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Posts posted by ArvinIG

  1. 5 hours ago, PLA said:

    Hi, as title suggests, how can I export my positions to a csv / excel file please?

    Hi @PLA,

    There is no options to download your portfolio to a csv file. You will find your portfolio on a daily statement which you receive when a trade is placed ( CSV available). For a share dealing account if you wish to obtain a current holdings statement as a PDF please reach out tohelpdesk.uk@ig.com .

    All the best - Arvin

  2. 5 hours ago, problemsolver said:


    I have been spread betting for just over a year and have made good gains, approximately 25%.

    I understand the gains are tax-free.

    I wanted to know if I can use this as a business. If so, are the gains then taxable.

    How are they listed in the P&L accounts?

    I'm not sure if I am clear enough.

    Kind Regards,

    ProblemSolver - With a problem

    Hi @problemsolver,

    IG does offer corporate accounts to trade as a company. Please reach out to newaccountenquiries.uk@ig.com . The team will be happy to have a chat with your on the differences with a retail account. 

    All the best - Arvin

  3. 14 hours ago, Sjg1234 said:


    I am using an api to connect to IG.  My UK account logs in with the demo api details straight to the CFD account.  When i use the live account details it logs staright into the SB account.

    Does anyone know how i can set the demo api login to default to the demo SB account.  I have looked in IG interface and cant find a thing.


    Hi @Sjg1234,

    Please reach out to webapisupport@ig.com with your account ID. The demo account are usually auto allocated. The API IT team will be able to change the account for you.

    Thank  you - Arvin

  4. 8 hours ago, 47Tsial said:

    Hi everyone,


    I am a newbie on the platform and I will need your help.

    I created a demo account, thinking that I could trade lot of different assets (I am focusing on stocks at the moment), but the only options I have are CFDs and Spread Betting.

    Question 1:

    How can I open a demo account to practice day-trading some stocks?

    Question 2:

    In Settings/Trade settings/Data feeds, are the charges of whatever we pick per share we buy, or per overall trade?

    Hi  @47Tsial,

    There is no share dealing demo accounts only Spread bet or CFD account ( Leverage)
    1) Yes
    2) The data feed prices are for a month of data for one exchange. It will be active for a month for that specific exchange.

    I hope that it helps.

    All the best - Arvin

  5. 2 hours ago, keith30 said:

    Well can somebody tell me what happened here, as I'm new to this platform.

    I put an order in at the going rate for 31 shares of     KULR, money was taken from account and it appeared in "my orders" yet at the end of the session my money was back in my account and the shares were nowhere to be seen ?

    Thanks Keith

    Hi @keith30,

    There is a minimum consideration of GBP 90. You might need to increase the number of shares for the order to go through.

    All the best - Arvin

  6. 4 hours ago, Coresead said:

    Hi, I made this account week or two ago. and it is still pending... How long does it usually take to verifies account

    Hi @Coresead,

    Depending on the account opening team and if the application has all the information required the application process timeframe will vary. Could you please reach out to newaccounts.uk@ig.com, the account opening team will come back to you with the status on your application.

    All the best - Arvin

  7. 14 hours ago, NoComment said:

    I'm either extremely unlucky or there is something amiss with the system here in regard to the fees charged on partially filled orders.

    Not once, but for the second time since I began trading with IG I have had orders partially filled, in the amount of ONE share.  Today, when this occurred for the second time (4th part-filled order overall, but second with this specific issue I am addressing here), both of the my partially-filled orders amounting to ONE share were valued at $AU1.15 and $AU1.08, but  I have been charged commission and GST amounting to $AU5.00.  The same commission and GST is also applied when subsequent new orders were filled to bring the total allocation up to the number of shares originally ordered.

    I understand that this is a small, even an insignificant amount when I consider the total value of my portfolio, but seriously, $AU5.00 in fees for approximately a $AU1.00 share on more than one occasion, something is not right there, surely.  

    In both instances the order were stock-standard "day-limit" orders filled after the close of the ASX (ironically both transactions occurred at the exact same time, 16:46hrs (or 4.46pm AEDT although the debit to my account was slightly later) and the balance of the orders were subsequently deleted.

    Is this an anomaly with the ASX, or simply over-zealous bean-counters at IG?  I'd love to know, as it's becoming frustrating... as I said, this is the fourth time overall for partially filled orders, although I at least received a significant amount of the shares ordered on other occasions, but the fact still remains that the commission and GST has been double-dipped in each instance.

    Has anyone else had similar experiences, or have any knowledge of how / why this can repeatedly occur?  Any information would be greatly appreciated here, as there is nothing I've been able to find elsewhere on this site which would explain this anomaly.



    Hi @NoComment,

    Effectively when order is partially filled the a commission will be deducted as an order went through.

    You might want to change your expiry from "Day" to Good 'til cancelled"

    You order won't close at the and of the trading day but will carry on until filled or cancelled on your end.

    With Good 'til cancelled there is no commission or fee at the end of the trading day, you will be charged only if your order is fully executed.

    I hope that it helps !

    All the best - Arvin

  8. On 07/12/2021 at 05:02, pdoisy said:

    Hello, when do you plan to implement fingerprint login for your iPhone app? Thanks

    Hi @pdoisy,

    You can find the Touch ID feature on the Iphone once you open the app.

    At the bottom right hand corner "Account"  then " Settings" at the bottom you will see "Touch ID Authentication"

    All the best - Arvin

  9. 7 hours ago, traderjoey said:

    I would like to be able to trade in a Canadian share, unfortunately that exchange isn't currently available. 

    Are there plans to ever add additional stock exchanges to trade in like the Canadian exchange? Having the ability to trade in French and Japanese stocks would also interest me. Is this even a remote possibility?

    Hi @traderjoey,

    The exchanges you are mentioning are available on Leverage accounts.

    On share dealing account you will have access to :

    On leverage accounts CFD and Spreadbet:

    On Share dealing accounts I haven't heard about adding new countries. Share dealing rely on heavily on regulations for each country.

    I hope that it helps !

    All the best  - Arvin

  10. On 05/12/2021 at 01:44, Roger_xy said:

    Hi I am a UK customer. I don't have this option of ' Refer a friend' . Do you know why?


    Hi @Roger_xy,

    If the refer a friend section is not showing up on your Settings screen, it is likely that you are not eligible unfortunately.

    The Refer a friend scheme is available for leverage accounts.

    All the best - Arvin

  11. 10 hours ago, TradeMark said:

    I understand that deposits into My IG Account range from a minimum R4,000 to max R20,000, just wanted to know if the are any daily minimum or maximum WITHDRAWL regulations?

    Hi @TradeMark,

    There is no limit for bank withdrawals, for card withdrawals it is  200k ZAR.

    All the best - Arvin

  12. 18 hours ago, funi18 said:


    Any update on the "Common error" issue?


    13 hours ago, Tywini said:

    Hello. How long will mt4 not work? I can't do anything with an open position.

    Hi @funi18@Tywini,

    The IG IT team has escalated the issue with MT4 Team to be fixed. It is a work in progress at the moment.
    Alternatively you can trade on the IG platform directly on the web based platform or IG app.

    Thank you for your patience - Arvin

  13. 13 hours ago, yunushan said:

    I opened an account and send verificaiton documents,they answered me that i need to upload 2x of identity,helpdesk.en@ig.com and 


     can ou please help me what is the problem,and when my account will be verified,i need solution asap for that problem.

    Hi @yunushan,

    We contacted the Account opening team, it seems that the Bank statement you provided has a different address than the address your recorded on your application.

    You can send the document to newaccounts.uk@ig.com.

    All the best - Arvin 

  14. 2 hours ago, GNZ said:

    When purchasing an AUD global EFT, why do I get the message Not Suitable for European Retail Clients, when the EFT is in AUD, and I am based in Australia?

    Hi @GNZ,
    It is likely that the ETF is facing US Sanctions https://www.sec.gov/files/risk-alert-securities-investments-finance-communist-chinese-military-companies.pdf

    You can reach out to helpdesk.au@ig.com or via live chat for further assistance.

    All the best - Arvin

  15. On 30/11/2021 at 03:53, metronomist said:

    Does anyone else find that the analytic tool is totally incorrect? It shows that I have paid £900 in overnight funding which I have not. The number of trades in profit is also incorrect. It shows that I had 11 closed trades on the 26th which is false. What is the point in giving these stats if they are totally incorrect?

    Hi @metronomist,

    Could you please send a screenshot of your Trade Analytics tool to helpdesk.uk@ig.com. Our IT team will be able to investigate and come back to you accordingly.

    All the best - Arvin

  16. 16 minutes ago, Merseyside said:
    Hi there,
    I'm a South African citizen living and working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  
    I tried to register an account with IG.com  but it's not accepting my PO.Box number and therefore I cannot continue to the next steps to complete my application. 
    Please could you assist me in resolving this issue. Thank you...
    Kind regards,
    Saliem Khan

    Hi @Merseyside,

    Thank you for your message. 

    It seems that your registration was made under the United Kingdom ( why postcode not accepted)
    If you are living and working in Saudia Arabia you will need to apply with their office https://www.ig.com/ae/welcome-page.

    Please reach out to newaccounts.uk@ig.com, since your registration is in progress they might be able to change your address internally. If not they will advise what needs to be done.

    All the best - Arvin

  17. 9 hours ago, GJT3148 said:

    As a brand new user getting into bitcoin for the very first time and with zero experience, so I am completely exposed and vulnerable, how donI stay safe from scamming companys out there and what signs do i look out for when my phone wont stop ringing non stop?

    Hi @GJT3148,

    Thank you for your message. IG does not call clients unless you are in contact with our client facing team. we will always ask you security questions regarding your account. If you receive a phone call please keep your personal details and account details safe. 
    When receiving emails check the sender's email address.
    If you are in doubt feel free to send us a screenshot of messages you received or ask if we tried to contact you.

    I hope that it helps.

    All the best - Arvin

  18. On 27/11/2021 at 01:14, Member said:

    I got the same email but it is quite vague from IG as it does not list which products they are referring to.

    Also, i have ongoing dispute with IG regarding redemption of SPAC shares which i believe has prompted this.

    I can't provide further info into the dispute as it is still ongoing.


    On 27/11/2021 at 10:02, jasear said:

    Thanks Arvin, 

    I got the email but I am not sure if IG took this action as a result of a class action suit. Can you please confirm if you were sued? If so then I would like some more information on the case and the ruling so I know what I am eligible for.

    Hi @Member @jasear,

    I have contacted the Compliance department. They confirmed that it is not the result of a class action. I can inform you that this action is being taken as the result of an internal IG decision.

    All the best - Arvin

  19. On 28/11/2021 at 14:45, davidaaxyaaig said:

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    How are you?

    I am wondering how come there is no "Trailing stop loss" or a function for setting a limit for loss on the CFDs platform?

    I received an email saying that from 6th of Dec., we are able to set a stop or something, I forget,

    will we be able to have anyway to set a stop loss level decided by the users insted only the garantee stop for hundreds points way?

    Thank you


    HI @davidaaxyaaig,

    On CFD accounts you should be able to find the Trailing stop on clicking on the "stop" on the deal ticket:

    Feel free to reach out to helpdesk.au@ig.com or use our live chat feature for further assistance.

    All the best - Arvin


  20. On 28/11/2021 at 07:25, ommarhannan said:

    Dear All,

    My apologies for a very basic question which may have been answered before.  I recently set up a UK share dealing account.  However, it is not clear to me if this is automatically a share dealing ISA account or if I need to set up an ISA separately?  The help page takes me to this link (https://www.ig.com/uk/investments/isa) which then asks me to set up my account again.   Appreciate any help.  Regards, Ommar

    Hi @ommarhannan,

    Share dealing accounts and ISA accounts are seperated account. It seems that you have both accounts. When you login to IG and go to My IG > Dashboard :

    You should be able to see ISA and Share Dealing.

    I hope that it helps.

    All the best - Arvin

  21. 1 hour ago, DarrenGadd said:

    My shares have gone,i had 11500 and now i have 1500 and this is without my consent or me having anything to do with it ?

    Hi @DarrenGadd,

    As part of a Corporate Action  Nova Minerals Ltd has had a 1 for 10 stock consolidation.

    Therefore the amount of shares you had would have been divided by 10.

    You will need to edit your book cost.

    Please follow the steps on the link below to edit your book cost:

    All the best - Arvin

  22. 9 hours ago, DragonflySCO said:

    Same problem, but as we can see no answers from IG. That's the way how they making money.

    Hi @DragonflySCO,

    If you had stops that triggered while it didn't reached the price level, please contact helpdesk.uk@ig.com with your account and order details. Our team will be able to investigate and come back to you.
    Please make sure that on the chart you are looking at the ask or bid price and not the mid price.

    IG does not profit from client loss. We have organised a Q&A on that matter :

    All the best - Arvin

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