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EU summit discussion - EMEA brief 28th June
The focus for the European session will be the latest EU summit, where Brexit is likely to remain one of the key topics of discussion, alongside immigration issues which are a thorn in the side of Angela Merkel. The US session sees the final US GDP reading released alongside unemployment claims. However, for the most part markets are likely to instead look to Donald Trump and China for a lead on market bias.
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How are you trading the ‘trump trade war’?
Join the forum discussion: "Trade war talk is really kicking off and now the EU are getting on board. How are you trading it? Which markets are worth investigating? What's your risk profile on this? Do you think it’ll last or just be a flash pan statement?"
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Oil booms, China bust? - EMEA brief 27th June
Chinese and Hong Kong indices led Asian markets lower overnight, with a sharp drop in the Shenzhen composite and Hang Seng providing the stand out underperformers amid largely flat trade in Japan and Australia. Rising oil prices provided a boost to energy stocks, with the US putting pressure on other countries to end the purchase of Iranian crude. In particular, this rise in crude prices helped shift the Australian ASX 200 out of the red, with the energy sector rising 1.3%.

Looking ahead, the European session looks likely to focus on the Bank of England once again, coming off the back of last week’s rate decision. An appearance from Carney accompanies the latest BoE financial stability report. The US session will look towards core durable goods orders for their lead, with the latest trade balance data also taking on an important role given recent disagreements over trade.
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Nasdaq and USDJPY fallout - EMEA brief 26th June
USDJPY falls on the back of an intensifying trade war dispute. ‘Fang’ stocks and the heavily tech centric Nasdaq slump on trade war fears. Turkish lira gains from yesterday gives further reason for overseas investment in Turkey to remain wary.

USDTRY looking like it could have entered a period of consolidation after rising nearly 25% from the beginning of the year. Oil prices rise on the Libyan oil export uncertainty, however OPEC still the overarching dampener with plans to raise output. Gold inching down on US rate hike expectation. Bitcoin at critical level of support previously hit in April and February 2018, and previously November 2017.
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TRY gains on Erdogan win - EMEA brief 25th June
The weekend election in Turkey has seen the incumbent president win as expected, with sweeping changes being implemented that will now ensure he holds substantially more powers, and for an unlimited term. Nevertheless, the stability that this promises to bring over the near-term has helped boost the lira, which rose 2% overnight.

Looking ahead, the German Ifo business climate figure represents the biggest data point on a day that is light of any particularly significant releases. As such, there is likely to be a continue focus on trade considerations with the US.
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Dividend Adjustments 25 June - 29 June
Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing the 25th June 2018. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video. 
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Trump tariffs hit the DAX
Join the DAX conversation on Community: "We have strayed from the technicals and wandered into fundamental territory and everything is spinning on every Trump tweet. But all else being equal (putting aside the trade issue) and given the overall good state of the US economy all the main indices should be drifting up out of this period of consolidation. But the big levels always matter and any breach takes some effort to undo and a drop below 12544 puts us back into a prior range whose bottom is indeed around 11800."

OPEC oil talks - EMEA brief 22nd June
Oil seeing volatility ahead of a crucial meeting for OPEC on production. Emerging markets aren't helped by trade war talks and slip to a 9 month low. Trade war fallout starting to be seen with Daimler's profit warning likely to be linked to the imposed tariffs. Relatively large macro economic day today. Give a once over to the calendar below and plan your day.

Asian markets were largely back in the red overnight, as the market fear that has been dictating the state of play globally returned once more. Japanese markets also traded lower, despite a rise in the manufacturing PMI survey overnight, with the May figure also revised higher. Oil is going to be the talk of the town today, with the OPEC meeting reaching its conclusion. The question is whether we see a production rise by above or below 1M bpd. This is a rough the threshold that differentiates a result that is seen as a victory for Iran (below 1M), or Saudi Arabia (above 1M).
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EU joins trade war - EMEA brief 21st June
Trade war continues with EU initiating retaliatory tariffs from tomorrow. 25% will be levied against products from whiskey to jeans and motorbikes. GBPUSD hits 7 month low on fears May will be ousted as PM over Brexit. FTSE index buoyed by a depreciated Sterling. 

Another mixed session in Asia saw Chinese stocks steady themselves after yesterday’s losses despite continued fears over a trade war with the US. Crude remains at the forefront of the market agenda, with weekly US crude inventories falling by the highest amount since January. Meanwhile, a weaker New Zealand GDP figure sent NZDUSD lower overnight.
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Roundtable discussions - EMEA brief 20th June
A largely bullish session overnight saw gains for a number of markets, despite the continued concern over a potential trade war between the US and China. This breather in the recent global stock market decline has provided welcome respite, yet issues remain. Oil prices also moved higher, with the OPEC meeting looking increasingly likely to provide volatility, with Iran expected to refuse any production increase, as proposed by Saudi Arabia.
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Trump Tariff 2.0 - EMEA brief 19th June
Weakness in overnight markets came as no surprise after Donald Trump declared another $200 billion worth of goods that would be hit by a 10% tariff after China imposed a like for like $50 billion package of US goods to be targeted. This trade war is set to kick in on July 6, and instead of making progress towards a solution, it looks as if relations between the two biggest economies in the world are instead deteriorating. Meanwhile, crude prices rallied ahead of Fridays OPEC meeting, with rumours that a production hike will be smaller than expected.
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Oil in the limelight - EMEA brief 18th June
Asian markets traded lower once again overnight, as fears over a trade war between the US and China continue to set the tone. Friday’s confirmation that we will see tariffs imposed of $50 billion worth of Chinese goods prompted the Chinese to set out a similar package in return imposing tariffs on 659 American products such as cars, soybeans and seafood. With both the Chinese and Hong Kong indices closed for a bank holiday, the focus thus turned to Japan, which fell sharply overnight despite a rise in imports and exports. Dollar eased from it's 3 week high, whilst euro remains subdued.

The World Cup has kicked off with a record 32 teams taking part. Pared with great weather so far this month, and a strong forecast going forward, pubs have the potential to thrive.
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Dividend Adjustments 18 June - 22 June
Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 18th June 2018. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video. 
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The new IG Community forum is live
Over the last few months we have been working on a new layout for your Community, as well as adding greater functionality and new content areas. Today is the 'go live' date and we hope you like what you see. Have a browse, and if you have any feedback or suggestions please add a comment below. Maybe take this opportunity to make your first Community post if you haven't already?

This purpose of this forum is for like-minded clients to share trade ideas and discuss market opportunities, ask questions, and provide help and support to others.

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ECB to end QE - EMEA brief 15th June
Asian markets were down across the board overnight, as the expected US imposition of $50 billion worth of sanctions on Chinese goods stoked fears of an impending trade war. With the possible breakdown of US trade relations with China, alongside a host of G7 allies as seen earlier in the week, it comes as no surprise that we are seeing risk-off sentiment take hold as we move towards the end of the week. The dollar has gained against a broad basket of currencies, while the Euro has weakened considerably following yesterdays dovish ECB press conference. Meanwhile, the BoJ has finished off a week of major central bank announcements, with the widely expected decision to keep their stimulus unchanged.
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Here at IG we want to make sure your suggestions help shape our direction and future. We appreciate that the best businesses are built around two-way communication with clients. That's why we provide a number of different ways for clients to quickly and easily talk to us. There is nothing worse than submitting feedback and feeling like your comments and suggestions have been jettisoned into the void of some unread inbox.
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Dividend Adjustments 11 June - 15 June
Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 11th June 2018. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video. 
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