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Beyond Meat BYND IPO

Guest SRD

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Guest SRD

Beyond Meat BYND launched an IPO today, it appears in the app but says that it isnt availible online. Will it be availible through IG? If so, When?

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19 hours ago, Guest Marc said:

Why can't i shortsell Beyond Meat? 

Hi Marc - this stock is currently unborrowable in the underlying market. This is likely due to the significant rally in the stock and a large percentage of the stock being shorted. You can give us a call where we can manually check the underlying market and other liquidity providers to see if we can get borrow to short, however please note if this is possible there may be a large borrow charge. We'll inform you if this is higher than normal before confirming to open the short. 

You should be able to close this trade at any time on the dealing platform without having to call (normal market conditions dependent of course). 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Evening all,

The shares desk have confirmed there is limited borrow available in the market this evening - current borrow charge is 100% per annum, so pretty steep. Availability & cost will likely vary over the coming days.

You'll need to call in should you wish to open a short position ( buying or selling to close can be done via the platform).


In other news - Honest burger also sell the BYND patty. Few of us on desk had one this evening - probably not allowed to comment on how it was so I won't...




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  • 1 month later...
Guest PandaFace
6 hours ago, TrendFollower said:

Beyond Meat's valuation in my opinion is absurd. The article below may be of interest to some of you.

Beyond Meat Tanks 13 Percent After-Hours Because of This Terrible News


The current chart 'daily' is below to show the downside potential on this stock.


For me those who invested pre IPO will be exiting without the man on the street even realising. Those earlier investors will exit at a huge profit as they will have invested at lot lower prices than even the IPO price. They will be rewarded heavily. It is those who decided to join the party late 'herd' that could be burnt badly.

I am suggesting this from my personal experience of investing in start up growth businesses.

Haven’t you been calling this sell off since its IPO at $25? Only 10x plus since then but yeh 👍🏻

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  • 2 months later...
17 hours ago, TrendFollower said:

This is one example of how the odds are stacked against the trader and in favour of the broker. 

No, it isn't. 

Whilst it's known that trading on the worlds global financial markets can be tough and has risks, I must reassure you that your thoughts on our business model is incorrect. This has been discussed a number of times, however I'll copy and paste for the sake of the convenience.

Our business model is based on providing individuals with the opportunity to trade the world’s financial markets, in exchange for fair and proportionate transaction fees. However, we do not typically benefit from trading losses that an unsuccessful client may experience. We do not have a view on the direction of the market, and it is entirely in our interest for your trade to be executed correctly based on the instructions you provided. There is absolutely no benefit what-so-ever to IG having a stock available on the platform which you can't trade on. 

As we earn revenue from you trading, we want you to trade, not lose. You can read more about that here, https://www.ig.com/uk/how-does-ig-make-money or watch a video (which we're looking to update) here:

As a financially regulated company which is listed on the LSE, this methodology is supported by our quarterly and annual results, and our latest Investors Relation presentation which may be of interest.

If you'd like to discuss this in more detail, I'd suggest you give us a call. 

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  • 3 months later...

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