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Dow and Dax weekly chart. Next week US non farm payrolls data job losses already priced in. US Trump hoping to relieve lock down conditions after Easter but most commentators say prob too early. New German research says corona infected unable to pass on the virus post 8 days symptom free. Italy regrets advising people to 'hug a Chinese' in a anti racism promotion early on in corono epidemic. UK clocks spring forward this Sunday. Stay safe. 


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re: in the post below .... quote "as I said at the time price is at the mercy of new news and it was hard to see any more new bad news because everything had already been shut down." .....

On the contrary, in my opinion, the worst is yet to come. The UK and particularly the US were late with lockdowns and they are not tight same as italy and china. Indeed half of the US is not even locked down at all. And already 100,000 cases (known cases = probably more like 2 million actual), and doubling every 2 - 5 days... the bad news will not be about lock downs but will be about a surging unbelievable number of deaths and infections since the containment in the us has failed. Because of the lateness and the ineffectivenss the spread could be catastrophic in size and in duration. 

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