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The Virus and the Economy

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“If you want your life to return to normal you will need a vaccine passport”  NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner says.

Government blackmail is the new normal. 

The race is on, can the govts of the western world force digital passports on everyone using covid as the excuse before people realise the vaccines don't work and actually make things worse?

Immunization expert: 'Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others' - America's Frontline Doctors (americasfrontlinedoctors.org)


The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme. Part 1: Adverse Drug Reactions and Deaths – Architects for Social Housing (ASH)

...  the logical conclusion to be drawn from these figures (PHE), is that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ that have been injected into the arms of 48 million people in the UK make no difference to the health impact of SARS-CoV-2, the viral load or its infectiousness.

... Last week, PHE published its latest, 22nd technical briefing, under the same title, and the results of the UK ‘vaccination’ programme are even worse.

... these figures show that partial or full ‘vaccination’ has made no difference to ‘infection’ with SARS-CoV-2, or at least to receiving a positive RT-PCR test, and, in fact, that the percentage diagnosed with this method was increasing among the so-called ‘vaccinated’. The percentages get even worse, however, when we look at deaths within 28 days of a positive test.



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2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

“If you want your life to return to normal you will need a vaccine passport”  NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner says.

Government blackmail is the new normal. 

The race is on, can the govts of the western world force digital passports on everyone using covid as the excuse before people realise the vaccines don't work and actually make things worse?

Immunization expert: 'Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others' - America's Frontline Doctors (americasfrontlinedoctors.org)


The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme. Part 1: Adverse Drug Reactions and Deaths – Architects for Social Housing (ASH)

...  the logical conclusion to be drawn from these figures (PHE), is that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ that have been injected into the arms of 48 million people in the UK make no difference to the health impact of SARS-CoV-2, the viral load or its infectiousness.

... Last week, PHE published its latest, 22nd technical briefing, under the same title, and the results of the UK ‘vaccination’ programme are even worse.

... these figures show that partial or full ‘vaccination’ has made no difference to ‘infection’ with SARS-CoV-2, or at least to receiving a positive RT-PCR test, and, in fact, that the percentage diagnosed with this method was increasing among the so-called ‘vaccinated’. The percentages get even worse, however, when we look at deaths within 28 days of a positive test.



You get a 'vaccine passport' once you are vaccinated. You don't have to get one, you already have one if you had your vaccines. I don't mean covid vaccines, I mean any vaccine.

That 'vaccine passport' has been already implemented for decades. It is the registry that any national health system has on your vaccines. 

Unless you are an exotic animal that has been living under a rock during your life you must have taken a vaccine at some point in your life, otherwise you would be dead. 

Here is a list for your education:


I am sure that you are vaccinated of at least 90% of that list. 

So that vaccine passport is just what you already have, my dear, if you happen to live in Europe or the UK just go to the National Health app and click on 'Travel' , there you will see your 'vaccine passport'

It is already implemented, I had to show it to fly twice this year in two different airports. 

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2 hours ago, jlz said:

You get a 'vaccine passport' once you are vaccinated. You don't have to get one, you already have one if you had your vaccines. I don't mean covid vaccines, I mean any vaccine.

That 'vaccine passport' has been already implemented for decades. It is the registry that any national health system has on your vaccines. 

Unless you are an exotic animal that has been living under a rock during your life you must have taken a vaccine at some point in your life, otherwise you would be dead. 

Here is a list for your education:


I am sure that you are vaccinated of at least 90% of that list. 

So that vaccine passport is just what you already have, my dear, if you happen to live in Europe or the UK just go to the National Health app and click on 'Travel' , there you will see your 'vaccine passport'

It is already implemented, I had to show it to fly twice this year in two different airports. 


Err, I've had all my real vaccines, the ones that completed safety trials, have also had special vaxxes when had to present proof when travelling to a country were there were dangerous diseases present, no problem.

But experimental gene therapy that has no medium or long term risk data for a disease that, according to the FDA, has just a 1 in 250,000 risk, and needing to present proof to go to a restaurant or club in my home town - no, this is not about a virus.


Note that the FDA officials that the Biden admin pressured into giving early FDA approval for these vaxxes both resigned.

FDA panel just voted 16-3 AGAINST approving the boosters This slide was shown at their meeting.



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Interesting data from the latest weekly PHE covid report download (as highlighted in the 'UK Vaccination Programme Part 1'. (article linked several posts above)


Attendance to emergency care and deaths from Covid (Delta)   6 months 1 Feb to 29 Aug 2021

Unvaxxed     219,716

Vaxxed         222,693     (27,993 + 80,877 + 113,823)



So obviously the vaccines do nothing to reduce infection and illness.

But when looking at deaths alone the vaxxed are worse off. 68 per cent of covid deaths when including the partially ‘vaccinated’; while the ‘unvaccinated’ made up less than 30 per cent, when the vaxxed are less than 60% of the population.



So the Vaccines don't work they just make things worse.

Reminder that when the drug companies said their vaccines had an efficacy of 95% what they meant was the difference between 0.88% (next to nothing) and 0.04% (also next to nothing). But that was against the now extinct Alpha not the now dominant vaccine resistant Delta (and all subsequent variants).



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14 hours ago, Caseynotes said:


Err, I've had all my real vaccines, the ones that completed safety trials, have also had special vaxxes when had to present proof when travelling to a country were there were dangerous diseases present, no problem.

But experimental gene therapy that has no medium or long term risk data for a disease that, according to the FDA, has just a 1 in 250,000 risk, and needing to present proof to go to a restaurant or club in my home town - no, this is not about a virus.


Note that the FDA officials that the Biden admin pressured into giving early FDA approval for these vaxxes both resigned.

FDA panel just voted 16-3 AGAINST approving the boosters This slide was shown at their meeting.



Ok, I just hope that you are consequent with your own words and don't get the Covid vaccine or don't wear a mask when you are asked to. 

I hope you are not like these folks:


I know... I know... the guardian... It is not right-win biased.

Edited by jlz
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46 minutes ago, jlz said:

Ok, I just hope that you are consequent with your own words and don't get the Covid vaccine or don't wear a mask when you are asked to. 

I hope you are not like these folks:


I know... I know... the guardian... It is not right-win biased.

Why would I want an arm full of toxic clone spike proteins when I've already had covid (as have over 40% of the UK adult population).

ONS data shows 96% of UK adults have covid antibodies when only 55% were vaxxed therefore 40% at least had come into contact with covid though many would not have even noticed it.

Covid spreads by aerosol so of course masks are useless and so just a sign of conformity.

I stick to the science papers and never see the msm fake narrative.


Meanwhile new lab work finds evidence of vaccine ADE (but not brave enough to call it).

Recipients of the Pfizer vaccine have 5 - 6 fold LOWER natural antibody count.


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2 big questions.

Why did the WHO alter their definition of immunity months ago to downplay natural immunity and exaggerate the importance of vaccination immunity?

And why are western politicians, who are clearly in a headlong race to force vax passports on everyone via vax mandates, why do they all refuse to acknowledge natural immunity?

Natural immunity has been working since the dawn of time, a sting of science papers say it's robust against not just Alpha covid that initiated it in many but also is working fine against Delta.

While latest reports are that vax defectiveness is down from 90% to 60% to 30% and is now at just 7.6% (for the over 50s ).

But the pressure from politicians for vax mandates only keeps growing. Even Pfizer scientists say natural immunity needs to be taken into consideration.

Could it be that the political agenda is not actually focused on the virus, or the vaccines, but rather the proof of vaccination (digital passports)?


As was proved by Israel - boosters do not help, which was one reason the FDA said no to boosters for the US on Friday. Continued vax immunity is now dependant on a new vax, and that will encourage even faster mutations, and so round and round we go.

This is the reason why the flu vax was never able to control flu.

Meanwhile Pfizer revenue hits $35,000,000,000  🤓🤓🤓



Quantifying the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 reinfection over time (nih.gov)



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One thing we learned about lockdowns in the UK was that the middle class stayed at home and worked from home on full pay while the working class had to brave the virus to deliver them stuff.

Amazon made record profits.

And supermarket workers carried on as usual interacting with hundreds of people every day, why didn't they all die ?? 


Maybe this had something to do with it.

Per the great @kerpen
- Find your age on the chart.
- Second column: how many have died (WITH a positive test, not necessarily OF) Covid-19 US b/w Jan 2020 and Sept 2021.
- Third column: the number of people in the U.S. who are that age.
- Fourth column: the % of the people that age who have died of COVID.

Note you don't get to 0.1% until the age of 50 and 1% until the age of 78.




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''The ONS antibody studies suggest that nearly half of 16 and 17 year olds have been previously infected. We don’t know the equivalent figure for 12 to fives but it is likely to be similar. That means the vaccine effect relative to all unvaccinated (previously infected and not) will be drastically lower than the figure used in the modelling paper. In turn, even the 15 minutes of prevented lost schooling will be a significant overestimate.''

''The point about previous infection is so important and obvious that it seems scarcely believable that the modelling underpinning the chief medical officers’ recommendation has ignored it. But the issue does not even get a mention in the modelling document, even to note it as a limitation of the study.''


Will vaccinating teenagers really prevent disruption to schools? | The Spectator

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Oh, now they tell us.

New England Journal of Medicine Backtracks - Now Admits CV jab May Not Be Safe for Pregnant Women.


Also, if myocarditis occurs after 1 of every 1,000 doses, and if people typically take 2 doses (unless they get say myocarditis after the first), then this essentially means myocarditis occurs in 1 of every 500 people who receive the mRNA vaccines.


What? New England Journal of Medicine Backtracks - Now Admits COVID Vax May Not Be Safe for Pregnant Women (thegatewaypundit.com)

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis (medrxiv.org)


See I don't think Gates gets that if you make sh*t software no one actually gets killed, but when you make sh*t vaccines it's a very different story.

Anyway, (not a doctor) Gates already moving onto the next one.



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What's Happening? 

A Revolution. 


By Who? 

A/ Governments, (the visible puppets), and 

B/ The Davos Elite. 



Who Are The Davos Elite (WEF)? 

The largest IT concerns, Apple, the Google parent company Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market capitalisation of these five companies at present amounts to an incredible $9.1trillion. 

Along with these digital concerns we also have the large asset managers, namely BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They are significantly involved in all IT companies, these four currently manage a total $220.6 trillion, for comparison, the GDP of all 28 nations of the EU last year amounted to $15.7 trillion. 


A Revolution How?

By releasing a man made virus to cause a medical emergency and collapse the economy.



To destroy cash and create the need for a 'Recoinage' which will be a digital currency issued by central banks along with personal digital 'wallets'.

The medical emergency will need a 'cure' and proof of having been 'cured' by means of a digital health record in order for the holder to be allowed to re-join society.


Then What?

Your digital health record will be upgraded to a digital ID incorporating your digital wallet.

From this point on whoever controls the AI will have direct control over YOU.

It will allow governments to watch over all transactions made by you and to assign various tax rates, and impose upon you individual fines. Governments can also place an expiry limit on a part of your money, and require that you spend certain amounts within certain time periods. But it can also require the money to be used for specific purposes, and require that specific amounts be paid only for certain products, or that they be sourced only from certain regions.

Above all, government will be in the position to cancel your ability to make all transactions with a single mouse click, and so shut you down financially.

The End.



In part extracted from The master plan behind the Covid crisis - The Conservative Woman

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4 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

What's Happening? 

A Revolution. 


By Who? 

A/ Governments, (the visible puppets), and 

B/ The Davos Elite. 



Who Are The Davos Elite (WEF)? 

The largest IT concerns, Apple, the Google parent company Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market capitalisation of these five companies at present amounts to an incredible $9.1trillion. 

Along with these digital concerns we also have the large asset managers, namely BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They are significantly involved in all IT companies, these four currently manage a total $220.6 trillion, for comparison, the GDP of all 28 nations of the EU last year amounted to $15.7 trillion. 


A Revolution How?

By releasing a man made virus to cause a medical emergency and collapse the economy.



To destroy cash and create the need for a 'Recoinage' which will be a digital currency issued by central banks along with personal digital 'wallets'.

The medical emergency will need a 'cure' and proof of having been 'cured' by means of a digital health record in order for the holder to be allowed to re-join society.


Then What?

Your digital health record will be upgraded to a digital ID incorporating your digital wallet.

From this point on whoever controls the AI will have direct control over YOU.

It will allow governments to watch over all transactions made by you and to assign various tax rates, and impose upon you individual fines. Governments can also place an expiry limit on a part of your money, and require that you spend certain amounts within certain time periods. But it can also require the money to be used for specific purposes, and require that specific amounts be paid only for certain products, or that they be sourced only from certain regions.

Above all, government will be in the position to cancel your ability to make all transactions with a single mouse click, and so shut you down financially.

The End.



In part extracted from The master plan behind the Covid crisis - The Conservative Woman

Finally.  There it is.  What I've been talking abot for 20 years is here.

Maybe now i can get on with my life and Stop Spreading the News to people who A. Don't Give a ****.  B. Think it's a great Idea anyway.

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Oh 'The Great Reset' is back to the table. 

Have you run out of Covid related propaganda that you are now linking everything to an evil master plan to control us in darkness?

Well, you have done it before, so I believe you are doing the same now.

The end is near... Prepare your tin foil hats.  

Davos' boys had everything planned for two years and everything was part of a diabolical plan that will lead us to the abysm.

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1 hour ago, jlz said:

Oh 'The Great Reset' is back to the table. 

Have you run out of Covid related propaganda that you are now linking everything to an evil master plan to control us in darkness?

Well, you have done it before, so I believe you are doing the same now.

The end is near... Prepare your tin foil hats.  

Davos' boys had everything planned for two years and everything was part of a diabolical plan that will lead us to the abysm.

You are a total Richard lol.  What a waste of space you are.

Go play with your dolls you Troll!

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8 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

You are a total Richard lol.  What a waste of space you are.

Go play with your dolls you Troll!

Hey clown. Long time no see. I kind of missed you.

Tell us again about those nanobots that Davos' boys are preparing to control us. Don't mind me, it is for the audience. They need some excitement.

By the way, Richard is a perfectly fine name. There are many folks called Richard. You shouldn't throw those subtle insults around, some people might think that you are a tool and we don't want that. Think about your reputation.

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15 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

What's Happening? 

A Revolution. 


By Who? 

A/ Governments, (the visible puppets), and 

B/ The Davos Elite. 



Who Are The Davos Elite (WEF)? 

The largest IT concerns, Apple, the Google parent company Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market capitalisation of these five companies at present amounts to an incredible $9.1trillion. 

Along with these digital concerns we also have the large asset managers, namely BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They are significantly involved in all IT companies, these four currently manage a total $220.6 trillion, for comparison, the GDP of all 28 nations of the EU last year amounted to $15.7 trillion. 


A Revolution How?

By releasing a man made virus to cause a medical emergency and collapse the economy.



To destroy cash and create the need for a 'Recoinage' which will be a digital currency issued by central banks along with personal digital 'wallets'.

The medical emergency will need a 'cure' and proof of having been 'cured' by means of a digital health record in order for the holder to be allowed to re-join society.


Then What?

Your digital health record will be upgraded to a digital ID incorporating your digital wallet.

From this point on whoever controls the AI will have direct control over YOU.

It will allow governments to watch over all transactions made by you and to assign various tax rates, and impose upon you individual fines. Governments can also place an expiry limit on a part of your money, and require that you spend certain amounts within certain time periods. But it can also require the money to be used for specific purposes, and require that specific amounts be paid only for certain products, or that they be sourced only from certain regions.

Above all, government will be in the position to cancel your ability to make all transactions with a single mouse click, and so shut you down financially.

The End.



In part extracted from The master plan behind the Covid crisis - The Conservative Woman


The revolution is of course the 4th (the Technological) revolution as per the great reset and the economy was arguably written off when they started never ending QE, covid is just a convenient excuse to start over.

'The head of the Bank for International Settlements, often called the central bank for central banks, declares he wants “complete control” over money via banning cash in favour of Central Bank Digital Currencies... an openly stated “very important” goal.'




The revolution was coming anyway but it was the WEF elite's decision to give it a Chinese communist style flavour with it's appealing ultra high level of state control but it doesn't have to be that way.

It's well worth reading the article.

The master plan behind the Covid crisis - The Conservative Woman



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2 hours ago, jlz said:

Hey clown. Long time no see. I kind of missed you.

Tell us again about those nanobots that Davos' boys are preparing to control us. Don't mind me, it is for the audience. They need some excitement.

By the way, Richard is a perfectly fine name. There are many folks called Richard. You shouldn't throw those subtle insults around, some people might think that you are a tool and we don't want that. Think about your reputation.

Ignorant ****.


You have no ammo against me you twittering girl.  Go paint your nails and ask mommy to braid your hair.  You're not worth any more of my time.  You're the type to feed his granny poison and **** the neighbours dog and blame immigration.  You're a coward Troll.  A regurgitating meme.  You're not even a number.  I couldn't even call you a fraction.  Your words are meaningless just like your life.  A pointless echo in vast space.  No one likes you.  The unpopular kid at school who cried every morning into his bitter sour milk soaked corn flakes.  Probably own a cat who you talk to daily an go on adventures in the garden.  Pathetic ****.


Eat the news up you absolute Muppet.  You need your energy for **** goats you un-original failing human being.

The world is full of people like you.  The masses.  The sheep.  The cattle.  You have nothing to say.  Nothing to offer.  You bleat what you are told daily enforcing your world.  Ignorant of all things.  You're a faker.  A nobody. You always have been.  You always will be, and you know it every time you look in a mirror.


Jog on now.  Your utterings are worthless here.  They probably are everywhere you go.  Trolls look for interaction online because they have none outside of it.  They look for a voice to reassure them they exist.  You do not.  This is the last energy I will give you, you dying ember in this vast cosmos. Dull, insignificant and benign.



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more rubber bullets in OZ


Meanwhile, masks, the usual story;

2 weeks ago, Nevada’s governor reinstated a mask mandate in 12 counties, regardless of vaccination status. 5 small counties were exempt, so we can compare the two groups. And uh, yeah...The counties with mask mandates are doing much, MUCH worse. IM @ianmSC. 



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@Caseynotes If you haven't heard of or seen this Interveiw, take a look.  This is a short 10min excerpt.  Forget the Dogma of who why or what, just take a look.

This is Aaron Russo-regardelss of Conspiracy Theories that he and many other like him have been killed with a Cancer Causing Ray Gun :P He mentions meeting the Rockefeller Grandson pre 9/11 and the plans for the World moving forward.  

Through further 'reasearch' we can see the many ways in which they plan to achieve their goal.  One being a Pandemic, others being Domestic Terrorism, Food Shortages, Energy Crisis etc, Climate Change.

All 'solutions' moving forward are purported to be 'For the Safety and Security of Mankind'.

As far as I can see the first emergence of a Digital Slave race goes back to 1993.


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15 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

is this true?

Why wouldn't it be?

There must come a time Casey when what you've been posting for 18 months comes to a conclusion.  the only Conclusion.?  This is happening.  People have been talking about it happening for decades.  It's here!

My only hope at this late stage is the the US the UK don't follow thru.  we avoided the Euro as did the US with the American Union and the Amero.  Maybe there's enough fight in them to resist this global regime change too.

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2 hours ago, nit2wynit said:

Ignorant ****.


You have no ammo against me you twittering girl.  Go paint your nails and ask mommy to braid your hair.  You're not worth any more of my time.  You're the type to feed his granny poison and **** the neighbours dog and blame immigration.  You're a coward Troll.  A regurgitating meme.  You're not even a number.  I couldn't even call you a fraction.  Your words are meaningless just like your life.  A pointless echo in vast space.  No one likes you.  The unpopular kid at school who cried every morning into his bitter sour milk soaked corn flakes.  Probably own a cat who you talk to daily an go on adventures in the garden.  Pathetic ****.


Eat the news up you absolute Muppet.  You need your energy for **** goats you un-original failing human being.

The world is full of people like you.  The masses.  The sheep.  The cattle.  You have nothing to say.  Nothing to offer.  You bleat what you are told daily enforcing your world.  Ignorant of all things.  You're a faker.  A nobody. You always have been.  You always will be, and you know it every time you look in a mirror.


Jog on now.  Your utterings are worthless here.  They probably are everywhere you go.  Trolls look for interaction online because they have none outside of it.  They look for a voice to reassure them they exist.  You do not.  This is the last energy I will give you, you dying ember in this vast cosmos. Dull, insignificant and benign.



Love is in the air

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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

is this true?

''They cut the internet in Victoria. Welcome to Communism.''

Tyler Bradley @Bradley93038424



What is true is that some people in Melbourne are stir crazy.

By the time Melbourne’s lockdown ends on October 26, it will have spent 267 days in lockdown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.


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1 hour ago, AndrewS said:

What is true is that some people in Melbourne are stir crazy.

By the time Melbourne’s lockdown ends on October 26, it will have spent 267 days in lockdown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.


yes, and as everywhere else did nothing but harm;




'Type 2 diabetes in children appears to have doubled during the C-19 pandemic, data from two new US studies suggest, with the lead investigator of one saying she was "surprised by the staggering increase in cases of type 2 diabetes .. severity of presentation."

'Staggering' Doubling of Type 2 Diabetes in Kids During Pandemic (medscape.com)




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In the news; - oh dear never mind, it's all good data; 

'A Turkish Prof, Zafer Kurugöl has said on TV that they have "accidentally" vaccinated babies with covid vax (adult dosage) and will publish the results (of their accidental experiment). He was also member of the Scientific Committee at Pfizer's Scientific Research Competition.' Professore Notte Botta @note_bot_

Pfizer’in Bilimsel Araştırmaya ve Genç Araştırmacılara Desteği Devam Ediyor | Pfizer Türkiye



'Newly reported deaths in Hawaii have risen 1,740% in the past two months despite one of the longest mask mandates in the world & overwhelming compliance…so I have to ask once again why Ron DeSantis did not mandate double masking & spend more time promoting vaccinations there.'  IM @ianmSC






Cases in South Korea have been at record high levels for nearly 3 months now despite 99% mask compliance, mask mandates and fines for non-compliance, so it’s always nice to hear politicians and experts keep pushing more mask mandates & forcing masks on 2 year olds.  IM @ianmSC




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Biden: "a 25% minority are causing a lot of damage,"

referring to ppl who did not take mRNA shots.

Falsely claims hospitals are overrun.

Blames "the unvaccinated" for America's economy.

"Refusal has cost all of us."  "I'm moving forward with vaccination requirements.'' (tyranny mandates)

(Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com @JordanSchachtel)


The lies and rhetoric getting ever more hysterical is a sure sign they know the narrative is falling apart.

The CDC keep changing the rules on counting, now one dose = unvaxxed, < 2 weeks after 2 dose = unvaxxed.

But the data showing deteriorating vaccine efficacy, decreasing antibody count in the vaxxed and greater rate of infection in the vaxxed is happening faster.

Now Oxford vax scientist is saying ''Covid will just become a cold'',  funny - that's what many epidemiologists were saying back in May 2020 as I was posting in the 'covid and the economy' thread.


"Judge me in a year," he told me in summer 2020. One year on, Swedish Covid chief Anders Tegnell returned to @unherd to look back at lessons of the pandemic. He was modest and cautious, but his overall message was clear: Sweden got it right.

Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid - The Post (unherd.com)


Now even the CDC can't deny it;

The vaccinated put the unvaccinated at risk.

“Those who are vaccinated, we now know based on the CDC, because they carry so much more virus, they can transmit it to their unvaccinated family members.” - Dr. Leana Wen


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