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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. It was all a false alarm, go long 🥳
  2. Looks like it's taking off and has closed an old wndow, but I still don't feel inclined to go long. It just doesn't feel right🤔
  3. dmedin


    Johnson & Johnson fully recovered from its scandals already and Boeing is poised to jump back up, there is no stopping the U.S. large caps and people who try to short-sell them are taking on excessive risk. Just buy the dips!
  4. Buy and hold gold at this stage, I would say. Missed the boat waiting for breakouts far too often. Personally I'm trading it using pivots but 'analysing' with Fibos
  5. Waiting before going short 😎 I went in short this morning, but I might close it before the U.S. open 🤔
  6. Zut alors, Wilfred! 😱 DAX is pulling back a fair bit. Are you waiting for the U.S. open?
  7. Oh well... heads you lose, tails you also lose, such is the nature of retail trading
  8. This gapping lower open helps confirm the idea that the pullback has begun. Nice little bull trap set over the New Year period by the media etc, and a perfect little 'incident' in the Middle East as precisely the right time - all just coincidence of course
  9. If it encourages more trading then I would have thought IG would be all over it. If not, somebody in business development has missed out on a gold star on their year end assessment this year.
  10. Ooh I guess there was 'another universe' because all I remember hearing about in 2019 was how bad things looked for AMD, Apple, Intel and all the others 😢
  11. Is this a music video, or a documentary on what everyday life is like in London? I can't tell 🥳
  12. Shlomo Bernanke has just declared that the Fed can keep the economy going indefinitely by giving away more free money to the billionaires. This is GREAT news because it means governments don't have to spend a penny on upgrading infrastructure, building houses for massively overcrowded cities and such. Folks, it will be 'business as usual' in the land of the free until the Day of Judgement! Hoo-rah! https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-fed-bernanke/bernanke-fed-has-ample-clout-to-fight-downturn-if-toolkit-used-properly-idUKKBN1Z400L
  13. Oh of course, all those fat Tory voting blowhards that go as 'financial experts' and 'economists' had exactly THAT in mind. Of course. Jacob Rees-Mogg and John Redwood are well-known humanitarians
  14. Now that the Tories are going to make Britain 'Singapore on steroids' hopefully there will be no more need for offshoring ... UK workers can be worked like slaves 24/7 instead
  15. Did any active traders beat the 35% returns all the passive investors made on their U.S. tracker funds this year
  16. LOLOLOL You can be a wage slave (like everyone else) and retire when the best years of your life are behind you or you can buy a lottery ticket and go out in style on hookers and champagne 🥳
  17. Of course there are ... the professional traders used forums and chat rooms to orchestrate the high-profile market-rigging scandals. They weren't punters trading at home though. Of course, the vast majority of traders who are making a living from trading aren't either. The vast, vast majority of them are either losing or not making anywhere near enough to live on.
  18. There's too much vested interest to allow the big U.S. indices to post large, continuous drops. They will always keep rising and rising as long as the USA is the world's number one.
  19. I think it could be, and the killing of some terrorist leader in the Middle East was just the kind of flimsy excuse the algos needed to start the 'cashing in' process.
  20. I saw on Babypips.com some people reviewing their trades this year. (The free course there is absolutely excellent!) Some of them were talking about a 5% return on their trades in a year, but judging from the comments a lot of people struggled to even break even which is a horrible position to be in after devoting one year of your life to something (would you work a job that paid you nothing for an entire year?) Consider this. If you'd bought into an S&P 500 ETF at the start of January 2019 you'd now have made a 35% gain, all from doing absolutely nothing. The question is, could you beat that by day trading?
  21. I was about ready to hang myself after less than 12 months.
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