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ASX Index

Guest Zero

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Guest Zero

Sorry for not posting here yesterday on close.  Lost my internet again in the morning, and finally got it back on today - pathetic hey.  It has cost me a bad loss today (smart-phone day trading is not possible - tough lesson to learn) which will take months to make back. 

Not to mention the missed opps. over the week.


I also found out that IG's restrictions on me aren't as what I was led to believe, (they're worse) and are making me reconsider my time here.  I only found out accidently (ie. due to being let down by IG), which could have cost me another bad loss. 


I am looking around anyway.  Don't let the ASX thread die...




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Hi Zero,

I have been looking for someone else who trades the ASX200. I stumbled on your thread this morning. I am not much good at blogging but I have been trading Futures and Forex for years. Now my temperament is better suited to the first 2 hours of the ASX200 and FTSE where I basically scalp and don't hold long term. Have my charts set up for the Open now and will be ready for the FTSE at 5pm. If you feel there is a common interest , let me know. Regards. Jim

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Hi  , sorry to say that  hasn't posted for a number of weeks now after he posted that he was having unspecified problems with IG changing some aspects of, and placing some restrictions on his account trading binaries. Looking back through the ASX thread it seems to me that some of his posts on the matter have disappeared (except the one where he praised IGs efforts in trying to resolve the matter, hmm). Sorry can't help further, hopefully someone else will pick up the thread.


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Shout out to ZERO!


Where are you mate?


The ASX like the other Indexes look like they want to go higher.


A daily reversal to the upside on Tuesday is a strong indicator imo.


Must be a few shorts out there given it's May.


Might see the market melt up from here and cause some pain to those shorts.


Just saying.





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It has certainly been risk on since the daily reversal to the upside last week.

I've gone long GBPJPY today.

Will be interesting to see how the S&P500 deals with the previous top around 2110. Indications for now are higher.


Happy trading.





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Keeping GBPCAD short


Short Gold this morning at 1208.35, tried for 1209 but slippage, stop at 1214.50


Anybody else want to share some good trade ideas?

I like the theory but its trades that really count guys.

Been a good week.


Good luck out there,





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  • 11 months later...

Hi Jim,


Me Too, I only trade the ASX & FTSE opening, usually the first two hours. Sometimes I dabble on the HSI if the conditions is right. I mainly use statistics to back my trading. PM me if you want to share any trade idea. Currently I'm looking for someone to develop something to automate this. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

ASX200 the thing i trade the most  . Lets see if we can fire this thread back up  .  My volatility model is mildly bullish but with no conviction . Historically  (seasonally) first 15 ish days in march are flat to down  so my MO will be to short pops with a little more vigour than BTFD  . Follow the bias filter and trade hardest with the short term trend . Respect downside  breaks with more conviction on fading upside breaks  .   We are at/near 12 month highs so top end of the range in the TF i trade , No surprise if Feb high isnt broken till last week march/early april   . With all datasets i tend to ignore the outliers  which Mar '20 qualifies  


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10 minutes ago, Ozquant said:

ASX200 the thing i trade the most  . Lets see if we can fire this thread back up  .  My volatility model is mildly bullish but with no conviction . Historically  (seasonally) first 15 ish days in march are flat to down  so my MO will be to short pops with a little more vigour than BTFD  . Follow the bias filter and trade hardest with the short term trend . Respect downside  breaks with more conviction on fading upside breaks  .   We are at/near 12 month highs so top end of the range in the TF i trade , No surprise if Feb high isnt broken till last week march/early april   . With all datasets i tend to ignore the outliers  which Mar '20 qualifies  


This was a very interesting thread back in the day, Zero was an out and out binaries option trader (still is, with another broker), run foul of IG's 'rules' and forced out, no joy with a complaint to ASIC. His contributions are sadly missed by many, esp Oz traders.

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