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Dividend Adjustments 30 Sept - 7 Oct

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 30 Sept 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.  Special Dividends         I

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Politics and market pricing; trade war deadlines; and recession responses - DailyFX Key Themes

Politics and Markets  There are numerous, open political fissures around the world – including the approaching Brexit deadline; the ongoing flux of Euro-area stability and Chinese social pressure arising from economic concerns. Each of these represents significant headline fodder both within their respective country as well as in the international press. Yet, as many newspaper column inches or top headlines in online news aggregators these issues may represent, they don’t naturally adapt to



Questionable central bank objectives; short-term economic objectives; recession signals - DailyFX Key Themes

What are Central Banks Attempting to Achieve at This Point?  Over the past two weeks, we have seen major central banks loosen the reins on monetary policy or otherwise set the stage to move further into unorthodox policies. The most notable moves were made by the European Central Bank (ECB) and Federal Reserve. The latter cut its benchmark by 25 basis points to bring its range down to a high level of 2.00 percent – though it maintained its increasingly dubious position that it expects no fu



Dividend Adjustments 16 Sept - 23 Sept

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 16 Sept 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.  NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neutral a

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Fed rate decision; trade wars improve; currency war accusations - DailyFX Key Themes

And Now, the Fed The market has monetary policy on its mind heading into the new trading week thanks to the actions of the European Central Bank (ECB) this past Thursday. One of the world’s largest central banks, the group is making a bid – perhaps unintentional and perhaps not – to be the most accommodative group of its size. Already sporting a negative rate, a large balance sheet and a T-LTRO program; President Draghi steered his team back into an expansionary phase of dovishness despite



ECB rate decision; Brexit no-deal probabilities; Fed anticipation - DailyFX Key Themes

The Global Importance of the ECB Rate Decision  Top event risk - both for concentrated volatility potential for its local currency and global influence via systemic means – over the coming week is hands down the ECB (European Central Bank) rate decision. Under normal circumstances, the monetary policy decision by the world’s second largest central bank is occasion for significant response from local currency and capital markets. For the Euro, the event is made far more potent at this partic



Dividend Adjustments 9 Sept - 16 Sept

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 9 Sept 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.  NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neutral ad

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Dividend Adjustments 2 Sept - 9 Sept

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 2 Sept 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.  NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neutral ad

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Trump focus on Dollar vs Dow; RBA and BOC decisions; a volatility September - DailyFX Key Themes

Is Trump Responding to the Dow – and Would He Prioritize Index Over Dollar?  This past week generated another heavy round of criticism from the US President. In both ad hoc press conferences and tweets, Donald Trump scrutinized a number of economic and financial hurdles that he believes is threatening the health of the US economy. The most familiar critique continued to target the Federal Reserve and specifically its Chairman, Jerome Powell. Trump took to the wires to levy blame against the



Dividend Adjustments 26 Aug - 2 Sept

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 26 Aug 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.  NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neutral ad

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Trade war hits the gas; recession signals increase; Jackson Hole let down - DailyFX Key Themes

Reckless Acceleration of the Trade War With the global (including the US and China) economy already straining under the weight of the ongoing trade wars, the two largest individual economies too steps this past week to leverage the pressure even higher. As expected, China felt it necessary to respond to the upgraded efforts  announced by President Trump on a staggering $300 billion more in Chinese goods – the ‘rest’ of the country’s imports that weren’t already facing a tax. It seems the Wh



Dividend Adjustments 19 Aug - 26 Aug

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 19 Aug 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.    NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neu

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Jackson Hole Symposium; collapsing yields; trade wars - DailyFX Key Themes

Jackson Hole Symposium Has Too Much to Cover  There are two particularly important, multi-day summits scheduled for this coming week. Given the individual market-moving capacity of US President Donald Trump, the G7 Summit from August 24th through the 26th will be particularly important to watch. He has announced remarkable change in policy at or around such large events before – particularly when provoked by flabbergasted global counterparts. There are five general topics on the agenda whic



Dividend Adjustments 12 Aug - 19 Aug

Expected index adjustments  Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 12 Aug 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.    NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neu

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Trump trying to stir volatility?; seasonal lull; Pound near decades low - DailyFX Key Themes

Is Trump Intentionally Stirring Market Volatility? The dust is still settling from the most recent string of reciprocal retaliations between the US and China in their ongoing trade wars. As a brief synopsis, the White House frustrated by the lack of progress in negotiations as they were due to break for a month announced August 1st it would slap a 10 percent tariff on the remaining $300 billion in Chinese goods that it was not already taxing. China responded the following Monday by letting



Stocks recover losses on rate-cut hopes: APAC brief - 8 Aug

Stocks recover losses on rate-cut hopes: Wall Street equities climbed into the close, after an ugly open for the US market overnight, while global bond yields continued to fall, on increased bets of interest rate cuts from the world’s largest central banks. When market action is still foggy, it can be hard to draw firm conclusions about cause-and-effect in price action. But it would strongly seem that the latter was responsible for the former during last night’s trade. Hence, US stocks were up o

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Trump stokes trade wars; side effects of economic wars; central banks strain credibility - DailyFX Key Themes

Another Massive Escalation of the US-China Trade Wars The White House continues to double down on its aggressive posturing against China in a bid to force the county to yield to its demands at the negotiation table. This approach follows a few patterns in economics, sociology and debate whereby the commitment to escalation persists despite growing risks and diminishing return when or if a compromise is struck – such as the ‘escalation of commitment’ behavior. Late this past week, President



Index Dividend Adjustments 5 Aug - 12 Aug

Expected index adjustments Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 5th Aug 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.     NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a ca



Fed rate cut; another year of trade war; a currency war - DailyFX Key Themes

ECB Didn’t Live Up to Lofty Speculation, Will the Fed?  There is a span of high-level rate decisions this coming week, but only one of these updates carries serious potential to not only move its domestic assets but further potential to generate reaction from the entire financial system: the FOMC. This past week, the European Central Bank offered us a look into how far the dovish reach of the largest central banks is currently stretching. Against heavy speculation that the group was going t



Dividend Adjustments 29 Jul - 5 Aug

Expected index adjustments Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 29th July 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.     NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a 

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Stocks higher, yields lower, growth concerns persist: APAC brief - 25 Jul

The S&P500 rallied to another record high, as Wall Street shrugged off poor earnings from industrial mega-companies Boeing and Caterpillar, and instead focused on solid-enough results from US-tech giants. The rally was supported by a new-leg lower in global bond yields, after European manufacturing PMI data greatly disappointed expectations, and reaffirmed the continued slowdown in the Eurozone economy. That gave the DAX a lift. The Euro slipped, the Dollar edged higher, and gold climbed by

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

Dividend Adjustments 22 July - 29 July

Expected index adjustments Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 22nd July 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.   NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash ne



A night of mixed trade: APAC brief - 17 Jul

A night of mixed trade: Overnight trade might be considered an elegant microcosm for the affairs of financial markets right now. The news flow shifted from mixed, to bearish, to bullish, then back to mixed again. The story began with a US Retail Sales data-beat, that cast doubts on the Fed’s need to cut interest rates. That doubt was compounded by more soft-ish bank earnings in the US. The mood then turned decidedly nervous on headlines US President Trump stated his willingness to increasing tar

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

China GDP; trade wars expand; US earning season starts - DailyFX Key Themes

China GDP Refocuses Speculative Attention from Monetary Policy to Growth Last week, it was fairly clear that a particular fundamental theme had stepped up to take command of our attention. Monetary policy has garnered greater traction recently owing largely to speculation that the Federal Reserve will have to reverse its course of normalizing extreme accommodation and subsequently cap the responsibility for global investors to bear the exceptional risks in our financial markets on their own



Dividend Adjustments 15 July - 22 July

Expected index adjustments Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 15th July 2019. If you have any queries or questions on this please let us know in the comments section below. For further information regarding dividend adjustments, and how they affect  your positions, please take a look at the video.   NB: All dividend adjustments are forecasts and therefore speculative. A dividend adjustment is a cash neutral

Guest KirbyIG

Guest KirbyIG

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