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The Virus and the Economy

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In early March 2020 the UK govt (along with many other western countries) threw out the WHO pandemic action plan which it had helped create and on the spot created a new one discussing social distancing, school closures, rapid COVID testing and vaccine development. 

Every single source the UK Government cites is from China.

It never seemed to occur to anyone that, just like all the videos of people collapsing dead in the street, how much of it was deliberate misinformation.

Coronavirus action plan: a guide to what you can expect across the UK - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)




Vital genomic information from wuhan university that may exonerate the huanan seafood market was deliberately deleted, it seems.


In a new study, I identify and recover a deleted set of #SARSCoV2 sequences that provide additional information about viruses from the early Wuhan outbreak:


Recovery of deleted deep sequencing data sheds more light on the early Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 epidemic | bioRxiv


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''New York Times best-selling author pens article ‘The Drug that Cracked Covid’ Ivermectin: The Forbidden Treatment''

Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care @Covid19Critical

In Dec., ⁦@PierreKory⁩ gave⁩ an ⁦@AP⁩ reporter scientific evidence that #ivermectin could prevent & treat COVID. She wrote that the evidence was “insufficient”. It wasn’t then—or now.

Media suppression of IVM science fuelled the pandemic.


Pierre Kory, MD MPA @PierreKory
''Mark my words… this ivermectin science suppression crime is about to get global attention…Finally. Enough. Stop the $&#?!unnecessary deaths. We now can prove COVID is a highly if not completely treatable disease when started early. The world should be rejoicing not arguing''

New York Times best-selling author pens article ‘The Drug that Cracked Covid’ Ivermectin: The Forbidden Treatment - ALBERTA PRESS (albertapressleader.ca)



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Posted yesterday in the covid and the economy thread;




And if you're interested in that long-term plan it is plainly sign posted (unless your main source of information is UK Sky News or the BBC in which case you won't have a clue).



Neil Clark  @NeilClark66


We can all see now what the govt strategy is on domestic Vaccine Passports/Covid Certification. They’ll be promoted as ‘a way to keep pubs & hospitality open during what will be a v. difficult winter’. They’ll be sold as a ‘ temporary measure’ - but we all know what that means.



Richard Wellings @RichardWellings


A Whitehall source admits: "The reason we are trialling Covid certification this summer is ... partly to get people used to the idea." This is really about conditioning the population - first vaccine passports, then police-state digital IDs.

Plans for Covid passports being reconsidered to keep pubs open this winter - LancsLive



Big Brother Watch  @BigBrotherWatch


An overnight update to the NHS App has snuck out the Covid Pass which may be used at venues and events in Britain! Covid passports are being rolled out before the Gove review is published - all after @CommonsPACAC found there was "no justification" for them.








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Hands up all you lockdown supporters, you're responsible for this 👏👏👏


Politics For All @PoliticsForAlI


| NEW: Five-year-olds are suffering panic attacks about meeting their friends, NHS leaders have said, amid warnings that 1.5 million children will need mental health treatment in the wake of repeated lockdowns Via @Telegraph



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It's good to see you're still going @Caseynotes  you've done a remarkable job though i think your talent and passion is wasted on an IG forum.

Have you considered a YT channel instead?

While I'm fully aware of the corruption and plan of this pandemic (I've been talking about this stuff for nearly 20 year) I'm no longer sure of who or what organisation is behind it.

The key points to note are these:

Cashless Society.
Global Union of People.
Less people.

How they get us to this is a matter of course and time.

I/we, expected the Pandemic to hit the news in summer 2019.  I expected it as the information was already being posted on the internet.  In the UK alone in December 2018 an extra 50,000 people died of Flu on Pn related symptoms.  The Trade War between Trump and China and battle for the Mid East resources etc. all leading to one imminant point.  Global Regime change.

3rd wolrd countries are up for grabs by the Globalists.  South america, Africa and Asia.........Centre stage for Land Grab and Population control.

I'm going to assume you're aware of the Euro?  Of course you are, but are you also aware of the Amero and the Asian Counterpart?  Attempts to unite currency and borders.  Banks pushing for Digital Currency well before 2008 and Bitcoin.  Punters think they're creating a capital loophole to free themselves from banking, not realising it's their plan after all.  We're voting in our Digital Enslavement.

There are so many narratives to follow it's hard to keep up.

Do you remember some of my posts over the last 2 years?  I talked of the market coming down?  The Great Reset? The World Economic Forum?  Though it hasn't happened yet i talked about an End to retail Trading.  Our days may be numbered.  with Meme stocks and the like as well as access to App Trading the Retailers have upset the market.  It will be our undoing.

Stocks to watch.

Fluidigm-Microfluidic chips
Geovax-All in one vaccine.

I retired from 'Theories' back in 2014 as it was Futile.

Everything I used to talk about and post on FB etc is now here.

RFID systems and Cashless society.


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Speaking of BS here's some more;

''VACCINES Minister Nadhim Zahawi will lead a Covid press conference at 5pm today to urge remaining Brits to get jabbed.

The Government is rallying un-vaccinated adults to book their slots to give Boris Johnson the best chance of ending lockdown on July 19.''


But the govt's own ONS say that over 86% of the population already has covid antibody immunity either from natural means or from vaccination. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, antibody and vaccination data, UK - Office for National Statistics

So obviously no need for any restrictions at all even now let alone in July.

Only 60 - 70% needed for herd immunity.

But of course the Govt's long-term plan is for continuous jabs and digital IDs so on we go.

Amusingly the booster jabs being developed are really just the current vaccines but in combo so double the fun. 

Good luck with that.



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It's too hard to refute.

I would once argue that we're fighting the system.  Of course, by default it is the system, but the systemic effect on the populace at large.

Que's of people lining up for the jab wearing masks.  They blindly believe the Tv, the News, The Gov.

At the heart of it all is a Belief System.  Some belive that above, where others belive the opposite.

The world is a corrupt business and the business is Slavery.

We're not so much fighting the system as the person next to us.  If we can't convince our friends and family then we've got no chance at all.

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On 22/06/2021 at 06:18, Caseynotes said:

WHO now advising children (under 18) should not be vaccinated for covid-19 until more research done.


''Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.

There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.''

COVID-19 Vaccines Advice (who.int)

More games, from the WHO this time ...


Gillian McKeith  @GillianMcKeith


Yesterday, the WHO published the following information which luckily I had the sense to take a screen shot at the time of publication. They stated that children should not get the 'you know' at the moment. Today the paragraph below has been removed....


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Plenty of very reputable doctors and research scientists were deplatformed and had their work and reputations trashed by MSM and big tech for the benefit of big pharma and their dangerous vaccines. And the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives for the suppression of Ivermectin and HCQ as a viable, safe and cheap prophylactic and treatment for covid.

Absolutely Criminal.




Oxford University explores anti-parasitic drug ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment | Reuters

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Nadim Zahawi at the Downing Street press conference yesterday said comments about vaccine dangers was disinformation.

He was presumably referring to the govt MHRA listing of the adverse reactions to these 100% safe vaccines which is fast approaching 1million adverse reactions and 15 hundred deaths.

Or perhaps he was referring to the US's CDC who yesterday reported that there ia clear link between the 100% safe vaccines and cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis but this was fine because if you survived the condition generally cleared up after a week or two.

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC


Meanwhile Media Minister (what that?) John Whittingdale shows his exasperation of the plebs not understanding that the rules don't apply to  I_M_P_O_R_T_A_N_T  people, how many examples do some people need waved in their faces before this gets through their thick skulls? 🤦‍♀️



Meanwhile 2,

Boris is full steam ahead with his new bill to get big tech to shut down and deplatform dissenters quicker than they already do. If there's one thin Boris has learnt from the Chinese is that any doctors and research scientist producing evidence that counter govt propaganda need to be silenced pronto and with extreme prejudice.





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Latest CDC data shows the vaccine jabs are more dangerous than Covid for children.


Berenson – […] The CDC’s focus yesterday was on two illnesses, myocarditis and pericarditis, forms of heart inflammation that can occasionally progress to heart failure and even death. The CDC and many reporters insist on calling the cases mild. In fact 95 percent of the 300+ post-vaccination cases the CDC has reviewed have led to hospitalization.

[…] In fact, the CDC’s own data shows that for every 100,000 vaccines given to young people, more than 25,000 will have temporary side effects that prevent them from “normal activities,” 700 will require medical care and 200 will be hospitalized.   In contrast, the CDC estimates that only about 50 out of 100,000 adolescents have EVER been hospitalized for Covid-related illness.

Article with link to CDC data.

 CDC Data Highlights COVID Vaccination is More Dangerous than COVID Infection for Young Adults - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)


Meanwhile politicised Drs continue to push anti-science. Pretty much everything this Dr says in this press conference is untrue.

'NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant was asked why vaccinated people must endure another lockdown. Dr Chant says community transmission cannot be allowed to occur "until we have vaccinated ALL of the adult population and are progressing through with vaccines for children."



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''The idea that a 20-year-old who has 65 QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years) ahead of them is required to put that at risk to protect the 1 (or less) QALY of the 85-year-old stranger is fundamentally wrong at every level of ethics or morality.''

Hugh Osmond  @hughosmond



"'Expert' advice served only to make the pandemic more deadly and replace the scientific process with destructive anti-science… These are crimes…human and economic rights were violated under demonstrably fraudulent pretences."

Michael P Senger @MichaelPSenger


The War on Reality - Tablet Magazine



Tedros (WHO): "A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic. Surveillance will need to continue. People will still need to be tested…contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined."


The Government has awarded Serco and Mitie new testing contracts – worth up to £687 million collectively – to support the Test and Trace system. The contracts could run for up to 18 months.

(but but but it's all supposed to end in July isn't it 🤔)


So it's not really about the virus then?


Hey, there's a great new system the Chinese have got, it really works to control people's behaviour.

Test and Trace App > Vaccine passport > Digital ID incorporating bank card transactions and a Social Credit Score system. 

Behaviour deemed unacceptable and down goes your score.

A low social credit score = reduced ability to make purchases or access facilities.

It's like prison on a sliding scale, a very low score and basically you're confined to your flat.

You'll be able to check on the web what you'll be allowed to do/buy each week.

And this will be really useful when it comes to changing people's behaviour to address climate change, the models of which, by the way, are even more ridiculous (faked) than the covid ones haha.



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1558130814926 — ImgBB (ibb.co)  (infographic full)





Bobby Rajesh Malhotra ツ ψ @Bobby_Network 11h

German Ministry for Research (@BMBF_Bund) is evaluating the implementation of the Chinese Social Credit Score System by 2030 in Germany.

Google Translate







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SAGE member Professor John Edmonds (a epidemiology 'expert') was on BBC Newsnight explaining how important it was that you get your children vaccinated for a disease which they are at next to nil risk from. 

Should be noted his PhD is in infectious disease modelling from Imperial Collage London hahaha.

So a student of Neil Ferguson who's models have been so outrageously wrong his entire 20+ year career.

Important that Gate's money keeps pouring into ICL more like.


Meanwhile the public are deserting corrupt main stream media not just here but in the US as well.

"Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford has found something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. The United States ranked dead last in media trust among 49 countries with just 29% saying that they trusted the media."


So inevitably it was left to a Rep senator to piece together the Fauci email time line highlighting his corruption.



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From farce to insanity to pure evil. THEY will not stop.



A positive test is meaningless. Asymptomatic means healthy.

WHO recommends against random PCR testing of asymptomatic people

Recommendations for national SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies and diagnostic capacities (who.int)



Sajid Javid  @sajidjavid  'Our vaccine rollout is saving lives and protecting our country. I welcome today’s interim advice from the JCVI. We are planning for a vaccine booster campaign to start in September which will help keep the virus at bay.'

Big Pharma wants mandatory yearly injections for everyone forever. A lot of people are making a lot of money and don't want that to stop.


(Govt 'The Health Protection Regulations' lowers the official est IFR gets closer to reality, 1.7% down to 0.5%)




Professor Stephen Reicher is doing the interview rounds to say that we can't rely on the vaccine, as part of coordinated SAGE lobbying for permanent masks & distancing.

The June 3rd wave SAGE models were completely wrong - again, time for a fresh batch?

"Research shows that 53% of girls and 44% of boys aged 13 to 18 were found to be suffering from trauma or PTSD in the months after the first lockdown. 60% of boys and 50% of girls of the same age were classed as suffering from anxiety."

Lockdowns leave half of teenagers battling anxiety and trauma (telegraph.co.uk)






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On 29/06/2021 at 07:48, Caseynotes said:

The War on Reality - Tablet Magazine

The War on Reality - Tablet Magazine


More on The War on Reality;

''In the UK, Germany, and many other countries, and in numerous states throughout the US, a “state of emergency” remains in effect. An apocalyptic virus is on the loose ...''


''Meanwhile, in Sweden, and a few other countries, and in various other states throughout the US, there is no apocalyptic pandemic.''

CJ Hopkins Exposes "The War On Reality" | ZeroHedge


Reminder that it is only the 'state of emergency' that makes the use of experimental vaccines legal.

Without it they would be required to complete their long-term trials like all the safe vaccines had to.


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If you're asymptomatic you do not have covid and are not infectious. The positive tests are picking up old fragmented viral debris that was destroyed by your immune system.

For a realistic measure of covid prevalence in a community look instead at hospital admission numbers (people who are actually sick and currently they are at a minimum).

Stop testing asymptomatics.

If you're symptomatic stay home, simple.


Ben Lovell @DrBenLovell 17h  'Desperately desperately desperately understaffed due to the NHS Covid app telling Covid-negative, asymptomatic, double-vaxxed doctors to go into isolation for up to 10 days at a time. This cannot go on.'


Dr Charles Levinson @DrCharlesL 43m 'Isolating hundreds of children based on one positive case has to stop. We are going to have to learn to live with this virus, thankfully the vaccines make that possible. Stop isolating perfectly healthy children.


Meanwhile 2;

The WEF hard at work with the PSY-OPS ...



World Economic Forum releases guide on how to coerce and manipulate public into getting the Covid-19 Vaccine – Daily Expose




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hahahaha ...

Harry May @Beckenh4m 7h  Doctor on @LBC We plan to give covid booster jabs and flu jabs together on the same day this Autumn.

Nick Ferrari: is that safe?

Doctor: As far as we know we don’t have any data.....



you were told when you got the jab you were participating in a trial, weren't you?

Of course, as Boris was explaining today all restrictions won't really end on the 21st. Besides need to prepare people for the coming winter 94th wave/variant  😜😜



Funny how the expectation is that most covid deaths this coming winter will be vaccinated people which is true because winter excess deaths are always the elderly and mostly caused by acute respiratory diseases.

120,000 covid deaths over 2 winter seasons (2019/2020 and 2020/2021) = 60,000 per season.

Normal winter season excess deaths 25,000 - 30,000.

1999 was 50,000 (bad flu year)

2000 same - 50,000 (pop adjusted same as covid numbers).

2015 - 50,000.

2017 - 50,000.

2021/2022 winter season likely to be a return to normal around 30,000.

But that will be enough to keep the scaremongers going and lockdowns in to continue - forever.


Nothing will change until the population is so beaten down as to accept Digital IDs/Vax passports without complaint.





datatosee.com  @dontbetyet 4d     Vaccinated / Not vaccinated - the bulk of deaths will be in older age groups. Unless people accept this then there is no recovery and winter will be a complete and utter overreaction again. Deaths per 100k by age group ⬇️







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5 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Funny how the expectation is that most covid deaths this coming winter will be vaccinated people which is true because winter excess deaths are always the elderly and mostly caused by acute respiratory diseases.



The suits are already rubbing their hands in anticipation, it will doubtless all be the fault of those selfish, ignorant people who haven't had the jab. Yet more coal for their pyre.

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10 hours ago, Fletch said:

The suits are already rubbing their hands in anticipation, it will doubtless all be the fault of those selfish, ignorant people who haven't had the jab. Yet more coal for their pyre.

That's correct, my jab wont work unless you get yours in the same way that my glasses wont work unless you're wearing yours.

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And on we go ...

Adam Creighton  @Adam_Creighton 1h.   1 person has died from Covid19 in Australia and 12 million people are in lockdown over disease with tiny fatality rate. Remarkable so many intelligent people don't realise we're living through the greatest manias in world history.


Politics For All @PoliticsForAlI 12h.   NEW: Health officials have drawn up contingency plans for Covid restrictions for the next five winters to protect the country against future waves of the virus. Via @DailyMirror





Still not sure what's going on?

Then you still haven't seen this video (reposted - 16 min)




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'Covid cases hit highest level since February. But Professor David Livermore says: "Cases don't matter. All that matters is serious disease that hospitalises and kills people. Immunity improves with work, it's not to be nursed like your finest bone china."


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The UK NHS has completely collapsed, there are only waiting lists now. Whistle-blowers are talking of waiting lists so large they can never be cleared, doctors routinely advising patients to consider going private, patients saying operations that were booked for 2020 now told 2024 (maybe).

Not surprising when the NHS decided to ignore everything else to concentrate solely on a covid pandemic that actually hospitalised very few.

And they still do because if you keep increasing the number of tests you do on healthy people you keep getting increasing numbers of false positives which keeps driving the scam forever onward.

False positives being genuine ones as all testing will throw up but also those who have immunity and are carrying old destroyed viral material.

Increasing testing numbers = increasing number of fake 'cases' but actual hospitalisations continue to decrease.

Latest Govt data shows over 89% of adults have covid antibodies (immunity).

NHS staff are being quietly told to turn off their test and trace apps. 




Meanwhile, strangely not a single politician of any party seems to be against WEF Globalisation.

The WEF says ''In the future you will own nothing and be happy''

Feudalism, Communism, Globalism.

All seem to be much the same. Everything is owned and controlled by the totalitarian Elite minority while you Serfs own nothing and must rent everything.

Meanwhile statues of Queen Victoria and Elisabeth II are being toppled in Canada, on govt property, and not a policeman in sight.

Same as happened in NY, London, Bristol.

Why it's almost as if there is a well funded globalist plan supported by those in power.

Speaking of power, western politicians have never had so much of it - and still don't look like relinquishing any of it any time soon.   🤔






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The SAGE covidian cultists have come out fighting after the govt says masks and social distancing will go on 'freedom day' July 19th.

Govt now say we must treat covid like the flu, reminder that lots were saying this before the govt destroyed the economy and the NHS and filled the pockets of big pharma.

But the communists in SAGE want restrictions to stay forever as a means to destroy the capitalist system as was reported in the Express newspaper over the weekend.

While the zero-covid zealots in SAGE just want to keep restrictions forever so they keep a hold on power forever.

You really couldn't make this sh!t up.

Reminder that a covid 'case' does not mean a person has covid. The disease Infection Fatality Rate is under 1% and the average age of covid deaths is 82, the same as the UK average life expectancy.

Basically the same stats as the flu.


Scientists slam 'bonkers' government lockdown plans after Covid likened to flu (msn.com)

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If it wasn't common sense Professor Anthony Brookes explains why children should not take a vaccine that's more harmful than the disease it's supposed to combat.




Rustler @TheRustler83  5h   Only 403 people in Scotland have died solely from Covid-19, Freedom of Information requests from 11 of Scotland's 14 NHS boards has confirmed.

For the whole of the UK, that would equate to just 4836 deaths, where Covid was the sole cause listed on the death certificate.


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Researchers have shown the SAR-CoV-2 virus spike protein is actually acting as a disruptive agent (a toxin) which is causing damage to endothelial cells.

This is why the virus is causing clotting and haemorrhage as well as flu symptoms.

And as the spike protein was copied for use in the vaccines is why the vaccines are also causing clots and bleeds.

Meanwhile the Chinese have put forward the Wuhan lab as a candidate for a Nobel prize for Medicine. ISYN.


Meanwhile 2,

Vaccine Safety Update – Lockdown Sceptics



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