of 2020 that is was going to be a LOW - In my How to Win thread, I've shown Gann's secondary reaction as an entry set-up, that formed!

Part of this game is KNOWING when in the future turns should happen - I'm showing you the stock markets in this thread, in this post I'm showing you another way to analyse markets


As usual don't trade if you can't form a logical trading decision, as you're responsible for your own trading results

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tale of 2 charts

We have non-conformance in the USA Indices BUT both are displaying corrective overlapping formations

SP500 is printing new highs and the Nasdaq is still trying to rally to prev highs

Most USA and "maybe" the UK Indices will conform to the Time Cycles at some "degree" (The nasdaq100 is THE chart to watch for the TC's)

As you will note in the thread above the Feb TC was pre-warned/forecast whatever you wish to call it - we've had a reaction as can be seen below - next TC is early June 

Again we should have some sort major or minor reaction to it in the days around it (although out of all the TC's this is the one in a overall major UP trend to react the LEAST badly) but all we can done is wait and see

The key is we are aware of the date in advance and ahead of 99.9% of all other traders out there!

Remember - the June TC is the harmonic of the BROWN TC lines in a chart shown above - the overall cycle in that chart shown above was a DOWN cycle - the cycle changed from DOWN to UP on the thick brown line of 2016 - so you can't compare like for like now (markets act differently in down and up overall cycles) 

I know what I am saying is forecasting the markets - I'll do a quick review in May as we'll have more price on the chart by then and it might be in a position to give further clues 



As usual don't trade if you can't form a logical trading decision, as you're responsible for your own trading results not me.

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On 12/03/2021 at 15:55, 786Trader said:

Really enjoying your missives re market timing. Thank you for your continued diligence. Interesting and informative. Left field too, which is satisfying. Your understanding of the methods of WD Gann are profound, though suspect WDG adopted said methods rather than originally authored them. 

Btw, suspect Oil market will retrace from Monday/Tuesday, till 23rd March(ish) then resume it's bullish trend. 

Have a great weekend and look forward to your next update. 

Well done on the retracement bit. What was your forecast based on? What trends did you spot?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 02/04/2021 at 12:58, Ikechukwu said:

Well done on the retracement bit. What was your forecast based on? What trends did you spot?

Technicals were all at their peak. Moving averages were due to cross and did. Trigger point. Normal retracement suggested 8-13% down trend, especially after such a sustained Bull run. Hedge Funds took their profits and freed up some cash while remaining Bullish in overall outlook.  Been on holiday from trading subsequent to retracement, as was knackered and had had a good couple of months, so figured it was better to chill out than burn out. Back on it now though and took some time to investigate likely algorithms for future trading strategies. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All

We are closing in to one month to go until the final Time Cycle of the year

Remember we have NO IDEA that it will work - it could be a mega volatility period or it just be a flat squib affair with an average correction

Context we have to remember IS - In 2016 the overall market changed from down to UP - TC's act and behave differently in EACH of the 2 types of Time Cycle!

As we can see the expected and published in advance TC date for Feb caused the USA market to stutter and stall

4th June is fast approaching.................Lets see if/what happens



This is the sequence for the 4th June TC

As you can see I first published the future dates way back in 2017 [yellow date section on the chart]

I applied the Time Cycle sequence/spacing from Sept 1998 as that was when the last UP cycle ended and the down cycle started - Other cycles [not shown] actually start and end the appropriate cycle

To see this scroll up to the very 1st chart posted in this thread - the RED and PINK TC's dates caused the top in 2000 and the 2015 LOW

As we can see knowing this TC we could have predicted the 2003 LOW and the 2007 HIGH before the plunge into 2009 (2009 could have been predicted by another cycle)

This particular cycle works best during the DOWN TC phases especially the 1st 2 occurrences of the cycle during that down cycle as can be evidenced below

I suppose if you take one thing away from this - its the end date of the UP cycle - if you've been paying attention, the RED Time Cycle in the 1st chart in this thread lands AFTER the thick BROWN TC line/date [but not by much] - so watch out for the ultimate TOP in that year!

For the record - the THICK Brown cycle lines = DENOTE the Time Cycle that CONTROLS and dominates the USA stock market - this is what causes the UP/DOWN 16-19 year stock market cycle - all other cycles shown sync into and within THIS cycle



As usual don't trade if you can't form a logical trading decision, as you're responsible for your own trading results not me.

Permission is not granted to replicate this post at all


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  • 1 month later...

Looks like it's a flat squib affair for the SP500 - I'm away early next week, but I'd give this until Tuesday (max 3 weeks after the physical date) to do something otherwise I'm marking it down as a failure

Which is not bad, out of all the TC's this one is the one to be most concerned won't work, especially during an UP Bullish major cycle, which is what we are in, but the expectation was for the market to react as per May 2012 as shown on the Internal cycle harmonic chart in the post directly above

So unless we get a 7%+ correction from the highs next week - I'll simply log this as failed - remember we trade the market NOT the Time Cycle 

The small correction into the actual date is NOT good enough to say that was it! - We should be able to see these corrections/upswings clearly on a monthly chart, which means they should be of significance

I'll hold off publishing the next Time Cycle just in case something happens next week

SP500 Index Daily Chart: data to Thursday 17th June 2021


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One thing we need to observe as time passes is price action from the TC date - you could "technically" say the TC worked if we get a sprawled out trading range from the TC date

I'm not classing it as that though - I'm ultra hard with the markets, it either works as expected or it gets logged as a failure - this series of TC's (the brown TC lines in the chart 2 posts above) in a 17 yr BULL cycle market don't work as well as the exact same ones in a 17 yr Bear cycle market

Remember not all these TC's work so you need to have trading strategies in place for trading them if they display characteristics that say it's here and happening and you need to have a strategy in place if it doesn't show up - I definitely don't trade these dates blind


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Here's the next Time Cycle date of significance:

4th April 2022

As you can see this is the first occurrence of this particular Time Cycle in this 17yr UP cycle market

So we won't know if its sync'd and relevant until it arrives - we've not got a cast iron 100% certain TC for a little while yet (there's only a couple of them in existence and they arrive at certain specific times)  


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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Ozquant said:

No Absolutes  as  previously stated , carry on  .  🤐

Oh you're one of those types

There are a couple of absolutes in trading - I never said this TC was one of them, in fact I said it was least likely to work out of all those I'll show - but some of them shown in charts above are absolutes so far to date in 227 years of stock market history with a 100% hit record

I'll give you credit for trying, as 10 years ago I was of the opinion there were no absolutes in this game too


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i'm one of "those types" too.. thinking there are "absolutes" in trading is dangerous.. a lot of hedge funds thought there was absolutely no way a rapidly-sinking dinosaur like Gamestop would hit even $20 - never mind $60... a few weeks later it was $350..

I didn't read a word of your original posts btw - nothing personal, i just don't consume trade ideas at all, anywhere.

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5 minutes ago, LloydB said:

i'm one of "those types" too.. thinking there are "absolutes" in trading is dangerous.. a lot of hedge funds thought there was absolutely no way a rapidly-sinking dinosaur like Gamestop would hit even $20 - never mind $60... a few weeks later it was $350..

I didn't read a word of your original posts btw - nothing personal, i just don't consume trade ideas at all, anywhere.

I know exactly what you are saying, unfortunately there's a huge number of you out there and always will be - If you can come to me and say listen I've read almost everything out there and tested it, then you cannot say there are or aren't any givens in trading, because I'm afraid there are a couple and that's because many years ago I actually spent years reading and testing most of what was out there - so my "absolutes" come with 1) research, 2) physical testing and 3) no guessing

Now I've not actually said what the absolutes are and I never will to a public forum, but when someone comes to me and says there are no absolutes in trading when I know that they are simply wrong, I will correct them

I have never listened to hedge funds, fund managers or business news since 2009

I don't take things personal - don't have the time or the patience for the drama - I had the exact same attitude years back, if you weren't a professional trader, trading your own money for a living then I wasn't interested a jolt what anyone said about the markets, because as 95% end up failing, their thoughts, opinions and posts are basically a load of tosh based on what they think, not what they know


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  • 3 months later...

The key to markets is TIMING - Its the part that 99% of traders out there want to know and understand - The Information is out there, I learnt it and found it - We'll never pick the exact top, low price or every swing, but we CAN pick ultra high probability turning points and price levels, within a bar or two of a swing high/low (proved that in my How To Win thread)

Now with timing there's a lot of stuff out there that works, but it does not really give us much use or confidence in applying/using and because we need to have a good idea of what the market is going to do - WE NEED that confidence from a method

Take this 1st chart below

This is the Dow Index - chart tells you everything you need to know - BUT, would we have been confident in trading this? In hindsight, it was perfect and shows that something is at work converting Time and Price or in this case Price into TIME

For me, I have much more confidence in using the cycles shown in the posts above and you can see from the charts above one of them had a date for FEB 2020

(If you monitor Price and Time points and convert into the opposite so Price as Time and Time as Price etc you will come across turning points and price points that comply - not all turns or levels though - SO you're back to your uncertainty level per trade) - Also you'll find Fibonacci ratios, numbers, time counts crop up too - If you're looking at Fibonacci then I would recommend that you also incorporate Natural ratios in there too (Natural rations are to do with the universe and the building blocks of life, such as the Square, Triangle and Circle - Square root 2 / 3 and 5, PI 3.14, Natural Logarithm figure etc) The BLUE Time Cycle  


What you need are points in either TIME or PRICE that have worked and have worked for DECADES 

As this is a TIME CYCLE thread, lets look at 1 of the many Time Cycles that operate in the markets:

This TC was published in the 1930's, nearly 100 years agoooooo and it still works today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It performs a little different depending on which market its placed in, as you'll see in the charts below

I've displayed the next hit of it too - it might be a damp squib of a move like the last hit, but it might not be

The EXACT SAME TIME CYCLE is placed onto different markets (confirm the dates) below so you can see the effect

For example, lets take the stock markets of SP500 and FTSE100 Indicies - In previous posts above there's a large Time Cycle due in FEB 2020, in my How to Win thread there's also a chart of this market bouncing from a 50% level, piecing all this together not only allowed you to short the market downwards but we also had a possible bounce zone along with a known Time Cycle that should force a market turn and bingo that is what in the end happened - confidence in cycles through well researched methods - selling the high would be a bit hard but I know for a fact shorting it down and buying the low at the 50% level was certainly possible because I did it

In the different markets below just look at the fixed time cycle dates shown and how the market reacts at or around them and think to yourself could I devise a trading method to exploit a turn up or down - Also this method works better on certain markets than others

Now you do NOT need to know about timing to win in the markets, the vast majority of Time Cycles don't really enhance you're trading, but some of them do and allow you to catch turns some of which can be minor, half decent or major in terms of profits

If you trade commodities then simply just take the dates and eyeball to see how it reacts on those markets (This TC was published for the WHEAT market, but as we can see it works to some degree on lots of markets)

This is another example of Gann's Law of Vibration in action and that markets are mathematical points of force 

If when reading this thread you do not think to yourself that other forces are at work not only in the markets but in your life then I've failed in the message

The main focus of this thread are the LARGER Time Cycles, but in between, occasionally I'll post little snippets of other cycles that not only work, but have worked for well over a hundred years with amazing accuracy  

Here's the SP500:


Here's the GOLD market


Here's EURUSD:


Here's GBPUSD:


and here's the FTSE100 Index:


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15 hours ago, THT said:

The key to markets is TIMING - Its the part that 99% of traders out there want to know and understand - The Information is out there, I learnt it and found it - We'll never pick the exact top, low price or every swing, but we CAN pick ultra high probability turning points and price levels, within a bar or two of a swing high/low (proved that in my How To Win thread)

Now with timing there's a lot of stuff out there that works, but it does not really give us much use or confidence in applying/using and because we need to have a good idea of what the market is going to do - WE NEED that confidence from a method

Take this 1st chart below

This is the Dow Index - chart tells you everything you need to know - BUT, would we have been confident in trading this? In hindsight, it was perfect and shows that something is at work converting Time and Price or in this case Price into TIME

For me, I have much more confidence in using the cycles shown in the posts above and you can see from the charts above one of them had a date for FEB 2020

(If you monitor Price and Time points and convert into the opposite so Price as Time and Time as Price etc you will come across turning points and price points that comply - not all turns or levels though - SO you're back to your uncertainty level per trade) - Also you'll find Fibonacci ratios, numbers, time counts crop up too - If you're looking at Fibonacci then I would recommend that you also incorporate Natural ratios in there too (Natural rations are to do with the universe and the building blocks of life, such as the Square, Triangle and Circle - Square root 2 / 3 and 5, PI 3.14, Natural Logarithm figure etc) The BLUE Time Cycle  


What you need are points in either TIME or PRICE that have worked and have worked for DECADES 

As this is a TIME CYCLE thread, lets look at 1 of the many Time Cycles that operate in the markets:

This TC was published in the 1930's, nearly 100 years agoooooo and it still works today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It performs a little different depending on which market its placed in, as you'll see in the charts below

I've displayed the next hit of it too - it might be a damp squib of a move like the last hit, but it might not be

The EXACT SAME TIME CYCLE is placed onto different markets (confirm the dates) below so you can see the effect

For example, lets take the stock markets of SP500 and FTSE100 Indicies - In previous posts above there's a large Time Cycle due in FEB 2020, in my How to Win thread there's also a chart of this market bouncing from a 50% level, piecing all this together not only allowed you to short the market downwards but we also had a possible bounce zone along with a known Time Cycle that should force a market turn and bingo that is what in the end happened - confidence in cycles through well researched methods - selling the high would be a bit hard but I know for a fact shorting it down and buying the low at the 50% level was certainly possible because I did it

In the different markets below just look at the fixed time cycle dates shown and how the market reacts at or around them and think to yourself could I devise a trading method to exploit a turn up or down - Also this method works better on certain markets than others

Now you do NOT need to know about timing to win in the markets, the vast majority of Time Cycles don't really enhance you're trading, but some of them do and allow you to catch turns some of which can be minor, half decent or major in terms of profits

If you trade commodities then simply just take the dates and eyeball to see how it reacts on those markets (This TC was published for the WHEAT market, but as we can see it works to some degree on lots of markets)

This is another example of Gann's Law of Vibration in action and that markets are mathematical points of force 

If when reading this thread you do not think to yourself that other forces are at work not only in the markets but in your life then I've failed in the message

The main focus of this thread are the LARGER Time Cycles, but in between, occasionally I'll post little snippets of other cycles that not only work, but have worked for well over a hundred years with amazing accuracy  

Here's the SP500:


Here's the GOLD market


Here's EURUSD:


Here's GBPUSD:


and here's the FTSE100 Index:



Thanks for sharing this, very insightful read on the key to markets is TIMING. I have promoted your forum post on our top picks.



All the best - MongiIG

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  • 1 month later...

You know all those mysterious numbers in the bible, which to the layman are complete gobbledygook, well lets have a gander at just one of them 

The number of the BEAST 666 

First we need to explain the maths involved:

We KNOW that the Great Pyramid in Egypt shows ALL known mathematics - it also tells you the radius of the Earth and the Moon - ALL of the ratio's and angles found in/on the Pyramids also show up in the worlds financial markets - I've shown a couple on my "How to Win" thread

Here's one for a TIMING solution:

The MOON's Radius is 1080 miles (https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/moonfact.html) (You'll need to convert KM's to Miles, but trust me I'm right)

the Great Pyramid shows the mathematical relationship of the Earth to the Moon etc 

We KNOW the Fibonacci ratio Phi is 1.618 - go ahead and DIVIDE 1080 by 1.618 = 666/667 depending on how many decimal places you are using

So we have a figure of 666 / 667 - How does this relate to the markets?

Well on the SP500 Index an active Time Cycle is a 666 week Time Cycle

Below is the WEEKLY chart of the SP500 Index - ignore everything on the chart apart from the PINK vertical lines (I just hijacked this chart to overlay the pink 666 week cycle over rather than start a fresh) 


this is the period it landed on last time around - not a massively correction but for those of us who knew it was due it allowed us to short the market and then re BUY once it was clear the correction had stopped


To get the next approx. cycle date just add 12.8 years or 666 weeks to the 2013 date and there you go you'll have a zone where the market will either form a high or a low from which you can profit from - the EXACT date to keep in your diaries is the 15th November 2026  

The 666 week cycle isn't a static cycle it is calculated using other things for greater accuracy accuracy, although it didn't really crash, it corrected EXACTLY to the day in late MAY 2013 - when you get other Time Cycles arriving at the same time as the 666 Time Cycle you get greater turns such as 1974, 1987 and 2000, when the cycle arrives on its tod then you get turns like May 2013

The cycle dates I've published are approx. based on a static 666 week cycle - you'll get close enough with that 

If you reverse the dates back into history you will see that this happens far too often just be coincidence - all this a fantastic timing system based on Phi of the radius of the MOON!

Re the 1st chart in this post the RED vertical lines are a STATIC 4 year cycle - the dates get skewed as time goes by but this is basically a 4 year static cycle that forms in Sept/Oct that the 4 year cycle is due in - its not 100% as you can see but during ones Investment life it gives good results just buying the market in Sept/Oct every 4 years!



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I've mentioned elsewhere that Sacred Geometry controls the markets - I've shown markets stopping and reversing dead on sacred geometry points based on the GEOMETRIC, HARMONIC and ARITHMATIC ratios of sacred geometric solids

This is the basis of TIME that the markets work to - Take the PINK line of Feb 2020 in the charts above

People think that was a crash out of the blue caused by Covid - I had Feb/Mar on my charts long before Covid was a thing - the Feb 2020 date was when something arrived at the inner pentagram angle of 36 degrees - see the chart below produced that chart way back in 2017 some 3 years before the "event"

This usually the point where someone says " You predicted covid?" - NO, a possible highly volatile market turning point



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1 hour ago, THT said:


I've mentioned elsewhere that Sacred Geometry controls the markets - I've shown markets stopping and reversing dead on sacred geometry points based on the GEOMETRIC, HARMONIC and ARITHMATIC ratios of sacred geometric solids

This is the basis of TIME that the markets work to - Take the PINK line of Feb 2020 in the charts above

People think that was a crash out of the blue caused by Covid - I had Feb/Mar on my charts long before Covid was a thing - the Feb 2020 date was when something arrived at the inner pentagram angle of 36 degrees - see the chart below produced that chart way back in 2017 some 3 years before the "event"

This usually the point where someone says " You predicted covid?" - NO, a possible highly volatile market turning point




Thanks for sharing. This is very interesting. So is the Fibonacci code 60 representing realization, perfection and completion for major cycles in the market because it is the cycle that never ends ?

Interesting thing about the Fibonacci sequence is the 24-repeating pattern. That is the pattern repeats itself after the 24th number. What is or are there any differences between fibonacci sequence and fibonacci sequence pattern of 24 and 60 ?

Also what are the main differences between harmonic, arithmatic and fibonacci sequence. 

Your feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks.


All the best - MongiIG


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5 minutes ago, MongiIG said:


Thanks for sharing. This is very interesting. So is the Fibonacci code 60 representing realization, perfection and completion for major cycles in the market because it is the cycle that never ends ?

Interesting thing about the Fibonacci sequence is the 24-repeating pattern. That is the pattern repeats itself after the 24th number. What is or are there any differences between fibonacci sequence and fibonacci sequence pattern of 24 and 60 ?

Also what are the main differences between harmonic, arithmatic and fibonacci sequence. 

Your feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks.


All the best - MongiIG



The main thing is the geometric figure shown - the number sequence isn't too important, but it shows maths is at play too - some turning points are triggered by hitting a 90 degree point on the circle which would then go on to create a square within the circle - 120 degree points form a Triangle - 72 degrees creates a pentagram

The absolutely critical factor in all of this is the item used to calculate TIME from, without it is a pointless exercise, but when you have it everything falls into place

Based on the maths of the universe - we know that growth happens through Triangles, Squares and cubes - within each of these you have differing "means" to which you can calculate the maths

Geometric = Fibonacci related growth/contraction (The Pentagram is riddled with Fib ratios)

Harmonic = Related to the SQUARE (Square root of 2)

Arithmetic = Related to the CUBE (Square root of 3)

Square Root 5 = Related to the GOLDEN RECTANGLE AND the diagonal of 2 adjoining Squares (when you place circles around these squares you get the symbol of Vesica Piscis



I posted in the How to Win thread the following chart:

Starting from the left hand side the corrections in the down trend corrected to the 0.666 (66.6%) levels - this in the table above shows the market was correcting to a ARITHMETIC contraction pattern, it then expanded on the same pattern basis - until it topped out at the 173.2% level which again is ARITHMATIC in nature - the correction from the top fell to exactly the 57.7%* retracement level which is ARITHMATIC again

Now the market works through all the means and sometimes jumbles them together - but traders looking for the old Fibonacci ratios were completely blindsided during that market segment


This is basically what the market BUILT during that period of time - its not to scale and its not a perfect cube as the markets move to a higher dimension than we view on a 2 Dimensional chart - If we were able to see the dimension of combined price and time square on to our field of view then it would have all come together exactly and perfectly in proportion


In the chart above if you look at the bottom right of the SQUARE that forms the 1st face of the cube and from where the trendline starts from - look at the triangle formation that is visible

Its skewed on our field of view because it HAD to do that to form the cube on a 2 D chart - the formation is what WD Gann said in 1909 only a couple of times as being a "Cornerstone"

It was the building block that formed the cube

Now I know how far fetched this next statement sounds and I'm continually trying to disprove it, but I can't - The markets seem to KNOW years and decades in advance what they have to move to, to get from point A to B etc regardless of everything else

* From 2008 to the LOW in 2009 the market fell 57.7% EXACTLY (Well 57.69%! but its nearly EXACT) - this was NOT by accident - the big trend needed to correct and it fell to an ARITHMATIC retracement level of the all time high

Remember the LOW 2009 was 144 degrees apart from the 1974 low in time - a full expansion of the Pentagram arm - this is half of a golden triangle and Ganns square of 12 (144) - knowledge of all the likely retracement levels could of had someone ready to pounce right near the actual turn point! Not me as I only learned this stuff in 2012!

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11 minutes ago, THT said:


The main thing is the geometric figure shown - the number sequence isn't too important, but it shows maths is at play too - some turning points are triggered by hitting a 90 degree point on the circle which would then go on to create a square within the circle - 120 degree points form a Triangle - 72 degrees creates a pentagram

The absolutely critical factor in all of this is the item used to calculate TIME from, without it is a pointless exercise, but when you have it everything falls into place

Based on the maths of the universe - we know that growth happens through Triangles, Squares and cubes - within each of these you have differing "means" to which you can calculate the maths

Geometric = Fibonacci related growth/contraction (The Pentagram is riddled with Fib ratios)

Harmonic = Related to the SQUARE (Square root of 2)

Arithmetic = Related to the CUBE (Square root of 3)

Square Root 5 = Related to the GOLDEN RECTANGLE AND the diagonal of 2 adjoining Squares (when you place circles around these squares you get the symbol of Vesica Piscis



I posted in the How to Win thread the following chart:

Starting from the left hand side the corrections in the down trend corrected to the 0.666 (66.6%) levels - this in the table above shows the market was correcting to a ARITHMETIC contraction pattern, it then expanded on the same pattern basis - until it topped out at the 173.2% level which again is ARITHMATIC in nature - the correction from the top fell to exactly the 57.7%* retracement level which is ARITHMATIC again

Now the market works through all the means and sometimes jumbles them together - but traders looking for the old Fibonacci ratios were completely blindsided during that market segment


This is basically what the market BUILT during that period of time - its not to scale and its not a perfect cube as the markets move to a higher dimension than we view on a 2 Dimensional chart - If we were able to see the dimension of combined price and time square on to our field of view then it would have all come together exactly and perfectly in proportion


In the chart above if you look at the bottom right of the SQUARE that forms the 1st face of the cube and from where the trendline starts from - look at the triangle formation that is visible

Its skewed on our field of view because it HAD to do that to form the cube on a 2 D chart - the formation is what WD Gann said in 1909 only a couple of times as being a "Cornerstone"

It was the building block that formed the cube

Now I know how far fetched this next statement sounds and I'm continually trying to disprove it, but I can't - The markets seem to KNOW years and decades in advance what they have to move to, to get from point A to B etc regardless of everything else

* From 2008 to the LOW in 2009 the market fell 57.7% EXACTLY (Well 57.69%! but its nearly EXACT) - this was NOT by accident - the big trend needed to correct and it fell to an ARITHMATIC retracement level of the all time high

Remember the LOW 2009 was 144 degrees apart from the 1974 low in time - a full expansion of the Pentagram arm - this is half of a golden triangle and Ganns square of 12 (144) - knowledge of all the likely retracement levels could of had someone ready to pounce right near the actual turn point! Not me as I only learned this stuff in 2012!


Thanks for your feedback and sharing. Very insightful and interesting.


All the best - MongiIG

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  • 4 months later...

BANG - ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE prediction from 6 years ago (I made Time Cycle dates way back in 2016 for the next 18 years)for my own personal use - I told IG Community about them 9 months ago)

Read the very first post of this this or the 1st few paragraphs shown below:

On 16/12/2020 at 12:08, THT said:

Hello All,

Let me take you on a journey of the markets - people say the markets are random (they're NOT), crashes come out of the blue (they DON'T) and it is totally impossible to PREDICT the markets (It IS'NT)

We're told buy and hold is best - It is for the fund management industry and to be fair for 95% of traders it probably is correct, but not for all of us

Have you ever wondered WHY a market suddenly crashes, rallies or does something unexpected? - I did

Now here's my CAVEAT to what I'm about to show you - "It IS possible within a zone to predict the markets in terms of TIME, I believe it is impossible to predict PRICE levels"

Also not every Time Cycle causes the market to move significantly - but with a win/hit rate of 85%+ It's pretty **** well good 


I posted on this very thread a post on 26th June 2021 with a chart showing you a date that needed to be watched - that period has resulted in a market correction, that has been tradable for profits

Some of these dates result in very fast plunges like Feb 2020 - again there's hard proof that, that time period was published and noted years in advance (shown in the posts above)

Markets are NOT doing what you think or being told!



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Here's key dates for 2023 - As it states on the chart that bundle of Time Cycles were present right at the highs in 1987 

I'm NOT saying that 1987 is going to happen in 2023 - all I'm saying is "The EXACT same cycles that bunched and caused the 1987 crash all bunch and arrive in a 2 month period in 2023"

So I would expect the period Feb-April 2023 to be a fairly volatile period 

As you can see these are linear progressions of Time Cycles from a starting point - not all these dates will have much of an effect on the market - but as I've proven, some of them DO

As the great WD Gann said "When TIME is up the trend CHANGES"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Current market turmoil still ongoing - as I predicted YEARS ago 

Here's a Gann Special for you, that I posted a few months ago on my blog

A lot of fun has been made of this 1st chart - basically because people can't work it out or fathom how to apply it

You might already know this and have seen it before but if you haven't, then just have an open mind and think about it all for 5-10 mins

This is a HAND-DRAWN chart WD Gann made back in 1948 ish of the Soybean market

Lots of Gann Angles going on, lots of number timing sequencing counts but..............

he also plotted the movements of planets! BOTH MARS [M] and JUPITER [J] on the PRICE chart (I've indicated both of these trajectory lines) - Take 2 mins to look closely at the chart - What he did was plot the movement of both planets as PRICE

Then notice what happened to PRICE when they BOTH came together (The technical term for this is to CONJOIN/CONJUNCTION) - This means that in a circle they were at the same place - this is NOT the same as the transit being 360 degrees, as in the SKY that could happen on a different date - so to get the next 360 conjunction of both those planets you'd calculate 360 degrees from the price HIGH on the chart - If PRICE is conforming to a cycle then let that dictate where (the point/anchor) you calculate from, NOT what a textbook/ephemeris tells you, as price not be syncing to what is happening in the sky

Also notice that the planetary position of MARS acted as a trend line support for PRICE and that JUPITER acted as resistance


OK so was this a spooky one off?

Well the thing to do is to plot the next few times that Mars and Jupiter conjoin at 360 degrees from that position - I don't have long term data of the Soybean market unless I would have continued this forward in time for you, but........

Here's what they've both done in the SP500 since 2000

Coincidence or are we seeing planets influence price action in the markets?

791.jpg?w=1024 SP500 Index

In the SP500 chart above all I did was place the cursor at the 2009 LOW and calculate forwards and backwards every time Mars and Jupiter reached the same place in the sky which is a 360 degree movement - 360 degrees in a circle and Gann said "Everything moves in a circle"

I think we can see that this pairing have an influence on the markets and if you project this from the 1990's the 2000 HIGH and everything you see in this chart window land on the exact same dates

Just take a step back and think - at the 2000 HIGH, if you'd of projected forward Mars and Jupiter conjunctions 360 degrees you would have had the March 2009 LOW identified 9 years in advance within a timing window of a week of the actual low

Please note, this pairing ONLY highlight certain timings in certain conditions - as you can see at times it has been a VERY excellent timing and at other times, not so good - not to be used blindly or on its own!

Gann mentioned "Wheels within Wheels" - Multiple cycles control the markets, each inter-linked into a precision timing rhythm with each other 

Also note that between 2000 high and the 2009 low there were 4 x 360 degrees = 1440 degrees of movement in total - remove the 0 and you have ganns square of 12 (12x12=144) - divide 1440 by 360 and you get 4, which is a SQUARE, divide by.........I'm sure you can start to see the GEOMETRY starting to appear

Ganns Emblem was a Square and a Triangle inside a Circle

Have I mentioned geometry in the markets before?

Things in the market do not happen "out of the blue" - People will put this 2022 recent crash down to Inflation and the Ukraine war, YET I predicted it years ago, as I've evidenced in this very thread!


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