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Covid and the Economy

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''Mysterious COVID wave #3 tour dates:

18th Dec - ENG 80+ in the community. 

27th Dec - SCO care homes. 

8th Jan - ENG care homes.

10th Jan - SCO 80+ in the community. 


Vaccination data is just coincidental*. *Correlation does not equal causation.''

Joel Smalley @RealJoelSmalley  1h






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The PSY OPS looks like being ratcheted up a gear as the clowns prep to hit you with the impossible 'ZERO COVID' goal as the next instalment to keep this sh!tshow on the road.

Remember scientists are just as easily bought off as politicians these days.

Leaked emails from Zero-Covid advocacy group ISAG.



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Renewables aren't working out, can't survive without govt subsidies, me and my Davos pals have decided the only alternative is to ban travelling for the plebs, no private cars, no air travel.

We have to SAVE THE WORLD !!!!!

Live in a pod, work from home and eat your 3d printed processed meat (bugs). Look, you're already halfway there thanks to covid 👍

And anyway, as the WEF says, 'cities are so much nicer since lockdown'.




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Interesting chart of Scandinavian all-cause deaths in 24 month periods shows no covid effect at all.

The winter of 2019/20 was mild with fewer seasonal deaths than ususal but then the novel coronavirus was released and the deaths that would have occured during winter occured in April instead. 

This is why so many countries are showing no real increase in all-cause deaths per year. It also shows that the covid death numbers are fake and are rebranded deaths from other causes.

The vast majority of people who catch covid have mild or no symptoms at all, for those with symptoms the infectous stage only lasts 10 days max. From then on you have natural immunity.

If you've had SARS-CoV-2 anytime over the last 17 years you will have T-cell immunity, if you have been in contact with covid-2 this last year you will also have covid-2 antibody immunity.

Push the myth that covid can be spread asymptomatcally, mass test asymptomatic people with a test that is designed to detect old dead viral RNA that their immune system has destroyed and when the test shows positive pretend they actually have covid.

We are constantly in contact with viral material, with an effective immune system we deal with it and don't get sick. Testing people who are not sick you will find old viral material if they came in contact with the virus up to a month previously, same if you apply the test to someone who has died. 

Counting these people as covid 'Cases/Deaths' is a fraud and is done to boost the numbers and perpetuate the climate of fear. No return of freedom for you until you're begging for health identity cards, oh - and may as well add finance and energy usage details while we're at it.







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'The tax burden will increase to its highest level for more than 50 years after Chancellor Rishi Sunak set out his plans to begin repairing the nation’s finances after the coronavirus crisis'


''Sitting on the sofa all day eating half price Nando's wasn't free? I AM SHOCKED''

 Old Holborn® @Holbornlolz


But of course ...



BREAKING: People support taxes they think they don't have to pay, and oppose taxes they think they do have to pay.

Kristian Niemietz @K_Niemietz



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Did you ever wonder why Ivermectin, HCQ and Vitamine D were savaged as treatments for covid, banned or scorned despite plenty of evidence that they did work, or that they were proclaimed as being dangerous in spite of having been around for decades and used by hundreds of millions with no ill effect. And then AFTER the new mRNA vaccines were rolled out they were quitely given approval for use?

Here's why;

''For FDA to grant Emergency Use Authorisations (EUA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), one of the criteria is that there should be no known effective thereupeutic already on the market - it was deliberate suppression to get their lucrative vaccines out.''





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Typical stuff here;


Toby Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.P. @uTobian

''The word the Guardian is looking for is geriatricide.

"The UK started vaccinating the elderly on Dec 8th. By January 8th, four weeks later, nursing home deaths had risen by 46%."



But don't worry, thanks to false positive tests all the blame can be pinned on covid.

The twitter post above refers to this Guardian  article here;

Covid-related deaths in care homes in England jump by 46% | World news | The Guardian




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Useful reminder that you can't hide the whole population from a virus and no, lockdown didn't 'save the NHS', the actual empirical data at the time was correct and the NHS was never at risk that Ferguson's fake models said it was.

Still, now that we know renewables aren't working out and the next step in tackling climate change is for everyone to drastically cut their energy usage it's a good job you've all got used to a life spent staying at home 👍





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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

Useful reminder that you can't hide the whole population from a virus and no, lockdown didn't 'save the NHS', the actual empirical data at the time was correct and the NHS was never at risk that Ferguson's fake models said it was.

Still, now that we know renewables aren't working out and the next step in tackling climate change is for everyone to drastically cut their energy usage it's a good job you've all got used to a life spent staying at home 👍



You must be fun at family events and parties 

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30 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

err, we are under perpetual lockdown here, there are no family events or parties and hasn't been basically for the last 12 months.

Dont let the truth get in the way of a good story . You r no pioneer  .  We all have gone through lockdowns although NO_ONE has had a perpetual one   .  Facts who needs em 

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5 minutes ago, Ozquant said:

Dont let the truth get in the way of a good story . You r no pioneer  .  We all have gone through lockdowns although NO_ONE has had a perpetual one   .  Facts who needs em 

Name change to tier 1 - 5 is still lockdown but anyway we are currently still in full lockdown, social gatherings are raided by the police, you really are full of s**t aren't you.

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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Name change to tier 1 - 5 is still lockdown but anyway we are currently still in full lockdown, social gatherings are raided by the police, you really are full of s**t aren't you.

hopefully i can ignore your sorry **** , you r depressing , the source of 16% of comments on this forum . get some help man  .  

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1 minute ago, Ozquant said:

hopefully i can ignore your sorry **** , you r depressing , the source of 16% of comments on this forum . get some help man  .  

yeah reality and facts suck don't they, especially when it exposes your own made up make believe bs.

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

hahahaha, how pretentious, did you learn that in the playground?

Dude you have  12000 posts of 71k on this forum , have a long hard think about that and where your life is  .   put a  time frame on those 12k posts , its scary how much of your life you live in here and how much you supress this forum  .   Good luck , you are going to need it .  

  • 11,973 posts
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1 minute ago, Ozquant said:

Dude you have  12000 posts of 71k on this forum , have a long hard think about that and where your life is  .   put a  time frame on those 12k posts , its scary how much of your life you live in here and how much you supress this forum  .   Good luck , you are going to need it .  

  • 11,973 posts

what on earth are you talking about, as I said before I've been here a long time so obviously don't need luck. Jotting out a few posts a day is no bother, actually I spend time on other forums during the trading day as well, so what? 

You clearly are not used to forums, for example it would never occur to me to make my first post on a forum to be a straight critism of someone else's posts. Only a pretentious d**k would do that, same as for telling peeps how to live their life, or seeking help. Can never take such people seriously.

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1 minute ago, Caseynotes said:

what on earth are you talking about, as I said before I've been here a long time so obviously don't need luck. Jotting out a few posts a day is no bother, actually I spend time on other forums during the trading day as well, so what? 

You clearly are not used to forums, for example it would never occur to me to make my first post on a forum to be a straight critism of someone else's posts. Only a pretentious d**k would do that, same as for telling peeps how to live their life, or seeking help. Can never take such people seriously.

Narcissist , look it up  .  I 'm confident , DLR confident , U arent . U R on the edge .   For your own mental health i will leave you alone  . good luck  

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1 minute ago, Ozquant said:

Narcissist , look it up  .  I 'm confident , DLR confident , U arent . U R on the edge .   For your own mental health i will leave you alone  . good luck  

Pretentious, look it up, every post. Shows lack of confidence and desparation.

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10 minutes ago, Ozquant said:

For the sake of forum i will just leave it here  ,  Sake of Casey sad **** as well , no-one wants to see this . Or do they . Maybe i saying what many desire to  . anyway we are done  ..   good luck  

and good luck to you too and hope you can come to terms with the preteniousness that is obviously such a huge problem for you.

One way to avoid further problems is to stop s**t posting on threads, hope this helps.

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Haha i can't help it but  if in fact i am pretentious i am 100 times happier than you   >>>>>   Can i block this sack of misery ? Is it possible , be great if it is  . OK i promise you can now have the last word  , Its what Narcs need to feel dominant  , I will give you that . my pleasure  , good luck 

Edited by Ozquant
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6 minutes ago, Ozquant said:

Haha i can't help it but  if in fact i am pretentious i am 100 times happier than you   >>>>>   Can i block this sack of misery ? Is it possible , be great if it is  . OK i promise you can now have the last word  , Its what Narcs need to feel dominant  , I will give you that . my pleasure  , good luck 

I thought you would stop s**t posting but obviously not, the pretentiousness is too strong.

anyway more important stuff ;

Covid vaccinations and increased deaths Euro;


I took all the European countries that have reported their vaccination progress for 80+YO separately and plotted it against COVID deaths (unfortunately, deaths by age is not reported) before and after. Simple fit used to model expected deaths before and after also included.

Joel Smalley @RealJoelSmalley


Edited by Caseynotes
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''The elderly are sick of this neverending lockdown. Four in 10 over-80s have broken the rules since getting the vaccine. The OAP rebellion is heartening. Even the most frail among us yearn for freedom. It’s time to open up.''

The great granny revolt - spiked (spiked-online.com)



Federico Andres Lois @federicolois


Not back, but I am going to leave this here.

Red: Hard lockdown (apple mobility report)

Orange: Lax suppression (AMR)

Yellow: Averages.

Green: Asia.

Draw your own conclusions.

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