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The Virus and the Economy

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Why does Boris Johnson resist antibody testing for status??  

ZERO previously infected employees were reported to have become infected again with the virus, regardless of their vaccination status. ZERO. (52,328 sample)

You are in a much better position if you’ve had COVID than a vaccine. Fact.


Study: Recovered COVID patients don't benefit from vaccine

''US study finds natural infection to COVID provides robust long-term immunity, with vaccination providing no added benefit.''

Study: Recovered COVID patients don't benefit from vaccine - Israel National News



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Resignations at the FDA reveal just what a total sh*tshow this debacle really is. Absolutely not a clue what's going on or what they're doing.


''In a statement on Tuesday, the FDA said that Marion Gruber, director of the agency’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review, and her deputy director, Phil Krause, will leave in October and November, respectively.''


The major problem is Biden and Fauci just making up policy on the spot in front of the cameras. 


"It’s a combination of things where the messaging is coming out of the White House and not of the FDA, and also out of the NIH with Tony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins has said, ‘Hey, we might have the vaccines for the 5 to 11 year olds in a couple of months’ … well, FDA hasn’t reviewed the data yet," Siegel explained. "And with the boosters, the president himself said, ‘We’re going to get boosters in a month,’ and the FDA says, ‘Wait, we haven’t reviewed the data yet.’"

FDA resignations over White House booster shot guidance a 'mess for administration' | Fox Business

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Ever so slowly attention turns to the long term underlying health risks caused by these vaccines with the systemic damage done by micro clotting.

Just as continuous micro clotting slowly incapacitates the brain in organic dementia, the spike proteins of the vaccines can clot the capillaries of the heart, lungs and brain.

In the mRNA vaccines your cells are producing a continuous supply of the spikes while in the non-mRNA vaxes the boosters will provide top ups.

Review the Bitchute video posted recently of Dr Cole looking at lab slides of inflammatory affect on organs.


*Walter Bloomberg @DeItaone


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''London is the least vaccinated place in England. London has by far the lowest PCR positivity rates in England. So if you support vaccines for reducing transmission or for use for passports you are quite simply delusional. Or the Government employs you.'' datatosee.com  @dontbetyet




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2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Calm down...it's not like the government is going to track your every move and send the police to your door if you don't respond to their random text messages… Meanwhile, in Australia:  Nick Freitas  @NickForVA


Not as sinister as it sounds (very misleading image). The app in question is an option for double vax'd travellers returning home (South Australia) who would prefer to isolate at home rather than in a quarantine hotel. This is not a mandatory tracking app, people won't be "forced" to download it. 

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More (deliberate) confusion this morning, yesterday the JCVI say they were NOT recommending the experimental vaccines for kids, and now they are? or it's Boris suggesting he will go ahead anyway?

All this of course continues to have nothing to do with science. Never has.

This is a super thread on the real science with regards the cloned spikes, the variants and immunity.


From Robin Monotti on Telegram,


Of the 29 tested options the immune system's killer T-cells have to recognise and develop immunity to the virus, 26 of them, therefore the vast majority, are not part of the spike protein, therefore not part of what the gene therapy can do or is meant to do.

It is not possible to gain immunity to the virus by targeting 3 parts out of 29 of the immune system's targets of choice. The injections are aimed towards a tiny fraction of what the immune system recognises of SARSCoV2, and therefore the gene therapy is never going to stop the virus even if the computer simulation of the spike in the mRNA/genetic code were to match the real spike protein, which is highly unlikely. Remember killer T-cells are part of the first immune response to the virus.

If they are not able to recognize enough of it, they are not able to defend you from an infection. Antibodies generally come in much later, once you are already infected, and they can't enter the virus to destroy it because they are much bigger than the virus, T-cells are smaller and can recognise many virus proteins not just one and can destroy virus infected cells.

Therefore for full immunity you always need to look at T-cells, not antibodies. One of the big deceptions is the focus on antibodies instead of T-cells when it comes to preventing infection: it's the other way round: T-cells and NK cells prevent infection, not antibodies.

Even when it comes to antibodies, the injections only aim to create antibodies to a computer simulated early genetic code for a spike protein of the first virus dating to January 2020, which probably did not fully correspond to the real spike protein then, let alone now with the mutations.

This means that when the antibodies wane as they always do in time and the virus is able to either overcome them, or even be enhanced by them (Antibody-dependent enhancement or ADE), there is nothing there ready to recognise the virus apart from those spike antibodies to prevent severe infection or even death.

The opposite is the case after natural infection: 29 out of 29 recognisable immune system targets will be recognised by the T-cells and severe infection and death will be avoided.

'Robin Monotti'.


Edited by Caseynotes
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On 03/09/2021 at 16:07, Caseynotes said:

Calm down...it's not like the government is going to track your every move and send the police to your door if you don't respond to their random text messages… Meanwhile, in Australia:  Nick Freitas  @NickForVA


You seem to have (removed/conveniently forgotten) that the use of that app is to track people that caught the virus and don't care about others, so they ignore their quarantine.


Police won't track you or force you to upload a picture of your face if you are a regular citizen.

But if you decide to carry a deadly virus ignoring all quarantine measures that are in place, they will of course want to know where the hell you are. 

You and your propaganda, again. 

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Politicians are seeing the vaccines fail before their eyes so the drive is on to get everyone issued with a digital ID as soon as possible before the excuse of covid vaccinations disappears for good.

''Zahawi Confirms Vaccine Passports at End of September.''



 Don’t jab children just to keep schools open, Tory MPs urge Whitty | News | The Times


''If the Covid vaccine doesn’t protect against infection and doesn’t prevent you passing the virus on, how can they have a passport that treats the vaxxed differently to the unvaxxed?''  Allison Pearson @AllisonPearson


'Israel's 'Coronavirus Czar' Tells Citizens To Prepare For Eventual 4th Shot'


'As we've been detailing of late, the goalposts in ultra-vaxxed Israel keep perpetually moving after health authorities' recent initiative to demand all citizens get a third COVID jab. This even as this past week witnessed the small Mediterranean country reach yet more daily case records. 

Despite the WHO coming out against countries giving their populations booster shots at this point, Israel has as of Friday issued a third dose to 2.5 million Israelis. Given the likelihood that this too will fail to blunt the growing numbers of infections, naturally the question is: so what next? 

You can't make this up, health authorities are providing this "answer": "Israel’s national coronavirus czar on Saturday called for the country to begin making preparations to eventually administer fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccine," The Times of Israel reports.'

Israel's 'Coronavirus Czar' Tells Citizens To Prepare For Eventual 4th Shot | ZeroHedge


''Israel vax pass expires 6mo after the 3rd shot: “Given that that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,” Salman Zarka told Kan public radio. “This is our life from now on, in waves,” he said.'' Dave Shrigley @dshrig

Virus czar calls to begin readying for eventual 4th vaccine dose | The Times of Israel






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Seems to be a direct correlation between the vaccination programme and a surge in covid cases and deaths - twice. 

Latest data from Israel.






Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction


NOTICE TO PARENTS OF CHILDREN <12 @CMO_England is coming for your children WITHIN MONTHS if you let him get away with this. Trials on 6m to <12yrs are underway and will be pushed out under ‘emergency’, then jab <6m, before study completion.

August 23, 2021 Approval Letter - Comirnaty (fda.gov)



Reminder; vaccine adverse reactions myocarditis and pericarditis can cause permanent heart damage and death.


Reminder; this is Johnson, Whitty and Valance speaking about covid early 2020. They were correct then and what they said then is still correct now, what changed was the political narrative not the science.


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15 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Seems to be a direct correlation between the vaccination programme and a surge in covid cases and deaths - twice. 

Latest data from Israel.





There seems to be a massive difference between your post and the official website.


Not to mention that the table style differs quite a lot from what it is shown on the page. Another right-win cooked chart with fake information?

Posting things without reading again? Come on, we  have spoken about this already

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20 minutes ago, jlz said:

There seems to be a massive difference between your post and the official website.


Not to mention that the table style differs quite a lot from what it is shown on the page. Another right-win cooked chart with fake information?

Posting things without reading again? Come on, we  have spoken about this already

I understand that English is not your first language but you keep making the same mistake over and over and pretend not to understand each time. As is written the data used in the charts is taken from the web sites and collated in the charts seen. 

If you don't like any of it then use the source material to show the fault. The fact that you never can and never do shows you know you can't, so instead you just sling mud in the hope some people might be deceived into thinking you might have a point, but we both know you never do.

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Comprehensive document on Covid by a team of well known and well qualified scientists. Extensively researched and referenced.

ACIP comment 8-30-21 - Google Docs


''The “real world” fatality data from VAERS does not match the fatality data from the Phase 3 trials. They aren’t even close. Using multiple independent methods from independent researchers, we show that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have already been killed (see Attachment 2).''


''None of the COVID vaccines reduce all-cause morbidity. It’s the opposite: they all significantly increase all-cause morbidity by as much as 4.2 times baseline (p<=0.00001). The CDC must know this since this information is hiding in plain sight in the published literature.''


''Early treatment and prophylaxis protocols are a superior option to the current vaccines on every single meaningful metric:''

''At UC Davis, 40% of staff is unvaxed. They have to wait in line twice a week and come in 2.5 hours early to get in line for COVID testing. They endure that because they’ve seen first hand how bad the vax reactions can be.''


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''Vaccinating children only way to prevent winter surge in cases, says expert''

Vaccinating children only way to prevent winter surge in cases, says expert (telegraph.co.uk)

Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath 1m

This is a lie (although unclear who is said to have said it). Look at Israel and USA who have vaccinated children and are seeing seasonal surges.

Edited by Caseynotes
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19 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Interesting read, mid 2020 covid was suddenly seen as an ''opportunity''. Is this why the political narrative changed?


A Thread from @Kingbingo_: "The most important thread your read today on the size &amp; scale of the fight we are in, and how we win [...]" (threader.app)


''Vaccine passports are on their way across the globe – whether some people want them or not''

''We are inevitably focused on the rules of the country we are in, but that misses the big picture – there are powerful economic forces driving what the world will do, writes Hamish McRae''

Vaccine passports are on their way across the globe – whether some people want them or not | The Independent

''The vaccine passports agenda is being coordinated outside democracy by the global "elite". That's why UK ministers behave as if they're following orders, ignoring opposition and imposing the policy despite its obvious flaws.''      Richard Wellings @RichardWellings

''Yup. And Tony Blair, whose Institute has received sizeable funding from the B & M Gates Foundation, is a key player in the promotion of ‘Vaccine Passports’. ''     Neil Clark  @NeilClark66


Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

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"COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, study finds"

Yet another study adding to the weight of empirical evidence that lockdowns are harmful.

COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, study finds - Washington Times



"NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of US-funded research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing work of EcoHealth Alliance at the Chinese lab.."

''The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.''

New Details Emerge About U.S.-Funded Coronavirus Research at Chinese Laboratory (theintercept.com)

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Had enough yet?



Meanwhile western values being replaced with Nazism.

Michael P Senger @MichaelPSenger  1d

Washington Post editor calls for prioritizing healthcare for the vaccinated over the unvaccinated. The growing chorus of elites trying to normalize this very clear-cut crime against humanity is a truly momentous and terrifying thing to behold.

Why stop there? The obese, smokers, drinkers -  ban the lot of them.


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Anyone know where we're going yet?


*It's almost as if Covid is a confected global health scare, being used as cover to deliberately trash the economy, boost Bad Pharma profits, introduce a new central bank digital currency, Universal Basic Income, a biosurveillance culture & CCP-style social credit management.  Tim Price  @timfprice


And your kids?

Well let's be honest, they're just a state asset really.



While this guy is obviously hooked on big pharma.

All completely normal.


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New York Post  @nypost  5h

'Rutgers bars unvaccinated student from attending virtual classes.'

Haha, anyone really still thinks this is about a virus?


Meanwhile the master of disinformation himself targets the big problem.

NEW - Dr. Fauci: "One of the enemies of public health is disinformation."


Meanwhile 'Jacinda Ardern says New Zealand has nearly eliminated coronavirus. This will be the 9th time that New Zealand has eliminated coronavirus & they’ll get to do it all again within a few weeks time.'


And now  the CDC changes the definition of vaccination on September 1st. Replaces "immunity" with "protection". (because these vaccines don't actually work and so don't provide immunity)



Fortunately there are still some places on the planet where people have the common sense to ignore all the bs and just get on with their lives.

Meanwhile in the US.


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6 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

And now  the CDC changes the definition of vaccination on September 1st. Replaces "immunity" with "protection". (because these vaccines don't actually work and so don't provide immunity)



Dear Caseynotes , I am not sure why you continue trying to post BS to prove a very weak point. Is that part of your propaganda again?

Here is a screenshot of the glossary of terms from the cdc website.



We can easily see that those definitions that you posted in your picture are either wrong or made up.

We have spoken about this, if you want people to believe what you are saying you have to include urls so we can prove that the horseshit that you are posting is false.

Here is the url: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/terms/glossary.html


Please review my English, thank you.


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4 hours ago, jlz said:

Dear Caseynotes , I am not sure why you continue trying to post BS to prove a very weak point. Is that part of your propaganda again?

Here is a screenshot of the glossary of terms from the cdc website.



We can easily see that those definitions that you posted in your picture are either wrong or made up.

We have spoken about this, if you want people to believe what you are saying you have to include urls so we can prove that the horseshit that you are posting is false.

Here is the url: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/terms/glossary.html


Please review my English, thank you.


I see where you have gone wrong this time is that you are looking at a different web page than the one posted which was comparing to one that was taken down and is not the same as the one you have posted. 

I believe we have spoken of this before and presume it stems from your persistent lack of understanding of of what it means to be the same or to be different.

Am astonished you still subscribe to the fake main stream propaganda narrative that has been so demolished by the constant stream of actual facts.

You see facts are falsifiable, your problem is that you can't prove anything false because they aren't. That's why you just sling mud instead, it's all you've got but it's just wishful thinking through the tears of constantly being proved wrong.

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Yes they do know the vaccines are causing the mutations and probably have since the start but they are keeping their eyes on the real prize which is not defeating covid, or successful vaccines, but is actually the implementation of PROOF of vaccination the digital ID and the CCP style social credit scoring system of control that goes with it.


Meanwhile a new round of Fauci emails released under FOI.


Gates Foundation helped 'raise China's voice of governance' in Africa, emails show | Fox Business


Speaking of Fauci, the king of misinformation, things are hotting up since the release of docs about the Wuhan Fauci funded coronavirus 'gain of function' research that Fauci told congress didn't happen. (Posted in this thread yesterday)



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And on the vax mandates front resistance is spreading, 


US Poll: 3/4 of unvaxxed Americans would quit job if shot required Washington Post survey comes amid growing 'resistance'

Poll: 3/4 of unvaxxed Americans would quit job if shot required (wnd.com)


Meanwhile in the UK Doctors not so keen on THESE vaccines for themselves it seems.

'Why are the values of “no jab no job” right for care workers but wholly wrong for doctors and nurses? I still haven’t worked it out but the NHS leadership know that it would be 100% wrong.' Chris Green  @CGreenUK


The Telegraph



Health Secretary Sajid Javid plans to make vaccines a condition of employment for all NHS workers  | Daily Mail Online

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''This is the nub of it. @nadhimzahawi with BBC are engaged in disgraceful propaganda and campaign of misinformation about Gillick competence. Together all parents must stop the state trying to usurp the role of parents.''    Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction   3h.  


'Parental notice to school: “Consent to Covid-19 vaccination of my child is NOT given. ‘Gillick competence’ cannot override this notice without detailed individual clinical assessment and consultation and approval by me and/or the Courts. Regardless of any civil immunity.'   Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction


Show this thread 👇

Thread by @laworfiction on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

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4 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

I see where you have gone wrong this time is that you are looking at a different web page than the one posted which was comparing to one that was taken down and is not the same as the one you have posted. 

I believe we have spoken of this before and presume it stems from your persistent lack of understanding of of what it means to be the same or to be different.

Am astonished you still subscribe to the fake main stream propaganda narrative that has been so demolished by the constant stream of actual facts.

You see facts are falsifiable, your problem is that you can't prove anything false because they aren't. That's why you just sling mud instead, it's all you've got but it's just wishful thinking through the tears of constantly being proved wrong.

Such a nice speech, do you mind giving us a url we can browse to see that "different web page"?

I am starting to think that you are on an agenda and you are paid to post this BS, you cannot be that dumb.

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1 minute ago, jlz said:

Such a nice speech, do you mind giving us a url we can browse to see that "different web page"?

I am starting to think that you are on an agenda and you are paid to post this BS, you cannot be that dumb.

As I've already said many times, I really don't care what you think. If you don't like it that's too bad.

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