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The Virus and the Economy

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Dr Fauci (no mask > 1 mask > 2 masks > 1 mask > no mask) decides masks are just theatre after all.

There was never any 'science' to justify wearing a cloth mask to stop a virus.



“A SAGE insider on masks: they do more harm than good and the decision to mandate them for healthy people in the community was introduced as a psychological control method rather than a means of reducing viral transmission.”

The ‘weaponisation’ of behavioural psychology – HART (hartgroup.org)



Well Japan is close to reaching their highest new case average of the past year, despite 98% mask compliance. I don’t know about you, but I look forward to the mental gymnastics experts will be performing to explain how no, this actually means masks work and have always worked.

IM @ianmSC




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Vax manufacturers admit that the vaccines won't stop you getting covid, just reduce the symptoms (so don't really come under the definition of a vaccine). So how much protection do they provide then?

Peer-reviewed research from The Lancet shows that the experimental vaccines reduce your chance of catching COVID-19 by:

Pfizer: 0.8%

Johnson & J: 1.2%

Moderna: 1.2%

AstraZeneca: 1.3%

COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room - The Lancet Microbe


Makes you wonder why the govt is so adamant that EVERYONE gets jabbed - twice - and then a booster every year forever after.

Even your children, who are at practically no risk from covid.


''Covid-19 Vaccine Risk-Benefit Data For Those Under 18-Years Old Are NOT Favorable And Reveal A Potential 3-Fold Excess Risk of Fatal and Life Threatening Events For Each Potential Death Averted From Covid-19 By Vaccination''

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS @andrewbostom







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  • CharlotteIG changed the title to The Virus and the Economy

''In 2015, Chinese military scientists discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses, five years before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China - where CCP scientists were collaborating with a US-funded NGO on so-called 'gain of function' research to make bat coronaviruses infect humans more easily.''

Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 'To Cause Enemy's Medical System To Collapse' | ZeroHedge


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Oh dear, social media, the great arbiters of truth in the modern age, seem to be having second thoughts on the origins of the 'Chinese' virus ...

''Facebook has announced that it is reversing a policy that banned posts which claimed COVID-19 was “man-made” just months after asserting that the theory had been “debunked.”

Facebook no longer treating 'man-made' Covid as a crackpot idea - POLITICO

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As social media platforms become ever more right think censor driven they risk being recategorized as a publisher rather than just a platform. This opens them to legal liability for what is posted as well as what they censor.

To remain a platform they would simply need to follow the basic law of banning incitement to violence and up hold the right of free speech.

What is actually happening is incitement to violence is fine against certain minorities while posts repeating information off govt websites is being censored - seriously.

This post on Facebook was censored;






Same is happening on Twitter.




Many would say that big tech oligarchs are the worst people possible to be trusted to decide what's truth or not.





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Update on the Chinese Virus.


So recently we have learnt that;

- in 2017 the Chinese military produced a document suggesting development of a bat coronavirus converted to infect humans to be used on an enemy to overwhelm their medical facilities.

- in 2017 Fauci's NIH were banned from further research in making bat coronaviruses more transmissible in humans (gain of function).

- in 2017 Fauci granted the Wuhan lab in China $600,000 for research. The Chinese military also uses the Wuhan lab for research.

- in 2019 a new highly transmissible coronavirus with no known natural ancestor was discovered in Wuhan. The Chinese govt immediately ordered a lockdown to prevent medical facilities being overwhelmed.

- the WHO immediately abandoned it's long standing pandemic plan and recommended instead that affected regions should lockdown immediately to prevent medical facilities being overwhelmed.

- 'gain of function' is done to get a head start on nature, making the virus in a lab before it evolves in nature allows cures to be developed ahead of time.

- the vaccines for covid-19 were rolled out, astonishingly, just 7 weeks after the virus's molecular sequence was published.

But I'm sure it's all just a coincidence. 👀


And an update on the Vaccines;

It's all about the spike protein. (10 min)




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4 minutes ago, jlz said:

You could direct a B-movie with the nonsense you are posting in this thread. I can see your talent. 

but you can't point out any part that is, actually and demonstrably, nonsense.

In the last post all 7 points are known facts.

ps the document detailing Chines military involvement was from 2015 not 2017  (see post further up for link).

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10 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Update on the Chinese Virus.


So recently we have learnt that;

- in 2017 the Chinese military produced a document suggesting development of a bat coronavirus converted to infect humans to be used on an enemy to overwhelm their medical facilities.

- in 2017 Fauci's NIH were banned from further research in making bat coronaviruses more transmissible in humans (gain of function).

- in 2017 Fauci granted the Wuhan lab in China $600,000 for research. The Chinese military also uses the Wuhan lab for research.

- in 2019 a new highly transmissible coronavirus with no known natural ancestor was discovered in Wuhan. The Chinese govt immediately ordered a lockdown to prevent medical facilities being overwhelmed.

- the WHO immediately abandoned it's long standing pandemic plan and recommended instead that affected regions should lockdown immediately to prevent medical facilities being overwhelmed.

- 'gain of function' is done to get a head start on nature, making the virus in a lab before it evolves in nature allows cures to be developed ahead of time.

- the vaccines for covid-19 were rolled out, astonishingly, just 7 weeks after the virus's molecular sequence was published.

But I'm sure it's all just a coincidence. 👀


And an update on the Vaccines;

It's all about the spike protein. (10 min)




Any proof, document or link that we could read to support your sentences?

Anyone is free to post a text but not everyone is able to make up news. 

Edited by jlz
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5 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

but you can't point out any part that is, actually and demonstrably, nonsense.

In the last post all 7 points are known facts.

ps the document detailing Chines military involvement was from 2015 not 2017  (see post further up for link).

Are you upvoting your own posts from a guest account? Who would upvote your reply?

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57 minutes ago, jlz said:

Any proof, document or link that we could read to support your sentences?

Anyone is free to post a text but not everyone is able to make up news. 

yeah, not least the link posted earlier that you didn't bother to look at let alone read.

Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 'To Cause Enemy's Medical System To Collapse' | ZeroHedge


''EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims''

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online

Not to mention the recent MSM news reports from UK and US govt intel sources that the theory of a lab leak is more than credible.

Fauci's NIH  'gain of function' research is on record as is the banning of it in the US in 2017, as is Fauci and Gates's subsequent grants to the Wuhan lab to continue research into coronaviruses.

The WHO's sudden change of recommendation from their pandemic plan of 2016 updated in 2019 (protect the vulnerable) to lockdown the healthy is public knowledge.

The date of completion of sequencing of the virus is public knowledge as is the date of the vaccine rollout.


You really don't keep up at all do you but are happy just sucking on the teat that is BBC/Sky news, you should get out more.



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Studies coming in thick and fast now demonstrating that masks don't work.

There are only a couple of studies that claim to show masks do work but both start with the assumption that the UCL models were right (predicting half a million deaths in the UK), which everyone knows they weren't.

28966804 (medrxiv.org)


Dr with 4 MIT degrees laughs off a mask wearing reporter.


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Didn't Johnson say just yesterday the govt were abandoning covid passports? 

Strange, that Canadian news is reporting he wants passports agreed in the upcoming G7 meet and vaccinations for the whole world.




It's Not Hypocrisy, The COVID Narrative is a Lie - Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Provides Another Example - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)


Meanwhile in the Telegraph 

“There was never any lockdown - there were just middle class people hiding while working class people brought them things.’

Great summery of lockdown by JJ Charlesworth.


But but but,

Homeless people died in their thousands (no they didn't)

Delivery drivers died in their thousands (no they didn't)

Supermarket checkout workers died in their thousands (no they didn't)






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48 minutes ago, filber said:

one can't upvote as a guest 

i would upvote caseys posts like many others

It is great to be part of a fan base. Specially when the leader is so close and humble. 

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2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

yeah, not least the link posted earlier that you didn't bother to look at let alone read.

Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 'To Cause Enemy's Medical System To Collapse' | ZeroHedge


''EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims''

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online

Not to mention the recent MSM news reports from UK and US govt intel sources that the theory of a lab leak is more than credible.

Fauci's NIH  'gain of function' research is on record as is the banning of it in the US in 2017, as is Fauci and Gates's subsequent grants to the Wuhan lab to continue research into coronaviruses.

The WHO's sudden change of recommendation from their pandemic plan of 2016 updated in 2019 (protect the vulnerable) to lockdown the healthy is public knowledge.

The date of completion of sequencing of the virus is public knowledge as is the date of the vaccine rollout.


You really don't keep up at all do you but are happy just sucking on the teat that is BBC/Sky news, you should get out more.



Zerohedge and dailymail. I understand now. 

Great and reputable sources. 

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9 hours ago, jlz said:

Zerohedge and dailymail. I understand now. 

Great and reputable sources. 

As usual, when you don't like the message you just abuse the messenger without ever realising it just makes you look a complete idiot.

If you don't like the conclusions of the research paper by the Dutch and UK scientists take it up with them. I'm sure once you've explained your objections and put them straight they'll be happy to amend their conclusions, or just tell you to FO because you're a complete idiot.

I know which outcome I'd put my money on.

MSM are running for the exits with the Washington Post yesterday joining Facebook in retracting their claim the lab leak theory was baseless.

Once Fauci himself through in the towel the flag went up that real evidence of a Wuhan lab leak was on it's way and so it proved.


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