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Holy Grail

Guest AbDXB1345

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2 minutes ago, Mercury said:

OK @dmedindo it!  For me the chances that the run ends are too high.  What happens to buy and hold when that chart reverses?  Will you get out and cut losses?  That is not the strategy of buy and hold so what you will do is hold on and eventually sell out at the bottom and lose everything.  With trading we look to cut losses much much earlier than that and trade with the trend.  Only in trading can you Short the market.

Seriously it is horses for courses.  You have the facts and the logic from people who have traded consistently for more than 5 years in this and other threads.  Do you need anything else to make up your mind?


When it 'crashes' you take the opportunity to buy more.

I have no 'facts'.  Not a single person here has shown that they are a consistently profitable 'trader'. 

As for the 'logic' - most of it is truly laughable.


Edited by dmedin
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4 minutes ago, dmedin said:

When it 'crashes' you take the opportunity to buy more.

I have no 'facts'.  Not a single person here has shown that they are a consistently profitable 'trader'. 

As for the 'logic' - most of it is truly laughable.

I really have no idea why you are here.  Good luck with whatever it is you are seeking. 

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4 minutes ago, dmedin said:

When it 'crashes' you take the opportunity to buy more.

I have no 'facts'.  Not a single person here has shown that they are a consistently profitable 'trader'. 

As for the 'logic' - most of it is truly laughable.


While we try and figure this out, did we ever discuss what kind of trader you are hoping to become?  Long, Short, Swing Day etc.?

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5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

That's what they were all saying all through 2016.

Looking at the chart on the monthly I can't fathom why?  Clear disruption like has never been on this timeline now.  Could go either way (obviously).

Plus from Sept 18-Dec18 it dropped half it's value.

Edited by nit2wynit
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11 minutes ago, Mercury said:

I really have no idea why you are here.  Good luck with whatever it is you are seeking. 

If you have no idea why he is here, then you're giving advice blindly.  Before we try to give advice or answer any question, first we must understand it.

Demdin is looking for answers.  He's clearly become disillusioned about the process and now in a dark place because of losses.  If you want to help you need to dissect his Why, Where, When, What.  Only when you have done this can you offer a clear and Instructable course of action to change the outcome.  You must also Prove it Live.

Edited by nit2wynit
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1 minute ago, nit2wynit said:

If you have no idea why he is here, then you're giving advice blindly.  Before we try to give advice or answer any question, first we must understand it.

Demdin is looking for answers.  He's clearly become disillusioned about the process and now in a dark place because of losses.  If you want to help you need to dissect his Why, Where, When, What.  Only when you have done this can you offer a clear and Instructable course of action to change the outcome.

First off I was answering the original question, not giving dmedin advice.  Second what I wrote is agnostic of type of trading etc.  Third, a person can only be helped if they want to be helped.  Finally, any post is a free gift, as I mentioned before, if not treated as such it is abused and posters stop posting.  I have nothing further to add to this discussion, I hope @AbDXB1345 got something useful.

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Guest AbDXB1345

This seems to have got completely sidetracked...

Honestly, there is clearly a cause for frustration when trading and investing on the stock market. Many lose money, but it is still the best tool to make significant amount of capital. 

The issue is people think it is easy money, if it was everyone would be doing it.

I just hope that out there there are the 10% that are making money and make enough in order to live off of that amount!

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Guest AbDXB1345

@nit2wynit sorry, just topped on my coffee so firing on all cylinders again.

I trade on the IG web based platform, my strategy is 80 % fundamental now so I dont really need fancy charts with lots of gadgets. 

Check out a youtube channel called Dumb Money, a guy by the name of Chris Camillo is one of the contributors. Not saying they are the path to righteousness, but the way they approach investing is really thought provoking. 

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5 hours ago, Mercury said:

For most people, and the stats bear this out, your thesis is correct.  If you don;t think you can make a success of it and are not willing to put in the effort to become successful then chose a different path

By 'willing to put in the effort' you mean sustaining five years of losses?  In that case, I can't afford it.  How can anyone?

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1 hour ago, TrendFollower said:

If they are waiting for the trades to come to them then how often do they trade in a day, week, month or year? No one knows. All I hear is the same rubbish that I am trolling or I am looking for the holy grail or some rubbish like that. No thanks. I am happy with the way I trade. Yes I am not the best trader. Yes I will make mistakes

the point is, as was pointed out recently, is that you don't actually trade at all. "My success came when I started trading oil, corn, cocoa, etc and beginning to make profits by holding on to my positions until the trend changed" said he who didn't have a clue how the SB dfb and futures platform actually worked. 

and then there were the 2 trades made public, jumped in on fomo, cac'd himself because there was no plan so jumped straight out again. an experienced trader read the write up and joined the community just to point out that anyone following this was definitely going to lose money, the long winded waffling reply boiled down to it being really just an attempt to get others to reveal how they traded.

Some people have time to contribute on the forum throughout the day because they are waiting for trades to play out once activated or are waiting for a new setup to present itself, simple really, been doing it for years. People trade how they trade because of what they know, you can't just hand over years of experience in a few posts. Better to point the way ahead and leave the bs to those who have nothing else.

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Guest Mark27000
1 hour ago, TrendFollower said:


So I do not trade at all? Wow so I just have an IG account for the fun of it and I have never deposited any money or ever traded. Is that the best you can do? Do you realise how ridiculous that is. Bad traders or traders who lose money can still trade. LOL. 😂

How many live trades have you shared on the IG Community? For someone who is so arrogant that they are never wrong and they never lose an argument in 5000 posts and hours upon hours of numerous posts you have not shared any live trades. At least I have even if you think they were bad or whatever. Why don't you prove your own waffle by sharing a live trade and showing us how it is all done. Oh wait we all want to steal your secret and we are all lazy and just want to copy you trading. Oh I don't trade so that rules me out but others want to emulate you. I mean come on. Don't pretend to want to help others and then they ask you what you trade, how you trade and when you trade and you then don't want to share so make up rubbish like you cannot share years of experience. How did those who made millions share their trading in the Market Wizards book? I am sure they have traded for much longer than you. 😀 Sorry I keep on laughing as it is the same old rubbish from you. Belittle me to take the limelight off you and your specific trading. You always do this. You resort to belittling and mocking me just so everyone gets distracted enough to forget about your specific trading. 

So what if none of your trades play out through out during the year? What if these setups don't present themselves? Oh by the way what are these so called setups and for which assets? Exactly you keep all that hidden. So how does anyone really know you trade? It means you are more likely to trade less than me! Ha Ha LOL 🤣 For all we know you could have been waiting for trades to play out or for these setups to emerge for years hence you may have traded far less than some of us. 

You have been posting for 2-3 years at least if not more and have 5000 posts and you say you cannot hand over years of experience. What utter tosh. The truth is that you are selfish which is fine. There is nothing wrong with that. The truth is that you do not want to share because you hardly trade as the setups rarely present themselves. Therefore I would be surprised if you are making significant profits year upon year unless you are trading using a lot of capital and your position sizing is enormous. Now this is possible but there is nothing to suggest you are doing this. 

Why should someone listen to your way ahead? What is it about your trading performance and track record that means anyone on the IG Community should trust what you say? 

I have a lot of losing trades because of my trading strategy. There will be some trends I trade which reverse or are false moves and I get stopped out at a loss. I am not ashamed to admit that. That is the price I have to pay if I want to catch the big moves and winners. I don't know which ones they will be so I have to make a call based on price action and certain indicators. It has served me well for many years. I accept many will find it difficult to follow trend following principles because it can entail making losses. If you look at the two trades I shared one was a profitable trade and the other was a losing trade so 50% win and 50% fail. The key metric is whether the profit I made from my winning trade was larger than the loss I made from my losing trade? Obviously you do not understand that. I can have periods where 60% to 70% are losing trades and only 30% are winning trades but as long as those 30% winning trades have larger profits overall than the losses on the 70% losing trades that is what matters. I failed because it did not encourage anyone on the IG Community to come forward and share live trades because some of them are all talk and hot air. They are scared of failure. I am not. I have done what you have not been able to do. 

If you are that great, that wise, that intelligence, that good a trader that you know what you are doing then why not share a live trade and show us all how good you really are? Don't criticise or mock me for sharing a live trade and then insult me. So that is how professional you are. You will not do it because you are scared that your credibility will be shot to pieces if your trade failed. The point you are missing is it is ok for trades to fail. It is part of trading and one should accept losses and move on. I did very quickly on the two live trades I shared (to encourage others to share) and forgot about them. The best you can do is bring that up. Just think how hard it is to share a live trade and one of them ends up making a loss. It is very difficult but I did it. Have you? Has anyone ever seen how you deal with a loss? Has anyone ever seen you make a loss? So at this moment in time there is more evidence that I actually trade than you do. 🤫

I am open about the way I trade. What is wrong with sharing how one trades with others on IG Community? You obviously do not want to partake in that but want to post constantly, why? What is your aim? It is obviously not to be helpful and share your trading with other traders as you have proved you have no intention to do so. That is fine but then why should anyone take you seriously? Why because you have posted 5000 times and have 1000 likes? That means nothing.

You must enjoy the sound if the keyboard clicking...long winded rubbish ..you.know the thread you started ,the comical one where you asked IG to pay you for your tripe,  did you insist on being paid per word...I guess they are still thinking it over 😂

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Guest Mark27000
2 hours ago, TrendFollower said:


What was the point of your post

To reiterate Casey's point that you are a clown,and that you are the forum'sform if comedy...everything you post is a) repetitive beyond belief and b) long winded stating of the obvious 

Every post you make is just news basically..bitcoin has dropped ,bitcoin is at its 200ma ,bitcoin is at 7000...maybe you should.look into a subscription service offering such news..

Please keep your response under 2000 words as I can't read your posts that go on and on or repeat about being good or bad traders or what have I posted to help others

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1 hour ago, TrendFollower said:

Calling me names and calling me a clown.

you act like a clown you are a clown, cajoling to get me to show you how to trade, then the harassment, then the insults and then the casting of aspersions because you don't get what you want. it's been done before, you're not the first and probably won't be the last. best if you just go back to bsing newbies and cut and pasting whole pages of text on trendfollowing straight from books, it's what you do best.

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Guest Mark27000
2 minutes ago, TrendFollower said:


Show the IG Community what you have got to offer. Why don’t you demonstrate you are superior. What can you offer the IG Community that is of significant value from a trading  perspective?

If you can’t be bothered to read my posts then don’t. No one is asking or forcing you to, muppet! Just ignore my posts, it’s quite simple. I think even a 🐒 could choose to avoid responding to me or even messaging me if they were intelligent. Don’t waste your time. Pretty simple if you ask me. 

You should see the thread from caseynotes called Bitcoin halving event. Have a look at that thread and then I want to see if you are just as rude to him or are you treating me differently. A clown has a white face and my face is clearly brown. I am proud to be Indian and I am proud of the colour of my skin. Let me guess are you from Australia and are you white? 

I would strongly suggest you do not communicate with me. I have every right to post on here just like anyone else. If you don’t like it then don’t read my posts or respond.


😂😂😂😂 I thought you were Philip ....You mean to tell me thats you on the left ...Oh my 

Getting a bit  racist now too 😞

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1 hour ago, TrendFollower said:

You still are unable to answer any of the questions. 

I don't think I've answered any of your ever increasingly intrusive questions since 2018 have I, I certainly haven't been reading any of your posts which were growing so very tiresome, it's either stuff that can be found in any trading book or as Mark says, BTCs gone up a bit or BTCs gone down a bit. Not like the good old days when you used to add 2 and 10 thousand day moving averages, whatever that was suppose to tell anyone I guess we'll never know now ☹️


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Guest Mark27000
59 minutes ago, TrendFollower said:


How am I being racist? 

How dare you call me a retard and that is really bad and low. 

Mental disability is a serious problem in the UK and I am sure in other countries. Mental health is a real issue affecting real people. May I ask that you please refrain from using such offensive terms as lots of people may have relatives which have serious mental difficulties and may even have been bullied by using such offensive terms like 'retard'. 

And you calling me a muppet is ok ...what about all the people you are offending not to mention Kermit and Ms Piggy...

What IF I reverse what you said to me ...

I'm a proud white Australian (I'm not Australian by the way) and what are you a brown Indian 

How dare you somehow bring race and nationality into a discussion about trading 

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1 hour ago, TrendFollower said:

You call my questions intrusive! Oh my god you are catching 'the clown disease' from me.

You can't answer anything, just deflect and divert. You keep things simple because, well that's obvious why. I don't read your threads but do read your posts in other threads and respond when your ego is clearly marching on and mislead people or when you refer to me directly or indirectly which happens often. Now you are referring to my DNA, are you just being racist?



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Guest Mark27000
14 minutes ago, TrendFollower said:


I am of Indian origin but I am British. I was born in the U.K.  Apologies if you are not Australian but I thought in another post you said you were but I may have got that wrong so I apologise. I hold my hands up there.

I see you have avoided the mental health question. So one rule applies to some of you and another rule applies to me. Not fair in my opinion.

I have only resorted to calling you a muppet because of your initial abuse. You drew first blood. 

Anyway all the 

Could you please direct me to where the question is that I missed as all I can see is you waffling as usual.

But you insulted people with your offensive Muppet comment ..so you can't say anything about mental health to me when you did the same then

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Guest Mark27000
On 27/09/2019 at 22:30, Mark27000 said:

Could you please direct me to where the question is that I missed as all I can see is you waffling as usual.

But you insulted people with your offensive Muppet comment ..so you can't say anything about mental health to me when you did the same then

mod edit: picture removed

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HOLY **** TRADE **** BATMAN..................................................................................................

Look, you utter bunch of retarded Monkeys.......................................Yes, I'm talking to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keyboard Warrior Faceless Nonsense.............................  

I could tell you I was Ex SAS.............................Would you know the truth?

I could tell you I was Neil **** Armstrong in pseudo...........................................Would you know?

This isn't about you people Individually.  You aren't **** Special.  This LITERALLY happens in EVERY **** FORUM ON THE WEB.

Wind your **** necks in you bunch of ego stoking nob heads.

You want to know what knowledge and Wisdom is?  I'll tell you.

Knowledge is Knowing (but it is Archaic-Can become Obsolete) Widsom is Knowing this........................

Get a **** Life, the lot of you.........................................

Next Chapter of my Life; Psychology of Forum Participants.....

Edited by nit2wynit
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