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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Holding on by a thread ... could be about to take another huge dump 😮
  2. Zut alors, Irene 😱 https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-iraq-security-markets-instantview/iran-missile-attack-roils-financial-markets-idUKKBN1Z708W
  3. So who had the patience to go long here and wait it out for the 100% retacement? Nobody? Thought so.
  4. Trading isn't very different from gambling or professional poker playing. To the extent that gambling isn't a sustainable choice of profession for most people, trading isn't either. Unless you're trading with someone else's capital, and getting paid a regular salary for it. Or providing technical 'analysis' aka wishful thinking
  5. A Boeing 737 belonging to Ukraine International Airlines has crashed due to technical problems after take-off from Iran’s Imam Khomeini airport with 180 passengers and crew aboard, the semi-official Fars news agency tweeted on Wednesday. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-iran-crash/ukrainian-airplane-with-180-aboard-crashes-in-iran-fars-idUKKBN1Z70EN?il=0
  6. Yes, BATS is doing rather well. Looking for stocks that are doing better than FTSE 100 index and not just bobbing up and down based on GBP gyrations.
  7. 🧐 https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/why-think-ftse-250-beat-164213140.html
  8. Looks like this support level is holding though.
  9. So what happens when the majority of IG clients are right, for example when 90% of them are long on gold or long on Greggs and the price does indeed go up?
  10. Think you will need to look into 'Futures' rather than 'cash'. There's no overnight charging.
  11. Did you have that position open prior to or around 27th December? The overnight charges spiked at that time but are probably back to normal by now.
  12. Haha just imagine if someone bought and held an S&P 500 ETF and reinvested the dividends over the years. They would have made a fortune by doing totally nothing 😮
  13. dmedin


    Fair enough, if I was a very well-paid investment manager I would probably sit and do fancy spreadsheets all day too
  14. dmedin


    Apple, below $93? I think you will be waiting a loooooong time for that.
  15. dmedin


    Is there a website for this?
  16. Very nice, I would love to be able to construct something like that myself instead of paying for someone else to do it. Guess it's time to learn about APIs and such.
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