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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. dmedin

    US OIL

    No end in sight to the drop in oil prices ... commodities across the board are sinking in value.
  2. Looooooooong the indices 🐮🥳
  3. GBP is zooming up and down without rhyme or reason (apparently the markets are shocked that the EU and BoJo have started bickering again, Brexit was resolved by the Tory victory after all). Good luck getting stopped out with futile trades on this one
  4. dmedin

    US OIL

    86% of IG client accounts with open positions in this market expect the price to rise Therefore you should be bearish right
  5. dmedin

    US OIL

    Wait for a few days until you've got the benefit of hindsight first
  6. Oh yes, benefit of hindsight
  7. For me that's only in hindsight, I would have been long and expecting to buy dips and lost out big time if I was trading it. I am very jealous of people who can see massive swings up and down coming without needing the benefit of hindsight.
  8. That's one h3ll of a reversal. Clearly, investing in commodities is out of the question too. Sigh.
  9. Some people are just born masochists ... they get screwed over twice, first by getting fooled by rockstar/J3sus supertrader bullsh!t and then blaming themselves when it inevitably goes t!ts-up ... if someone don't think buying/selling on speculative grounds is inherently greedy in and of itself they're clearly delusional.
  10. Seems like all we have to go on is guessing and hindsight.
  11. Sinking again ... that was a short rally
  12. PMI is a beat, buy the dip 🥳
  13. How much further will it fall 😮 It's very oversold
  14. I don't understand the rationale of this system, myself. There's no inherent reason why a gap should take 10 minutes to be filled. Sometimes gaps take weeks or months to get filled. Doesn't make sense to me. If you're 'in and out' of a trade in the space of ten minutes you're just asking for trouble, AFAIC.
  15. It could shoot up quite a lot and still not look like a particularly strong long position, unless you're going for a very short-term position.
  16. Well it's my only option, unless I'm going to just 'buy and hold' an S&P 500 ETF (or maybe a selection of ETFs). I don't have the time or expertise to analyse a particular market or stock in depth, so I have to rely on TA if I'm going to be able to do this.
  17. Sorry not January 2019, but March 2019. It's amazing how often the Boeing share price would jump on 'reports' on the 747 Max coming back into service within a few months. You'd have to have gone short early and held on ('sell and hold') to really benefit.
  18. Gold > 1600 within a week, come on ye beaut 🐴b🐮
  19. dmedin


    Oil and gas stocks are like tobacco stocks - long term terminal decline. We need to be looking at green energy.
  20. Still looks bullish, but isn't it going to go the way of tobacco and oil and fossil fuels? Millennial do not want unhealthy sugar
  21. The fossil fuel industry is dying and it won't come back.
  22. Personally I believe much of that money currently locked up in inflated asset and stock prices should be crystallized (realized) in real economy expenditure, thus closing the income inequality gap to some extent and rebuilding America's infrastructure, providing affordable housing for all etc. The fact that the rich have all this money and don't spend it is the real reason why inflation and growth are so low.
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