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Everything posted by nit2wynit

  1. @Caseynotes What are your thoughts on WHY it's all Fake? What are they trying to achieve?
  2. @jlz @Provaton Right folks. Let me first apologise for my insults yesterday, but don't assume this means they weren't justified. If you don't refrain from subtle underhanded insults I'll unleash a holy wrath upon you. On a daily basis I see people go back and forth with theories ripping each other apart. Dave up the street, calls Karen down the street, even though Dave is as dumb as Karen. It's a **** terrible ironical joke. I am not talking about theories and I do not believe there are microchips in vaccines that allow Bill Gates to control my mind! I don't believe in Lizards in the Palace, Flat Earth or Holographic Moons, Nibiru or Giants in Japan but what I DO believe is the world is a business and people are corruptible. I do understand that 100 years ago most of the world was Socialsit/Communist and Capitalism has failed. What I believe dictates what I will research. What I research reveals truths. The truth is, the Banks, Pharma, and Military control the world. There are very powerful people whom wish to own the planet and dominate in a manner that will Digitally Enslave us all. This is where it all starts. This is the belief system that a lot of people around the world already understand and adopt, but too many believe anything and not enough know enough. When Conspiracy Theorist talk about Microchips in vaccines, they are literally talking about what I have mentioned. A Bio-Identifier program that is in development. Yes some believe they are literally Microchips in the vaccine, but at least they're listening and asking questions. Behind all the spin and Pandemic lies is a plan to end Capitalism and bring back a global Communist/Socialist regime. If you can't already see it happening, then I'm wasting my time. I knew of 911 before it happened. I knew of 2008 Global Collapse. I knew of 7/7 I knew of this recent collapse and I know of the 2nd Massive collapse that will stop it all. This is a warning to us Traders. I don't know when it will happen though. From here, you can literally see every single move as a Hostile Takeover of your body mind and soul. My dates may have become muddled. I'm not a scholar. Specific dates to note. 1933 and Federal reserve. It became illegal to own Gold in the US. The Great depression and a massive Land Grab by the Fed. It's happening again. 1971 and the global Fiat Currency Petro Dollar as the reserve currency. The world became Bankrupt to a Fiat currency. Big Pharma creating Opioid addictions and viruses and offering cures (they do the same with PC viruses) Middle East Invasion. All of them wanted to return to the Gold Standard of trade. the US (Banks-Jews) wasn't happy about this. Also Afghanistan is now the worlds largest exporter of Opium to the western world. The UK is among the largest exporter of Legal Weed, but we can't own it or grow it ourselves. For decades people have protested for it use for it's medicinal purpose. Now it's sold at massive profits, but you still can't grow it yourself...................... Wait! I can't even condense the last 100 years into a coherent paragraph. It already looks like rambling, so I'll repeat. What we're talking about is a Belief System. If you believe the Main Stream Media and that your Government cares about you, then I can't help you. We are literally born into Debt and Slavery. A Government can borrow from the Private Banks based upon how many people it has. i.e how many Slaves. The entire world is in debt to the Private Banks.....Except those Sovereign Countries that want to use Gold to trade. Lobbyists push for power behind the curtain of Political Favour. they use their wealth and influence to Change the World. Since Trump and Brexit in the UK, the Elite have changed up their strategy. The Virus was about last summer. I actually anticipated it to hit The News* (propaganda machine) back in Winter 2018! It didn't happen. Then Brexit was sealed and Trump signed a Trade Deal with China in January 2020. Then out of nowhere, Death spikes. Yet 5,000 people every single month die of Flu or Penumonia in the UK. Do I even need to mention that Pfizer has a Lab in Wuhan since 2010? I'm going to assume you've not heard of The 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, or 14 Eyes? If you look in to this you can see how just a small amount of high ranking officials control the world. I'm actually exhausted talking to people about this. I've been following what's going on for 25 years only taking a break in 2014. Everything that is happening now, I was talking about back then. Here it is in a paragraph. Fake Illegal war to enter the mid east. 9/11 was an inside job. Those buildings were demolished. They seized all Gold and Oil and Opium Production in the Mid East and moved from Country to Country using Proxy Wars. Russia, China specifically put a stop to it. China has been hoarding Gold for decades and wants to control the world. The Dollar has failed. The Fed will collapse. Gold Standard returns. The Great reset will be a Land Grab. as we are all forced to default on our loans, all property reverts back to the State. A new Social Credit System will be introduced. Vaccines will be Mandatory. The new 5G network will allow for Real Time surveillance and Digital Bio-Tracking. Your entire life will be Digitised. You will become a Digital Slave. Over the coming years, populations will slowly decline. Keep an eye on India specifically. Then eyes turn to Africa. Now, as I said. This is a Belief System. If you don't believe the world is corrupt and controlled by a small amount of very very powerful people, then most if not all of what I've just remarked on, will sound like Fake News. Only when you realise how corruptible Politicians are, how everyone can be bought, and that humans have a sick desire to control and manipulate, will any of these things make sense. Hey, maybe I'm just Paranoid and it's all just a coincidence? Failing Healthcare, Crippled NHS, Less Police? = Pandemic, Military joins with Police. Lockdown, Total Regime change. I can't answer any more questions. You want specific links I don't have any. STOP turning on each other and listen. Ask questions without sarcasm. If you want to know, be polite. No need to ridicule. We all **** if this isn't stopped.
  3. Great to come back here and see the forums ablaze with Trading Tips!
  4. The whole fecking internet at your fingertips and you want me to do a Google search for you you lazy bastards. Hey, @jlz I posted before you, **** brain. Did you look into DNA chips, Bio Tracking? You feckers don't want to know anything. You're the type to simply disappear and when it arrives and say you knew it all along. Fakers. Hey, I'm happy to start the conversation again. Wind your **** neck in, go read back what's been posted and, I know you struggle, but I'll help you out in showing you where you've been a total dismissive Left Wing blinkered **** jockey! Then your awakening can begin. Casey do not venture to criticize what you do not know, because what happens to many of you may happen to you, who suddenly do not find someone who can leave you in evidence. Don't worry, those who read the forum know that you have a tendency to conspire and create opinions based on far-right sources.
  5. FFS people Read what I posted. It's not a **** conspiracy. It's literally printed by Gov, Banks and Healthcare. DNA Chip Did you even bother yourselves to Google it? **** Off you trolls!
  6. Classic Answers??? You don't even have questions you pathetic ****!
  7. lol....???? Wow. in a bubble.... You have no concept of rhetoric. Typical..Absolutely NOTHING AT ALL TO ADD.
  8. Why the **** should I answer your question when you've dodged mine????? I've literally just posted what I have said is available on ALL OFFICIAL SITES. Moron! 'You Conspiracy Theorist' and complaining about name calling???? WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS TO LAUGH AT CONSPRANOIDS YOU UTTER **** WAFFLE! lol. Jog on Shark Bait! you're a waste of my time.
  9. I understand where you're coming from, but my previous post explains the reasoning behind the Microchipping mis-information Conspiracies. DNA chips and Microfluidic chips ARE Vaccines! How they will be implemented it to be revealed in the coming months or years. You will be injected with a Biological Track and Trace system. you won't believe it till they're doing it. Regardless, what we're addressing here is a Belief System in play. Some believe the world is fair, but could do with some changes. Some others believe it's inherently corruptible and on the verge of a Socialist Takeover. A cashless system and an RFID Biological Identity program in the making. Population control is the greatest threat to our existence. Total Digital Control. You say you laugh and find it entertaining???? I find it's terrifying that people like you exist and have zero comprehension for what is here, or what is coming. All the information required to see what is happening is NOT HIDDEN. It's not posted on moronic Youtube channels talking about Lizards and Flat Earths or Holographic Moons. It's posted on the Central Banks websites. The NHS Healthcare websites. The Gov websites. You'd need to be blind or ignorant beyond belief to not see it. Until you've read about DNA chips as a reality then you really have nothing to say that none of us won't hear of the Tv! Point being, you're not bringing anything new. you're simply repeating the current narrative and follow it without question. What have you got to say on DNA chips in vaccine development?
  10. I'm assuming you believe there is a global pandemic @jlz
  11. I was about to share this on FB and close my account, but what's the **** point. as I've typed it out I just want to post it somewhere, so this is a good a place as any. This isn't directed at you personally @Provaton unless you give me reason to after the info I've just provided. "I don't even know if it's worth me posting this. To 'Dave' down the street calling 'Karen' coz she suggested they want to put Microchips in the vaccines and inject us with it, all the while Dave himself is not a **** expert in Bio mechanics, NOR has he done ANY research at all on the subject, but simply uses the internet for Memes and **** vids of cats, while Karen has taken a brave step to question the world around her and the motives of those in power. Sure she might not have all the answers, but so long as she has questions, Karen will do for me. Team Karen! Microfluidic Chips or DNA Chips are not a secret. RNA or DNA markers used to activate, track or whatever, a vaccines or it's proteins within a host or biological system. If you're brave enough to click the link and do a bit or reading, go here: There is a plan to have us ALL DNA chipped. Our entire Genome will be on a biological implant that can Track and Trace us and our vaccine updates. I'm tired of the absolute ignorance on here. This will be my last post then you can find me on Instagram if you give a ****."
  12. Hi, Provaton. No! I'm suggesting that what has been spread about is Mis-information, but it's not entirely un-true. Type into Google, Microfluidic Chips and DNA Chips and you'll see a swathe of information regarding Biological Identifiers within vaccines. It's all there to read if you care to.
  13. There's a plan to rob the world of cash and make everyone poor. As Crypto will be the New Socialist Credit System of Digital Slavery, it's important they shut it down while the Banks Centralise the currency for themselves.
  14. My problem is now fixed. Seems it was personal to me. i had deposited a sum from my partners account. They disabled it while it was investigated. I knew nothing of it till i tried to trade today. Anyway, I'm up and running again.
  15. I've been wearing the hat since pre 911....It still fits. It's like my MAGA hat lol. I can take anything the world throws at me. I'm prepared. Leftists calling out all people suggesting the vaccines have chips in them, but they've clearly done **** all research. Microfluidic Chips or DNA chips have been used for decades to personalise, track and trace certain Protein Molecules and receptors. It's not new, just new to the un-initiated. We're being exterminated and they want to track their progress.
  16. I'm currently suffering this. Did anyone receive an explanation?
  17. OK, so I've been trying to Chat with ~IG for an hour....still waiting. I can only Sell Shares not Buy them I can only Close SB positions not open new ones. I can't find any messages or notifications to say i need to update. It's showing my agreement is good til 2022 for Trading US. what the actual is going on now?
  18. Hi, folks. I'm late to the party again. For 20 years I've been talking about The New World Order. The Cashless Society and the RFID system. Add to this Population Control and you come to The World Economic Forum, Davos and centralised global Crypto Currency. Assume nothing here but a Hostile Takeover of our Land and Peoples; Capital Destruction by design. We are literally, before our very eyes becoming Digital Slaves of the 4th Industrial revolution; the Technocratic era has begun. Mark these words if it's the 1st time you've heard them. In 10 years young people will be wondering why they can't get pregnant. 3rd world country populations will be the first to find an Economic equilibrium. AI will dominate the Technocratic Surveillance State. You will OWN NOTHING. You will become a Digital Slave of the State. It's not a joke. It's not even a Conspiracy. It's here. Central Banks want to remove cash. Communistic mentalities want to know where you are, and whom you're with. Left Wing mentalists want us to inform on one another. They have weak sympathetic minds that convince themselves they are doing good. They are not. China has arrived. Have your papers ready. The 'Plandemic' is a Political vehicle. The world is split. Those controlled by fear will welcome the change and sacrifice their Freedoms for Safety. It's all **** lies.! I know 10 people close to me who've tested Positive with almost Zero effects. 1 in 50 people have it, but only 0.3% might die. It's Flue Season. In the UK alone we can expect up to 20,000 per Month to die in the worst cases of Flu OR Pneumonia. However, we have a Statistical National Average of 60,000 per year for 5 years straight. ACTUAL Office of National Statistics figures free to see. The Hospitals have been strangled for 20 years. It's not that they can't cope; they've been designed to Fail. Every single year the papers report under staffing and cuts. It's by design. Our Police have been reduced to mere handfuls from our highest levels. Our Military will merge with our Police force soon. There will be Checkpoints asking for Vaccine papers. There will be Quarantine zones for those who refuse the Vaccines. We will become utterly divided. There will be rioting and civil unrest. This will create the reason for the RFID system to come in to play Globally. Digital Dots along with 5G Networks to track us in Real Time. You won't be able to sneeze without someone knowing it. Welcome to The New World Order folks. One World Governance and Social Credit system for all. Capitalism is over. Back to Socialist Communist systems. You've got about 10 years to make use of your Cash and Freedom. I don't expect Spread Betting to last beyond this year, but I could easily be wrong on the timeframe. Peace and Love folks. I'm off to buy more Tin Foil!
  19. Sorry, same here. what has happened? I can't place any new positions while Spread Betting?
  20. HOLD THE PHONE... I'm possibly looking at my Balance before after and during trading, which fluctuates my P/L... Make sense?
  21. @dmedin @Caseynotes @DSchenk can any of you guys shed any light on these numbers?
  22. Thanks @BubbaBubbaBubba I thought that too. But it can't be the entire amount right? $5.64 up and $5.98 down. Only Down value is registered. Hi, @CharlotteIG Can you enlighten me on these figures please?
  23. Yes, some are different and set by the Exchange and not necessarily by IG. Though I could be mistaken.
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