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place a buy order when market is closed

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Hello all,

Nooby question here

Is it possible to place a buy order for shares when the market is closed? I can on other platforms. On IG it just gives me a message saying the market is closed.

Also I logged on for the first time yesterday and today the interface is completely different. Are there 2 different web apps, one for trading and one for buying shares?

thanks in advance

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7 hours ago, shardymo said:

Hello all,

Nooby question here

Is it possible to place a buy order for shares when the market is closed? I can on other platforms. On IG it just gives me a message saying the market is closed.

Also I logged on for the first time yesterday and today the interface is completely different. Are there 2 different web apps, one for trading and one for buying shares?

thanks in advance

@shardymo Thanks for your post. 

You can place orders before the market opens but you have to do it on the order tab: 


We have had a change in platform. If you want a video to help you around you can find it by clicking the help button at the top of the page. 


All the best

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Hi, thank you for reply.

The first time I logged on to my new account, I seemed to keep switching between two different interfaces or platforms. One was flat and simple GUI and I could change between light and dark backgrounds. It looks like this. This is the one where I tried to place a buy order hoping it would be executed when markets open but it wasn't allowedScreenshotIGSimple.thumb.png.e8f6c20922bcff34b7c76aa578a8827e.png


The second platform was a chunkier interface looking like this. It has tabs across the top and is mid grey.


This chunkier platform will not let me look at charts. (It wants me to install Flash).  I could look at charts with this platform 2 days ago, but not anymore.

So the first time I logged on 2 or 3 days ago, I could switch between the two different platforms. Since yesterday I every time I logon, I only get the flat GUI with no tabs across the top, This morning I logged and it was the chunky UI for a change but no charts available. But since then every time I log on, it is back to the flat UI.

I have been buying shares occasionally online for over 12 years using several different providers. I have also used many different crypto exchanges. I am not an expert, but this is the first time in 12 years I have opened an account with a provider and not been able to place a trade within the first 5 minutes. Its 3 days later and I still don't have a clue.

I am on a Mac and have tried Safari and Chrome. The IG help videos look different to my interface so do not help

thanks in advance


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1 minute ago, shardymo said:

Hi, thank you for reply.

The first time I logged on to my new account, I seemed to keep switching between two different interfaces or platforms. One was flat and simple GUI and I could change between light and dark backgrounds. It looks like this. This is the one where I tried to place a buy order hoping it would be executed when markets open but it wasn't allowedScreenshotIGSimple.thumb.png.e8f6c20922bcff34b7c76aa578a8827e.png


The second platform was a chunkier interface looking like this. It has tabs across the top and is mid grey.


This chunkier platform will not let me look at charts. (It wants me to install Flash).  I could look at charts with this platform 2 days ago, but not anymore.

So the first time I logged on 2 or 3 days ago, I could switch between the two different platforms. Since yesterday I every time I logon, I only get the flat GUI with no tabs across the top, This morning I logged and it was the chunky UI for a change but no charts available. But since then every time I log on, it is back to the flat UI.

I have been buying shares occasionally online for over 12 years using several different providers. I have also used many different crypto exchanges. I am not an expert, but this is the first time in 12 years I have opened an account with a provider and not been able to place a trade within the first 5 minutes. Its 3 days later and I still don't have a clue.

I am on a Mac and have tried Safari and Chrome. The IG help videos look different to my interface so do not help

thanks in advance


Hi, the first pic (dark theme) is the new platform while the second one is the old IG platform which will be phased out.

Stick to opening the new platform from your 'My IG' dashboard.

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5 hours ago, CharlotteIG said:

@shardymo Thanks for your post. 

You can place orders before the market opens but you have to do it on the order tab: 


We have had a change in platform. If you want a video to help you around you can find it by clicking the help button at the top of the page. 


All the best

Hi Charlotte

There is no order tab on my interface. Only Deal and Alert.

Also I have no control over which user interface appears when I log on. Sometimes it is the new flat GUI. Sometimes it is the older chunky GUI. I have to log off, log on again and just see which interface appears. Is your platform compatible with Apple Mac?


Edited by shardymo
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Thank you for reply

My interface is slightly different to yours. In my interface, I don’t have an “Order” option at the top like your example. Just “Deal” and “Alert”. When I click “Add to Workspace” I still do not get an “Order” option at the top

. Also my “Help” dropdown menu is different to yours. I do not see any option for video guides. There is an “IG Webinars” but this gives a “404 Object no found” error


.I recently bought some shares.  I set a LIMIT order (or so I thought) to buy shares at 80p if they dropped from the current price of just over 90p,. The order went through immediately. My receipt says I used a STOP order but I don’t think I did. I thought I used a LIMIT order.

I’ve never used a stop order before when buying? When I try to re create what I did, there is no STOP order for buying shares, only LIMIT or fixed price quote.

. Also if I try to recreate what I did, a box pops up asking me to “confirm order”, which is what I would always expect. When I bought at 90p there was no option to confirm order, like I was expecting so I could double check, it just went through immediately, no confirmation, no indication that anything had happened, until I checked my balance.

I have some questions.

. Why does my html 5 interface look different to yours, and the online help? Has the interface changed again recently?

. Why is STOP order no longer an option when I try to double check what I did, was this a glitch, or is it because the market is currently closed, and do stop orders not require user to press confirmation button?

. When I logon, I am often faced with the old interface with the Flash charts. I have to keep logging out and logging back on until the new interface appears. Is there anyway of stopping this?

Please see screen grabs belowScreenshotBuyBarclaysLimitOrder.thumb.png.fc2ae8af25d4c889376a73cda1001a89.png



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Even I can't see 'Order' tab on my view. I am trying to place a 'Limit Order' with some future expiry date but at the moment by default it is taking 'Day' as default value and there is no option to change this. I appreciate if you could help me on this. Thanks

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With regard to your issue of switching between the old and new platforms, it is something that I have also occasionally experienced. I have no idea what triggers it (and to be honest it doesn't happen all that often), but sometimes when I login and go to the platform, it loads in the old platform rather than the new one. From then on, the only way I can get back to the new platform is to logout, delete the cookies from the browser, and then log back in again (from which point I am directed back onto the new platform). As to your other query, I also do not have the 'order' tab. I had assumed this was due to my account being a share trading account rather than a CFD type account that has additional trading options.

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46 minutes ago, shardymo said:

My interface is slightly different to yours. In my interface, I don’t have an “Order” option at the top like your example. Just “Deal” and “Alert”. When I click “Add to Workspace” I still do not get an “Order” option at the top

Hi, I don't think the interface should be different to the one in @CharlotteIG's pic. You only seem to have the deal ticket which is used for instant execution trades (as you found) and may be a technical fault. I think I would send an email to IG (with pics) asking tech to look at your account as well as asking here on the the forum to get a reply as quickly as possible.

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I've also been directed to the old platform at times. I've found it's just a matter of patience. When you sign in you must wait for the buffering to complete before clicking CFD. If it is still buffering when you click CFD it will always take you to the old platform.

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I was about to start a new thread and stumbled upon this. 

A newbie to IG but I've used CMC and Commsec platforms. I can't seem to make orders in advance (buy/sell) as the market is closed as well. I can't see the Order tab either. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, same issue.  Moved from other ASX share trading platforms to IG and find it extremely disapointing that I cannot set buy/sell stops after market close when trading shares.  I like to research setups on the weekend and place a buy stop to trade breakouts etc.  Please bring this funtion into the your service.

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On 01/05/2020 at 20:39, Quacker said:

Yep, same issue.  Moved from other ASX share trading platforms to IG and find it extremely disapointing that I cannot set buy/sell stops after market close when trading shares.  I like to research setups on the weekend and place a buy stop to trade breakouts etc.  Please bring this funtion into the your service.

Frustrating as I've emailed and contacted via their website to IG with no response and I was told when I first joined that I could perform after market or good-till-expiry orders. 

This is getting annoying and I'm close to closing my account given I am keen to buy in the current volatility.

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  • 6 months later...

@shardymo Not sure if you got this resolved in the end but just wanted to mention - I had a similar question/problem just now. ISA share dealing accounts don't have an "order" button in the ticket and I was trying to submit  an out-of-hours limit order on the "deal" tab which kept failing with a "the exchange is currently unavailable" message.

Turns out it was because I was using a GBP value amount; the issue resolves when I use a number of shares instead - and the order goes through and shows in working orders.

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  • 1 month later...
On 19/11/2020 at 00:47, DoctorStrange said:

@shardymo Not sure if you got this resolved in the end but just wanted to mention - I had a similar question/problem just now. ISA share dealing accounts don't have an "order" button in the ticket and I was trying to submit  an out-of-hours limit order on the "deal" tab which kept failing with a "the exchange is currently unavailable" message.

Turns out it was because I was using a GBP value amount; the issue resolves when I use a number of shares instead - and the order goes through and shows in working orders.

thanks DoctorStrange, I'll give that a go next time 🙂

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  • 4 months later...

I had the same issue.  Would be helpful if the warning message advised that you can only trade in Share Quantities & not $'s when the respective market is closed.

By the way, why is a $ based order not acceptable when the specific market is closed

Rationale please?

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