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The Virus and the Economy

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UK: 78,610 people tested positive for Covid today - the highest daily total since the pandemic began.

Hopefully many of these will recover quickly with mild symptoms however many will also suffer for many months -talking to a friend today, she got Covid 18 months ago, has had a terrible time since and is now just getting back to full strength ☹️



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3 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Interesting chart from Chris Witty, not surprisingly the unvaccinated are much more likely to end up in hospital:

'Unvaccinated' is everyone up to 2 weeks after their 2nd dose - do you see how that works?

In Israel 'unvaccinated' is about to become everyone up to 2 weeks post their 3rd dose as they line up for their 4th.


Better off just sticking to reality.




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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

'Unvaccinated' is everyone up to 2 weeks after their 2nd dose - do you see how that works?

Yes, it's very clear, you are fully vaccinated from 2 weeks are your 2nd dose. It's also very clear that the vaccine is preventing hospitalisations.

Re: you bar chart, remember this?


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Very interesting, no one is even pretending to be looking for the animal reservoir anymore. The covid virus (SARS-CoV2) was created in the Wuhan lab. The virus body is harmless, all the harmful features are on the spike protein that was lifted from a coronavirus and reengineered to be more harmful to humans and then grafted onto the viral body. An associate of Fauci wrote and suggested that appeared to be the case in one of the emails released a few months ago, the convo was quashed immediately.


So the covid virus has Wuhan engineered spike proteins grafted onto a harmless coronavirus body.

On the other hand the non-mRNA vaccines have clones of the Wuhan spike protein grafted onto a harmless coronavirus body.

While the mRNA vaccines just gets your own cells to manufacture clones of the Wuhan spike protein.




That explains why Gates said the vaccines caused adverse reactions of mild headache and slight fever (covid symptoms)

And why many scientists have noted the similarity between the list of covid symptoms and vaccine adverse reactions.

And why many people are testing positive for covid immediately after getting the vaccine. (less than 2 weeks after the shot so counted as unvaxxed covid cases ha ha)


3 very important questions.

Why do the clone spike proteins in the vaccines cause 10 - 100 fold more severe myocarditis than the Wuhan engineered spike proteins in the covid virus ?

If it takes longer than 6 months to clear these foreign spike proteins from the body what is the cumulative affect of a fresh injection every 6 months or every 3 months ?

(Reminder that the spikes attach to the endothelial cells of blood vessels causing systematic micro clotting, inflammatory reactions, and larger clots.)

And 3, why is this ****show even still on the road ?


''Vaccination results in a rise in covid infection rates for the first week or two before there is a fall.''

It gets worse before it gets better – HART (hartgroup.org)














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5 minutes ago, Provaton said:

British tourists to be banned from France from Saturday:

More detail:

France will ban non-essential travel to and from Britain from the weekend to slow the spread of the Omicron Covid-19 variant that is causing record numbers of cases on the other side of the Channel, the government said Thursday.

From midnight Saturday (2300 GMT Friday) there will be a “requirement to have an essential reason to travel to, or come from, the UK, both for the unvaccinated and vaccinated... People cannot travel for touristic or professional reasons,” the government said in a statement.

“Faced with the extremely rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the UK, the government has chosen to reinstate the need for an essential reason for travel from and to the UK,” the statement said.

It added that French citizens and EU nationals could still return to France from the UK.

“We will put in place a system of controls drastically tighter than the one we have already,” government spokesman Gabriel Attal told BFMTV channel.

Attal said the policy was aimed at “tightening the net” to slow down the arrival of Omicron cases in France and give time for the French vaccination booster campaign to make more ground.

“Our strategy is to delay as much as we can the development of Omicron in our country and take advantage to push ahead with the booster drive,” he said.

In addition, returning travellers will need a negative test less than 24 hours old, and a blanket quarantine would be enforced on return to France.

“People (coming back) will have to register on an app and will have to self-isolate in a place of their choosing for seven days - controlled by the security forces - but this can be shortened to 48 hours if a negative test is carried out in France,” he said.

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News changing by the minute as borders close, and more restrictions announced. Sweden now tightening its borders:



Sweden will require visitors from other Nordic nations to have a vaccine pass to cross the border as it gradually tightens restrictions amid rising cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, the government said on Thursday.

"We see an increase in infections in Europe, but also in our neighbours," news agency TT quoted Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson as saying.

"For visitors from any country except the Nordics, we have a requirement for a COVID pass. Today, the government is going to take the decision that there will be the same requirement also for the Nordic countries."

The new regulation will come into force on December 21, TT said.

Sweden has seen a sharp rise in new infections in recent days, if from a low level. It has reintroduced a limited number of measures and has said further steps would be needed if infections kept on climbing.



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Is it safe to hang out with the UNBOOSTED?


Very difficult to know when the definition of vaxxed and unvaxxed is keeps changing so rapidly. Probably best just to play it safe and put yourself back in lockdown  🤣🤣🤣🤣


''Germany has done 88m Covid tests since this all began, UK, with a population 15m smaller, has done 379m!''  Patrick O'Flynn @oflynnsocial 1d

Over 6 tests per person !!


As the WHO recommendation, a positive PCR test is meaningless without a conformation test and the presents of actual symptoms, because without them, as in the Prof Fenton posted earlier, the false positive rate will be over 80%.

So these cases numbers are relative to the number of tests done, not the number of real covid cases.


''There were a record number of positive test results yesterday, 78,610. There were also 1,241,281 negative tests. The percentage of tests coming back positive remains flat.''

Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath 







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Covid: Businesses hit by new wave of sickness



With Covid cases at record levels and rising, employers are bracing for large numbers of workers to call in sick.

The Strats Homes lettings agency is being harder-hit than most. Out of 12 staff, only three are still working.

“We’re staying away from each other and we’re managing the best we can,” says finance manager Maria Stratis.

Hospitals, schools, theatres, transport providers and football teams are also being affected as workers succumb to the new wave of Omicron infections.

And with the UK Health Security Agency’s chief executive Jenny Harries warning of a “staggering” number of cases in coming days, it’s likely that many other businesses will follow.



My experience: hearing more and more friends/family getting Covid with so far quite mild symptoms (they are young and healthy).

I really fear for the consequences of long covid though, many will be dealing with this for years...☹️

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Oh, 'So Omnicon is going to be a much bigger problem for the 90% jabbed UK than 25% jabbed South Africa. Why could that be?'


Just be thankful that those mask mandates introduced in England on November 30th stopped Omicron cases growing to what they now say is around  ... oh.


''Pfizer jab 80p to make, UK pays £22 each, GP £15 per jab, add distribution, storage and a needle, in round figures £50 a pop times 60 million population, times 3 so far, add the PCR and LFT's to that cost, it won't end until we are bankrupt and the reset button is finally pushed.''  steveh689 @steveh689




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Hmm, missing S gene in Omicron may make the PCR even more unreliable than normal.


The PCR test was originally set up to look for 3 target genes of a Coronavirus. The S gene was one of the three target genes. If only 2 genes or 1 gene was found, the test would be declared negative. For Omicron, it is said the S gene is missing

This means now when the test returns 1 or 2 of the target genes (but excluding the S gene) then instead of being declared a negative - it is declared an omicron positive. This adjustment to the test sensitivity will result in many more positives (FALSE positives)

Similar happened last December 2020, when Alpha was also said to be missing the S gene.

(Freedom Podcast @FreedomPodcast1  1d)





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Only half of people in UK with Covid ever get tested, says scientific adviser, who predicts 'huge wave of infection'

A UK government scientific adviser has said that only around half of people who have Covid ever get tested and predicted that Omicron would lead to “a huge wave of infection”.

Prof Andrew Hayward, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), told BBC Breakfast: “Only about half or maybe even fewer of people who do have Covid ever get tested.”

He said the doubling rate of new variant Omicron would lead to an “extraordinary number of cases” and “a huge wave of infection”.

He added:

If you think about getting a year’s worth of rain over a month, then you’re going to get flooding and potentially severe flooding, no matter how much you’ve shored up your defences.

And that’s the concern here - that that huge wave is going to cause lots of people to be off work having to isolate, which is going to cause disruption, and it’s going to spill over into people going into hospital.

Now the rate at which it spills over is uncertain because we don’t know exactly how severe it is yet, but we’ve no particular reason to think that it’s less severe than previous strains.

We know that Covid is always going to be less severe if you’ve been immunised but it may be that rather than the strain itself that’s making a lot of cases look less severe.

He said that by Christmas or new year there should be more data about the severity of the new variant, but said that by then it would be too late to take action.

Asked about current restrictions, he said:

I think the scale of the potential problem that we’re looking at here does mean that we need to bite the bullet and we need to tell people that there’s two really important things here.

One is to get boosted, the other if we want to slow it down now... Then what we need to do is reduce the number of contacts that we have, we need to avoid crowded spaces with lots of people in and unfortunately, yes, that does mean parties etc. And so that’s a difficult message.

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Sensible to cut down on less important events, says Whitty

Prof Chris Whitty is up in front of MPs right now, speaking at the Health Select Committee.

Asked about Christmas plans first, he says everyone can see the Omicron variant is moving really fast and is highly transmissible.

This time of year, people have things on that really matter to them, including family events - and Prof Whitty advises people again to choose what is most important to them.

In practice it's "sensible" to cut down on work or other interactions, like social events, that might be "less important" to you.

Prof Whitty says he doesn't want to tell people to "do this or that" but to prioritise.

And the best route out of all this is boosters, he stresses, asking people to get them when they can.

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oh dear, long covid looks not to be associated with actual real symptoms.

"..persistent physical symptoms 10 to 12 months after the COVID-19 pandemic first wave were associated more with the belief in having experienced COVID-19 infection than with having laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection."

Association of Self-reported COVID-19 Infection and SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test Results With Persistent Physical Symptoms Among French Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Infectious Diseases | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network


WHO recommends against random PCR testing of asymptomatic people.

Recommendations for national SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies and diagnostic capacities (who.int)

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3 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

oh dear, long covid looks not to be associated with actual real symptoms.

oh please, I have numerous friends who have/are suffering from this....IT IS REAL!!!!!


Long-term effects of coronavirus (long COVID)
For some people, coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID".

About long COVID
How long it takes to recover from COVID-19 is different for everybody.

Many people feel better in a few days or weeks and most will make a full recovery within 12 weeks. But for some people, symptoms can last longer.

The chances of having long-term symptoms does not seem to be linked to how ill you are when you first get COVID-19.

People who had mild symptoms at first can still have long-term problems.

Symptoms of long COVID
There are lots of symptoms you can have after a COVID-19 infection.

Common long COVID symptoms include:

  • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain or tightness
  • problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog")
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • heart palpitations
  • dizziness
  • pins and needles
  • joint pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • tinnitus, earaches
  • feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
  • a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
  • rashes
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5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

'The front page of South Africa's biggest online news site has zero headlines about Omicron'.

That's one headline and the "most read" stories, so what?

If you check now it has 2 stories and many more if you scroll down (no idea how that is relevant to anything though!):



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Twitter is hilarious at the moment, the omicron gags are coming thick and fast as the media ramp up project fear.


''Why is our media not reporting the Health Minister of South Africa saying their hospitalisations and deaths from Omicron are still "low"? Surely this would reduce unnecessary panic, which is causing people to cancel Xmas plans, putting the hospitality industry on its knees?''  Paul Joseph Watson  @PrisonPlanet


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20 minutes ago, Provaton said:

More from Chris Whitty, to people who say Covid lockdowns have somehow set back cancer or other care:


Unbelievable garbage, every newspaper in the country has carried headlines of missed GP appointments and routine screening, 10s of thousands in the case of cancer alone. 

No appointments > missed diagnosis > missed referral on. 

Of all the excess deaths this year less than half are covid, the rest are 'denial of health care'. 

Only the extremely gullible  would still be believing this proven liar many times over.

I've already listed many studies that show risk/benefit analysis (never done by the govt) on lockdowns show they were only ever harmful.


Edited by Caseynotes
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There is really something seriously wrong going on;

(see previous post today on Omicron missing S gene)

''If this PCR test found no S but only E and N2, then you were Delta NEGATIVE.

Today they are called Omikron POSITIVE!

That is why Omikron is spreading so quickly without seriously ill people: Evidence through non-evidence! ''

(google transl)

Stefan Homburg @SHomburg  10m




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LONDON — The U.K. is being engulfed by a tidal wave of Covid cases, with a growing number linked to the omicron Covid variant, as it races to give booster shots to as many people as possible.

Early studies show booster shots restore much of the vaccine protection lost through a natural waning of immunity and boost our bodies’ ability to fight the omicron variant if we become infected.


This has prompted the U.K., U.S. and countries across Europe to throw everything they can at accelerating their booster shot programs, given the urgent need to protect citizens and prevent health services from being overwhelmed.

Full article: CNBC

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A reminder on what the booster actually does;



But in 8 -12  weeks (3 months) back to previous efficacy levels;




You are being trained to take a jab every 3 months forever.

I'll be sticking with my natural immunity.

Reminder Omicron still classed as 'mild' in South Africa, similar to a common cold.



James  @JamesfWells

''Exactly - why is this being ignored?

95% of adults (16+ yrs) in England already have antibodies (ONS & UniofOxford).''






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     By modern conventional practice any illness or disease is handled as an isolated phenomenon which has arisen independent of the rest of the body's health. Drug based medicines suppress the symptoms or kill the “bad” cells as well as the good ones. No regards is given to the knock on effects which are the deeper and longer-term consequences (side-effects).

     Primarily the body is make up of Water, Amino acids , minerals and Vitamins. From these, in various combinations, are created all the different chemicals, substances and structural or functional hardware needed by the body.

     Proteins are absolutely essential for life. All enzymes and most hormones, every cell and muscle, every piece of tissue from blood vessel to eyeball, teeth, bones, nervous system etc... are made from protein.

     Enzymes are usually made with the help of vitamins and minerals. An amino acid with a specific enzyme can react together to produce a new substance. The body carries out very many such complex biochemical transformations – this is called Metabolic pathways. Amino acids are raw materials while metabolic pathways are the assembly lines making the finished products (substances).

     Amino acids supplements are taken when metabolic pathways gradually get blocked and unbalanced causing physical, emotional and mental illnesses or for pre-existing disorders and injuries, Aminos handle the root causes with the help of their co-workers, the vitamins and minerals. It takes time to effect relief from a few days ( following a trauma, bereavement, mugging accident, etc...) to some weeks, to several months or longer ( serious injuries or conditions ). In cases of immediate treatments other actions have to be done first.

    Aminos strengthen the body's immune system to stop many common illnesses from occurring in the first place.

     This nutrition science is never or rarely  used to solve most physical conditions or diseases. The Pharmas and the closely linked Medical associations and drug medicine only education and its application have a BIG BIAS against the suppressed science applications that have been well known. To use it you have to do it privately.

The masses are ignorant of this and it costs dear each year.

     As I have said before, GREED KNOWS NO BOUNDS, especially those from the vested interest groups. THE IRONY IS THEY TOO BECOME THE VICTIM OF THE ENDLESS EVER INCREASING HEALTH CONDITIONS.


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This is what the NHS is facing day in, day out:



COVID-19: Coronavirus patients describe their battle with the virus - both jabbed and unvaccinated.

Lisa King and David Colley describe their experiences with having COVID-19 from inside a hospital in Wolverhampton.




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WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s top medical advisor, said Thursday that omicron will become the dominant Covid-19 variant in the United States within a few weeks, urging people to get vaccines and booster shots to fight it off.

“It is the most transmissible virus of Covid that we had to deal with those far. It will soon become dominant here. That’s one thing we know,” Fauci told a virtual U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation audience.

Full article: CNBC

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