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The Virus and the Economy

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To answer the riddle from the last post.

The article points out the problem of the vaccines is that they give a vaccine immunity that concentrates on only one part of the virus not the whole virus, so vaccine immunity is centered on one aspect, the spike protein, but variation of the spike fools this limited immunity, the immune system no longer recognises it as the virus and so doesn't destroy it.

On the other hand natural immunity gained by catching and recovering from covid covers the entire virus and the immune system will recognise the whole thing and blast it whether there is a small change on the spike or not.

To solve this problem from happening first stop the vaccinations and then the vaxed and non-vaxed must be allowed to mix to even out the variants and so prevent super variants incubating in a select protected group, the exact opposite of what the powers that be are doing which is to encourage/enforce segregation. And with continued booster shots guarantee the production of ever stronger super variants.

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Israel PM Naftali Bennett:
”The most vulnerable population at the moment…are the ones who received two vaccine doses but not the third…they walk around feeling like they are protected because they received both doses…must quickly get vaccinated with THE THIRD VACCINE DOSE…”




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Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)

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3 headlines from Fauci within 2 days, just going round in circles. These people in positions of power as well as the politicians are not incompetent or even confused, they're just making sure you are!


Daily Caller  @DailyCaller  1d  Dr. Fauci says that if the majority of Americans get vaccinated, covid-19 will be under control by the "spring of 2022"


Disclose.tv @disclosetv  23h  NEW - Dr. Fauci: "I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis ... The time is come, enough is enough."


Fox News  @FoxNews  23h  Fauci says he misspoke on when he believes US could get COVID under control


Meanwhile in Australia,

Registered health practitioners in Australia have been notified that they are not permitted to say anything that’s “anti-vaccine” and will be prosecuted for doing so.







Edited by Caseynotes
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Following Fauci showing off how he can talk gibberish with no come backs now here's Ferguson. Previously had estimated Sweden would suffer around 90,000 deaths if the didn't lock down which turned out to be a ridiculous over estimate. Now he's saying they would have had half the number of deaths they did if they had of locked down. 

Peers are queuing up to rubbish the blatant nonsense 'research paper' but it doesn't seem to matter, there will be no real come backs.

The CDC meanwhile has long been criticised for poor or late data releases but went one step further yesterday when they issued recommendations not based on data but based on ''hope'', really, beggars belief.

So the push is on to get everyone vaxed before more data comes out showing the vaccines to be not only useless but actually harmful.


''Wow. New Israeli preprint shows natural immunity to #SARSCoV2 is FAR superior to the artificial kind - vaccinated people were 13x as likely to be infected and 27x to have symptomatic infections as a matched cohort that was previously infected. And this is with Delta dominant.'' Alex Berenson  @AlexBerenson

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections | medRxiv


When Will Neil Ferguson Admit He Got it Wrong? – The Daily Sceptic





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The NHS completely lost the plot quite sometime ago (as did the govt).


The Telegraph  @Telegraph 17m

EXCLUSIVE: The NHS has drawn up plans to start vaccinating 12-year-olds from the first week schools go back


Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction  7m

Local authorities and media are ignorant and/or lying when saying children can consent to the vaccine. ‘Gillick’ competence was identified specifically in circs of a single child at risk in absence of treatment. It was nothing to do with the govt usurping parental responsibility.


Philippe Lemoine @phl43

It's really amazing to watch people freak out about what SARS-CoV-2 might do to their kids even though RSV is actually far more dangerous for children and they have never spent a second of their life worrying about it.


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This is just so seriously wrong, has everyone lost their minds? The entire covid debacle stinks to high heaven.

talkRADIO  @talkRADIO


The NHS has drawn up plans to vaccinate 12-year-olds at school without any need for parental consent. UsforThem founder Molly Kingsley: "I am flabbergasted by this. The issues are staggering. Why are we doing this? Why do these children need this?"


Meanwhile  ''The US pharma company is reportedly asking for military bases and sovereign assets as guarantee for vaccines.''


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6 months ago in Israel:

It’s 95% effective, herd immunity is coming, everyone get two jabs & we will beat this virus.

Now in Israel:

It’s 39% effective, get your n'th booster shot or you’re losing your passport, - & vaccine herd immunity is probably mythical.



Israel 90% vaxed.

Egypt 3% vaxed.

Is this what success looks like?







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Toby Young  @toadmeister

Boris Johnson is said to have devised a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether he should plunge the country into another lockdown, with just under 1,000 Covid deaths a week enough to warrant further restrictions.


BUT THIS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇.

Neil Clark@NeilClark66

If Covid deaths continue to be defined as deaths coming within 28 days of a positive PCR test (& the tests are run at high cycles) this makes further lockdowns this winter more or less inevitable.


The criteria used to label a case, an admission, and a death as 'covid' has been a total nonsense from the start.

Reminder that during flu season you could come into contact with the flu virus multiple times a day but never get ill when you already have immunity.

But each contact would leave dead viral fragments that would give a positive flu test if the same testing criteria was applied to flu as is applied to covid. 

The tactic was deliberately employed as part of project Fear, there seems no going back.

You must have symptoms to have a disease, symptoms are the definition of a disease. 


Meanwhile in France, see reason number 2 for winter lockdowns, to protect a suddenly understaffed NHS thanks to Johnson's vax mandates.


FRANCE: healthcare workers burn their diploma and take off their whites in front of the Besançon hospital to protest against the mandatory Vax and the Vax Pass needed to access hospital services.


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'The spike proteins in the vaccines ARE toxic'.

''This is a poisonous attack on our population and it needs to stop now.''

Lab work studies showing the damage being done by the vaccines in multiple sites throughout the body.

Reiterating too that the damage done to the heart by myocarditis and pericarditis especially in the young does not repair itself but becomes scar tissue for life.

(17 min)


Dr. Ryan Cole – Post Investigational Vaccine Deaths (bitchute.com)


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Nothing about the covid story ever added up right from the beginning.

Why did the Chinese make and distribute fake video of people falling dead in the street.

Why did the WHO abandon their pandemic plan and adopt a new untested plan.

Why were lockdowns, masks and social distancing backed by lies.

Why was the PCR test run at such a high cycle threshold as to guarantee a very high ratio of false positive.

Why is there still no proper diagnostic test for covid-19.

How did this virus suddenly have a spike protein that causes vascular disease (clotting).

Why has no other  corona virus ever shown such a trait.

Why has no animal reservoir for the virus ever been found.

Why has everyone stopped looking.

Why were other treatments shown to have good result all blocked.

Why does the WHO now dismiss natural immunity and only promote vaccine immunity.

How did a computer modelled virus similar to the SAR-CoV2 virus appear in 2016.

Why was this model then distributed to select to vaccine makers.

Why the insistence on 100% vaccination when the average age of deaths is 82 and risk of serious adverse reactions in children is 5X the risk of covid.

Why are western govts building permanent quarantine camps when covid is seasonal like the flu and has a similar fatality rate.

Why are no investigative journalists asking any of these questions.

Why are there no politicians of any party asking any of these questions.


Perhaps politicians think this will make them the new super elite, they're in for a shock.

If you want to know who really benefits this 2 min vid sums it up well.



The holy grail of drug companies for the last 30 years has been a global population addicted to a vaccine (physically and psychologically) that must be upgraded and administered annually.


In this 1 hour interview below with Dr David Martin he discuss his ongoing search covering the last 30 years of the drug companies and affiliates and explains how we ended up here.

Fast paced and concise and a real eye opener to the games big pharma have been playing.


Vaccine Choice Canada Interviews Dr. David E. Martin on COVID Vaccines as Bioweapons (bitchute.com)



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Yet another highly qualified Dr says the vax programme must be stopped. 

There is no covid 'original' that the vaxes were designed for around anymore and all the current dominant variants have evolved to escape detection.


Excellent fast paced factual vid (30 min). Very good summary of recent events plus important new material.

Top American doctor: COVID shots are 'obsolete,' dangerous, must be shut down (bitchute.com)


Adds some additional info one being that the main stream media companies and social media companies have signed a pledge to only distribute info endorsed by govt agencies such as the CDC.

But we know the CDC is woefully behind the curve (about 3 months), this would explain why everyone quoting the latest research papers out of Israel are being systematically deplatformed.

Investigative journalism is dead.



Noga Tarnopolsky  @NTarnopolsky


#Breaking: Israel no longer considers people who have received 2 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines "vaccinated." As of September 1, only 3x vaccinated are considered immune.


The final pieces of the jigsaw are falling into place, more to follow



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The final pieces of the jigsaw are falling into place.

Last year we were told by Geert Borsch 'it's immunology 101 you don't start a mass vax programme in the middle of a pandemic' - because it will highly likely lead to vaccine ADE which decreases the natural immune system while pressure cooking the evolution of vaccine resistant super variants.

And that's exactly where we are today because that's exactly what the drug companies wanted.

In a linked vid posted earlier the 'holy grail' of the drug companies for the last 30 years has been to have the global population addicted (physically and psychologically) to a drug that needed to be upgraded and re-administered annually.

And now they have it. There is no longer any covid 'original' that the vaccines were designed to combat, all the current covids (variants) are all vaccine resistant.

Because of vaccine ADE the vaxed are the largest ratioed cohort being infected and hospitalised by the variants.

So the drug companies again come to the, er, 'rescue'.

Pfizer CEO says COVID19 vaccine-resistant variant likely to emerge, but the big pharma company would be able to turn around a "variant-specific" new mRNA jab within 3 months (Fox)

Not too long now before the vaxed demand vax passports (for everyone) to prove they're up to date (and you're not).

And this is where the drug company's 'holy grail' dovetails perfectly with the ruling elite's 'holy grail', a digital ID (incorporating vax status) that can track and record everything someone says and does and where they go and what they purchase. And therefore a non-violent means to control the population, prevent dissent, protest, conspiracy or any kind of undesirable behaviour whatsoever.

No wonder politicians are pushing so hard for 100% vaccinations.



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'The WHO have published a long comprehensive document on implementation of digital IDs. It may the the longest publication from them in the last 18 months.'

haha, they're just trolling you at this point,

the WHO say ' there will be absolutely NO discrimination between ---- those presenting the ID on a smartphone app or on a paper card.'

So there, well that's a ******** relief  🤣

h/t  Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath

Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021 (who.int)



Meanwhile a well written article on the horrid covid saga to date (pub 30th Aug)

The Masked Ball of Cowardice - Tablet Magazine

''Mass lockdowns of entire countries as a technique for fighting disease sprung into the world’s consciousness on the order of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who fomented a global propaganda offensive targeting Western governments and media. ''


''In the U.K. Government’s official Coronavirus Action Plan from March 3, 2020, discussing social distancing, school closures, and rapid COVID test and vaccine development, nearly every source the U.K. government cited was from China.''

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The WHO now pushing for digital IDs.

'WHO private sponsorship is relevant. Coercing vaccination, contrary to aspects of WHO's charter and the UN Human Rights Dec, would be a potential windfall for companies and investors who have now replaced country-based funding for much of WHOs work.' The Gates Foundation are the WHO's biggest private sponsor.

Meanwhile, German news firm Welt report;

''JUST IN - Corona not likely cause of death in 80 percent of official covid deaths reported in Germany since early July, according to Prof. Dr. Bertram Häussler, head of the independent health research institute IGES in Berlin (WELT)

That's what happens when you stop relying on the fraudulent PCR test to diagnose covid.

Meanwhile (2), death by ''a short illness'' is becoming more prevalent than death with covid. ??!!???



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If you inject someone full of cloned covid spike proteins as are in the vaccines and then test them for covid they must test positive for covid if using the PCR test, they can't not.

The incident below is obviously an adverse reaction to the vaccine but everyone would rather call it covid instead.







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There is obviously a sadistical push across western countries for 100% vaccinations in spite of the fact that at least half the population of each country having the far superior natural immunity.

The reason for the deliberate blind spot is because the actual goal is for everyone to be carrying a vaccine passport (incorporating their digital ID).

And the reason for that of course is so that the govt can control every minute of your day.

The Wall Street Journal
'China is cracking down on youth videogame addiction: No gaming during the school week and one hour a day on Fridays, weekends and public holidays.'



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'Israel now has the highest current case rate in the entire world. Oddly, Israel was also the first country to vaccinate the majority of their population and the first country to vaccinate 80% of adults.'

PLC @Humble_Analysis

It's because the current covid strains are vaccine resistant. More (boosters) is not better. Unblock treatments that have been proven to actually work. Ivermectin, HCQ, monoclonal antibodies.


Meanwhile the CDC reveals masks don't work - about 9 months behind everyone else.

''CDC study: Masks Mandates Don’t Work.''

Took their time coming to the conclusion 'they made no significant difference'.

 ''The study analyzed some 90,000 elementary students in 169 Georgia schools from Nov. 16 to Dec. 11.''

CDC study: School mask mandates don't work (wnd.com)


And Trudeau revels the next phase of the great reset. Must be meaning lockdowns for climate control. Good job he's doing badly in the polls.


And finally, never in my entire life have I ever seen all western leaders be so completely orchestrated and in step as for the last 18 month during this covid debacle.

Who could possibly be behind it all? If only there was some clue. 


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Govts keep increasing the pressure to  force the vax passports on everyone but it may well all backfire ... on you!


''Unelected health bureaucrats (Canada) announce that they’re going to fire every doctor, nurse and orderly without a vaccine. In other jurisdictions, that’s 25 to 30% of health staff. If you thought the lockdowns cancelled a lot of cancer surgeries, you ain’t seen nothing yet. '' Ezra Levant   @ezralevant





ONTARIO - Obese politician says vaccine passports are mandatory in social settings. To protect people like him who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own risk.

 I’m just telling it how it is.  Bernie's Tweets @BernieSpofforth

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On 27/08/2021 at 08:02, Caseynotes said:

Isolate - lockdown.
Confuse - mix truth and lies and constantly change plans and goals.
Fear - unremitting campaign of fear through a complicit media.

'Australian states start extending lockdowns in spite of announcements no longer going for 'zero covid'.'

Who could have possibly seen that coming?? (actually it's the same old bs we've all been put through for the last year and a half).

Melbourne Australia’s lockdown extended to at least Sept 23, but “children and parents rejoice at playgrounds reopening.” Only one adult may attend and they must scan a QR code upon entry to the playground. Removing one’s mask to eat or drink is forbidden.  Michael P Senger @MichaelPSenger

COVID Victoria: Children and parents rejoice at playgrounds reopening (theage.com.au)


Meanwhile vax passports hardliner Trudeau sees his popularity falling, forced to run away from demonstrators, glorious, and elections not far away.


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