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Holy Grail

Guest AbDXB1345

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On 26/09/2019 at 11:29, AbDXB1345 said:

@Caseynotes also just taking the time to learn, most people just want to jump right in.

Trading on demo for an extended period allows exposure to the markets with no risk. the obvious downfall of this is with no risk there is the chance of paralysis by analysis.

I stuck to demo for almost 2 years and felt it was time to put experience to practice on a small size account, with the aim of adding to the size with monthly contributions that wont bankrupt me.

Good words Cassynotes.

I have been on a demo now for about 2 years. Started with 20k and now just moved into 100k..So waiting for capital to come my way then im, going for real cash...Just hope it does not change my thinking in the way i have been trading.FOCUS....

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2 minutes ago, Trevbeats said:

I have been on a demo now for about 2 years. Started with 20k and now just moved into 100k..So waiting for capital to come my way then im, going for real cash...Just hope it does not change my thinking in the way i have been trading.FOCUS....

That's great Trev.  Care to offer an insight into what you're doing to achieve it?

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Yes no Problem nit2wynit 

This how I trade. Price action and Support and resistance, then look for trends. Dow S&P are great to trade! Here is a good tip. Bring up Apple and have your charts up  in the dow and the s&p ok. Correlation is key, do this arounf 7.30pm as you know use markets close at 9pm, but becareful as volitation can be high, watch the volume indicator helps.

: try this as well? 

Go to  gbp/Usd and pull up the time frame 4 hours then 1 hour. then go to the 5 min frame and trade the trend as you should  know the direction if there is any...Its very important to know if there is a trend happening. This is when you trade for sec or even min. ok take profit straight away!!!. The other night i did this on the S&P and made over £1000 in 30 min. These are some of the ways I tarde sir. Hope this helps. TreV

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5 minutes ago, Trevbeats said:

Excuse the spelling on the red wine now hehehehe

hahha, I often post on here after Red Wine Enlightenment too.  It's cool. :D

I like your style.  In and out.  Take profit.  Seems the way forward.  Good Luck when you go Live.  Learning the emotional side of Trading has been the greatest lesson for me so far.  The Losses are real.   It can affect you profoundly and cripple your confidence; as it did with me.   There's plenty of advice in here to keep you going, but you can only learn the emotional side of it thru losing and getting over it.

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1 minute ago, Trevbeats said:

Shame im in Kent. Would of been great to hook up and talk trading as I love it. I have my vision to make this work for me. Just need 20k to start...lol

You can make it work with 1k if you can find the Shares as they Breakout.  Missed out on £800 2 weeks ago with a £38 Risk/Stop.  Took about 2 hours to complete I think.  I got out to early with £150 as my P/L ratio is only 1:1, but if it looks good i'll go 1:4.  It's a similar discussion we've been having over at 'Is Spread Betting for Fools' thread.  Profits etc. are all based on account size.  Small means you need to find shares of low value that make decent moves quickly.  Larger account size means you can play Indices with lower spreads and still make decent gains.  Can't trade FTSE with only 1k as you'd need to go in for the week and hope it went the right way till you got out. (depending on how much you want to win).

Yeah would be great to meet someone on the doorstep.  I have no-one around doing this.

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Ok I just think I will be stopped out with a low capital... Ok So if i did put in a £1000 where do you find your low value stocks to trade with at 1-2 or even higher? Just to let you know I am on the Aussie account as the leverge is good. Esma rule stinks!! thats why I moved my account..but i hear its coming to the aussie soon so i will switch to the slizze

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11 minutes ago, Trevbeats said:

Ok I just think I will be stopped out with a low capital... Ok So if i did put in a £1000 where do you find your low value stocks to trade with at 1-2 or even higher?

That's the Holy Grail answer I've been looking for.   

At some point you're going to realise that you're limited on the IG platform.  Not sure if it's Intentional or not but you can't filter out the Instruments.  So, you're going to need to Pay for a Screener.  IG do offer one in their Pro Real Time package and if you have the know-how @DSchenk to program your own search criteria then this will help a lot.  However, what's REALLY needed is Pre-Market Data to find stocks on the move before market open.  I've missed a few opportunities over the last 3 weeks as i can only search when the Bell goes at 2.30 for US.  I'll waste 15 mins searching thru the entire US stock list to find anything suitable and by then most of the action has ended.

So, Pre-Market screener.  1k.  you can make decent money in minutes.  Stops etc. all still apply just on a 1M or 5M chart.  If this sounds new to you, then we can discuss it further.

Edited by nit2wynit
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5 hours ago, dmedin said:

I'm an expert in losing money.  If you want to know how to be penniless and miserable, follow my strategy.  🤡

rofpmsl hahhahaha :D Gold.!


10 hours ago, Trevbeats said:

However as I am with the Aussie acount the charge for  stockes are about £12 in and close at £12 so your down about £25 already: Hence why I do forex and indices and COM. Do you use a screener? 

I'm confused Trev.............You're talking about Share Dealing, NOT Spread Betting, right?  You know what SB is?

Edited by nit2wynit
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On 26/09/2019 at 07:15, TrendFollower said:


Excellent question. 

I work full time and am an investor first and trader second. Trading is only a very small part of what I do. However, those who post frequently and share their intelligence, wisdom and great knowledge may well be full time traders whose primary source of income is trading. I mean they must be extremely profitable right as they spend so much time posting on IG Community as they have exceptional trading systems which allow them to do so. 

They serve everything but the 'main course'! 🍲

I mean it is like going to a restaurant really wanting their signature dish but instead the waiter serves you everything else to give you an idea of the quality of the restaurant apart from the actual dish you really wanted.

For me posting more frequently, more intelligent, more technical and more complex posts does not mean a trader is more profitable than someone who does not. I include myself in this by the way. Having high levels of knowledge may give you a better chance of success but it is not a given than someone who is far more knowledgable in trading actually makes more profits per annum year after year than something with less knowledge. 

For example, if I have trading capital of £1m and make 10% profits consistently per annum then that is far greater than an extremely knowledgeable trader with a better trading system who has trading capital of £100,000 and makes 20% profits consistently per annum.

It depends.  The future value of £1,000,000 invested at 10% per annum for 30 years is less than £17.5m.  The future value of £100,000 at 20% per annum for 30 years is more than £23.7m.  I can also have lots of fun with the spare £900,000 every year!

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Actually it was all through most of 2015 as well but the point remains the same as today. 

By far the highest probability is for price to leave a chart pattern or period of consolidation going in the same direction as it went in.

Counter trend trades are always short duration trades. In an uptrend the stronger play is to look for bottoms not tops.

The doomsters who are waiting for the end of the world usually wait lifetimes.


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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

The doomsters who are waiting for the end of the world usually wait lifetimes.

2000 to 2008 (8 years)

2009 to 2019 or 20? (10 years?)

NOT exactly a lifetime but certainly life changing for those caught the wrong side and those open minded enough not to let bias blind them to opportunity (either way).  Data helps us but price action tells the tale.

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3 minutes ago, Mercury said:

2000 to 2008 (8 years)

2009 to 2019 or 20? (10 years?)

NOT exactly a lifetime but certainly life changing for those caught the wrong side and those open minded enough not to let bias blind them to opportunity (either way).  Data helps us but price action tells the tale.

Not exactly the end of the world either, but the difference is identifying a period of downtrend vs a period of consolidation. There have only been two short periods of downtrend so far this century so just shorting the highs is not the strong play. During consolidation in an uptrend the drops can be sharp and quick then it's a grind back to the top but there are more fake drops than real which is why retail, who are always trying to pick the tops, always do so badly. Which is why looking to identify support and catch the ride back up with the possibility of a breakout and trend continuation is the better play. When will be the next downtrend, who knows but we will know it when we see it. Until then there is no rush to get short.

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1 hour ago, Mercury said:

2000 to 2008 (8 years)

2009 to 2019 or 20? (10 years?)


Hmm ... despite the 'tech boom' technology actually came out better and stronger.  Don't you think that the tech sector (and technology in general) is a lot more valuable today than it was in 2000?

As for 2007 - present, wtf ... stocks have been on the rise for ten years.  The only people who really lost out and had their lives affected were people who lose their jobs and their homes.  What are you complaining about?

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2 hours ago, dmedin said:

Hmm ... despite the 'tech boom' technology actually came out better and stronger.  Don't you think that the tech sector (and technology in general) is a lot more valuable today than it was in 2000?

As for 2007 - present, wtf ... stocks have been on the rise for ten years.

"Oh dear!"  You really didn't get that one did you...

2 hours ago, dmedin said:

What are you complaining about?

What makes you think there is any complaint there?  Just some facts.

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10 minutes ago, Mercury said:

"Oh dear!"  You really didn't get that one did you...


I don't understand it.  If you'd bought Amazon, Microsoft or Apple stock in 2000 and held on to it you'd be a very happy person right now.  Why so much bitterness about tech stocks?

Edited by dmedin
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