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I’m having problem with login!

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Yes I am also having this trouble. I've changed my password successfully and managed to log in to this forum, but I keep getting an 'unexpected error' message when trying to login. The two numbers it suggests calling just cut me off straight away.

This is only my second day with IG and I need to make some trades within the next hour or so. I hope this isn't a common theme with IG? Don't rate the support at the moment, hopefully this is just a one off.

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I assume its down for everyone.  30 mins now.

I wrote to them th elast time they had a big blow up, and asked why they dind't have a secondary server that uaotmatically kicks in.  They avoided answering me.  Clearly they completely ignored professional advice and stil have no backup service. It's disgraceful, unprofessional, and simply stupid.  It only goes down when things are going crazy, which is precisely the time the backup server is required.   I've always been a big supporter of IG, but their lack of action when given WISE advice, shows they have a serious management issue. 

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3 minutes ago, MRDoctor said:

I assume its down for everyone.  30 mins now.

I wrote to them th elast time they had a big blow up, and asked why they dind't have a secondary server that uaotmatically kicks in.  They avoided answering me.  Clearly they completely ignored professional advice and stil have no backup service. It's disgraceful, unprofessional, and simply stupid.  It only goes down when things are going crazy, which is precisely the time the backup server is required.   I've always been a big supporter of IG, but their lack of action when given WISE advice, shows they have a serious management issue. 

I don’t believe is the saver!

Edited by Time to learn
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I have got this one from MarketWatch:

Disruptions reported at multiple brokerages as GameStop, AMC surge
Disruptions were reported at several major retail brokerages Wednesday morning, following the speculative surge of interest in companies including GameStop  and AMC Entertainment , as well as a big drop in the major stock-market indexes including the S&P 500 . The website Downdetector reported disruptions to TD Ameritrade, Robinhood, E-trade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, Interactive Brokers and Vanguard, as well as the Reddit message board that has triggered much of the activity

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1 minute ago, Time to learn said:

I have got this one from MarketWatch:

Disruptions reported at multiple brokerages as GameStop, AMC surge
Disruptions were reported at several major retail brokerages Wednesday morning, following the speculative surge of interest in companies including GameStop  and AMC Entertainment , as well as a big drop in the major stock-market indexes including the S&P 500 . The website Downdetector reported disruptions to TD Ameritrade, Robinhood, E-trade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, Interactive Brokers and Vanguard, as well as the Reddit message board that has triggered much of the activity

Sadly doesn't help us.

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The action of a few stocks, no matter how crazy or extreme in movement and volume should absolutely NOT bring dow the whole platform. Sorry, but this is like saying we are still using Windows 95.  Windows 10 allows an app to crash and keep it contained and not cause a BSOD any more.  And this is PRECISELY how trading platforms should be designed these days.  Clearly they are not.  

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I realize that there's probably a mountain of small print protecting IG from any claim for losses here BUT I do believe the very least they could do is reimburse people for the costs of their guaranteed stop loss premium because I make a POINT of personally physically exiting my trades to avoid that premium and now their platform failure is entirely responsible for that loss specifically?? Do they or have they ever done such??

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If the issue occurred across multiple platforms and brokers, then that is really odd.  DOW down 400 is nothing.  No idea what would cause multiple platforms/firms to crash, but implies a broad internet issue, or perhaps even some kind of co-ordinated world wide attack on all the servers???  Beyond my expertise.  

BUT...if it were just IG....and they have previously refused to have a seconardy server in place to kick in immediately when the main platform goes down, then absolutely they are open to a class action lawsuit, in theory.  And frankly, they wouldn't stand a chance.  

But I would rather try to work WITH THEM than agaisnt them.  

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its up on my end again. I need to give IG credits of being relatively stable and getting it back up again.
Interactive Brokers is up but had order transmission problems, DeGiro ist notoriously offline and others I don't and would never use exactly because of operational issues

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Time to switch. IG platforms are rigged! This is a systemic issue and will keep on recurring

Its part of their game. They dont care. Watch. They wont give a decent explanation or plan of action or commitment to prevent this happening again

CityIndex was trading just fine and they're meant to be a small outfit

List of reliable brokers please that werent affected today would be most welcome


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