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What is the Dow?

What is the Dow? Jan 19, 2022 By:James Blakeway, tastytrade. The Dow, known formally as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, is made up of 30 large U.S.-listed companies and is an indicator of how these companies have traded during a standard trading session. “Dow Jones Hits 30,000”, or whichever milestone the index is finally reaching, is an extremely common headline in mainstream financial and general news media. The index is known around the world as the barometer for the U.S


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6 Popular Technical Indicators for Stock Trading

Reviewed by Nick Cawley on December 23, 2021 Traders with a strong understanding of technical indicators are usually better equipped to navigate the financial markets than those that lack this knowledge. While personal investing goals, risk appetite and trading style will help to determine a strategy and trading plan, knowing what technical indicators to use in your approach can help to determine possible entry and exit points. Hundreds of technical indicators exist, and clear signals


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Boris Johnson Risks Facing Vote of No-Confidence - Impact on GBP/USD

GBPUSD Analysis and Talking Points: GBP So Far Unfazed by Rising Political Uncertainty UK PM Johnson’s Tenure Hinges on Sue Gray’s Investigation See our quarterly GBP forecast to learn what will drive prices through Q1 UK politics have been stealing the limelight in recent weeks following revelations that the UK government had been flaunting lockdown restrictions on various occasions over the last two years. In light of these revelations, voting intentions for the Con


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How Do You Trade Crude Oil?

Jan 18, 2022 By:Frank Kaberna, tastytrade To many, crude oil trading looks like the wild west: it’s a singular marketplace lacking diversification seen in other risk-on markets like equities; its traditional futures products can swing $1,000s per day; and the energy source’s options boast twice the volatility of the S&P 500.* /SMO \ Small Crude Oil Futures Source: dxFeed With all of that being said, it’s still one of the most popular assets among active traders


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Netflix earnings to set the pace for 2022 streaming wars

Stock Markets Jan 18, 2022        © Reuters. FILE PHOTO: A smartphone with the Netflix logo lies in front of the displayed words "Streaming service" in this illustration taken March 24, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic By Dawn Chmielewski and Lisa Richwine LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) will be the first major streaming service to report earnings this week, offering investors a sign of whether companies have started to


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What to watch this earnings season 2022

What to watch this earnings season While Covid-19 dominated market sentiment in 2020 and 2021, earnings season outlooks are more nuanced for 2022. In particular, many investors will be watching to see if 2022 boasts a reversal of the market conditions that dominated the pandemic, such as low interest rates, a bullish Wall Street and booms for the tech and big pharma industries. Emphasis is likely to be on supposed ‘sure bets’ this season, with r


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Forex Trading Journal: A How-To and other Forex Trading Tips

- Reviewed by James Stanley, Nov. 24, 2021 A forex trading journal is a log of your trades that can help you refine your strategies based on learning from previous experiences. Just as a business owner tracks inventory, a trader should also keep up with their closed positions. While keeping a trading journal may be difficult at first, recording your trades can help answer some critical questions about your trading techniques. It can increase the consistency of your trading, keep you ac


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What Drives the Dollar, Breaks the Nasdaq 100 in Quiet Before FOMC Storm?

QQQ NASDAQ 100 ETF, FED FORECAST, DOLLAR, USDJPY AND EARNINGS TALKING POINTS Risk appetite is still elevated at the upper end of the spectrum, but the correction for the likes of the Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 create a backdrop of instability To determine where the markets are heading over the coming week, it is worthwhile to assess the dominant fundamental drive – and Fed speculation will recede this week Aside from US monetary policy, China’s 4Q GDP release is top scheduled


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Natural Gas Trading: Natural Gas Trading Drivers

Natural Gas is a highly popular commodity, particularly amongst day traders. The spread is reasonable with high liquidity, making it easy for traders to get in and out of trades with little difficulty. Nat gas also appeals to longer term traders because this macro asset has been known to trend for extended periods of time. Furthermore, natural gas is susceptible to pockets of volatility which lead to massive price spikes. The good news is these spikes tend to have a seasonal component to them wh


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Dividend Adjustments 17th January 2022 - 24th January 2022

Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 17th January 2022. These are projected dividends and likely to change. IG cannot be held responsible for any changes made. Dividends highlighted in red include a special dividend, therefore some or all of the amount will not be adjusted. Amount in brackets is the expected adjustment after special dividends excluded (where shown on major indices). Dividend adjustments due to be posted o


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Top 3 Technical Analysis Charts for Trading

- Reviewed by James Stanlely, Nov. 24, 2021 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS CHARTS: TALKING POINTS Technical analysis of charts aims to identify patterns and market trends by utilising differing forms of technical chart types and other chart functions. Interpreting charts can be intimidating for novice traders, so understanding basic technical analysis is essential. This article reveals popular types of technical analysis charts used in forex trading, outlining the foundations and uses of these cha


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