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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Nope. Buy the dip won the day at the very last moment.
  2. Spoke too soon. Buy the dip won out at the last minute. I have no idea how to trade.
  3. Seems like there is a lot of effort to push it higher, but the momentum is down. (Just now)
  4. The money-makers will be in weed products such as drinks, vapes, and delicious chocolate muffins.
  5. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-column-russell-china-health-gold/column-gold-gets-initial-lift-from-china-virus-but-may-take-longer-term-hit-idUKKBN1ZT1EA Maybe ...
  6. I just wanted to add my tuppence on this point, such patterns have far more significance if they form over a period of weeks or months. On hourly charts they are more like mirages.
  7. American mobster and British psychopath affirm that the 'relationship is in a great place'. Rejoice! https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-usa-pompeo-trade/pompeo-says-brexit-britain-is-at-front-of-the-line-for-u-s-trade-idUKKBN1ZT1G0
  8. Too early to call on cannabis. It's fully legal in California (among other places) and that state hasn't fallen apart as far as I can tell. Then again, they have great weather and are prosperous, so that makes them unique. (Canada doesn't have the weather, and Britain doesn't have the weather or the prosperity.)
  9. It's his farewell message probably
  10. Next stop, 1019? 🤨
  11. So it did break out of an unsustainable degree of trend but it's still definitely up, now the question is can we get a much better price to buy into?
  12. Bearish phase confirmed. Look to buy bargains at the bottom at some point this year - great opportunities arise, even from global viral epidemics
  13. All eyes will be on the number of people who voted for rate cuts
  14. S&P 500 closed the window (filled the gap) but then stopped and resumed downward move. So... bearishness confirmed.
  15. dmedin


    I've been so stupid the last couple of days trading when I shouldn't have. Lost a little bit but still in the game lol
  16. In fairness to Charles Nenner, presumably he is writing books (hence a renowned analyst) rather than trading, and the content of those books are probably exactly what the people reading them want to hear. So he's actually performing the world a service in that sense.
  17. Indices are going nowhere in a hurry. Trading sideways. Hanging suspended in mid air. If markets are due for a correction they drop hard and fast. They don't pause and wait like this. But who in their right mind would go long right now?
  18. Might have something to do with the fact that 68 - 80% of people doing it are losing heaps of money.
  19. dmedin


    Any of you actually traded the last couple of days? This is what they call an indecision point, where anyone trading gets bent over a barrel and taken dry without any lube. All SB providers want you to drill down into the minute charts and imagine that you can see patterns and trends and place your bets. But what's good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
  20. Radical Marxist government led by Boris Johnson sweeps into power in the UK: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-railways/britain-nationalises-northern-rail-contract-idUKKBN1ZS1PX Next up, the water companies. We'll get there, slowly but surely. 🥳
  21. @Mercury Seems like everything is zig-zagging right now and attempting to buy or sell anything is futile.
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