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Where's Boeing going, Cohen?

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On 17/12/2019 at 11:43, Kodiak said:

Dont worry, buy the dip

Load up buy orders around 30- ish





You're right and I have nobody to blame but myself - Boeing is just 'too big to fail'.  

Should never short the big U.S. equities if you're just retail pond life ****.  Will get burned EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME.

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20 minutes ago, dmedin said:



You're right and I have nobody to blame but myself - Boeing is just 'too big to fail'.  

Should never short the big U.S. equities if you're just retail pond life ****.  Will get burned EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME.

yes you're right, don't short this stuff, ever. watch the cardinal cash vid in the Something Interesting thread and learn 🙂.

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Mercury said:


Looks like a major wave 5 turn completed on strong NMD.  Now a 1-2 bearish direction retrace is in, just looking for a lower low to nail it on.



There's no possible way Boeing will fall that far, at least on this side of the apocalypse.  Not that I don't think it deserves to, but America is far too corrupt (politically as well as in the corporate world).

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9 minutes ago, dmedin said:

There's no possible way Boeing will fall that far, at least on this side of the apocalypse.  Not that I don't think it deserves to, but America is far too corrupt (politically as well as in the corporate world).

No one (or institution) has the power to stop the crash once it takes hold.  Corruption, or just plain old vanilla manipulation out of good intentions, will eventually implode.  The case the Bears put forward is that the more effort that goes into juicing the markets the harder the crash will be.  It isn't the first time this has happened and those that believe this time is different will be just as wrong as the people who said that before.  Of course timing is everything but you don't have to trade the top, just recognise when it has come in and change your directional bias.  What I am saying is that if Boeing breaks lower then the trend has changed.  I don't know how far down it will go, the arrow is (or course) directional not quantitative...

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Maybe they are not looking at a price chart there @dmedin.  I was talking to a friend over the weekend, who is not at all into financial markets, who suggested Boeing must be worth a buy given all the negative news and how much the share price has fallen.  You hear this kind of thing all the time these days, which is a sign of that complacency I keep mentioning.  If you look at a chart though and apply some simple analysis you see a different potential picture:

  1. A Head & Shoulders top (note a true H&S only occurs at market tops and bottoms, at trend reversal points)
  2. Oscillators massively over bought at the ATH and NMD on the Monthly and Daily at the ATH.
  3. Credible wave 1-2 (purple and blue) - see daily chart
  4. NMD at the wave 2 (purple and blue) on the daily chart

Now price is apparently breaking through the neckline after a failed attempt to punch back above it.  A confirmed break lower here would lead us to a major zone of support between 27,000 - 30,000.  If that fails then the next strong zone of support is at the Fib 76/78% off the whole long term rally down at 10,000...


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This decline in Boeing's value is really exceptional.  Will we ever see something like it again?

It's also a great case study for 'sell and hold'.  Except, considering you'd be paying a fortune in interest and dividends on a year-long-plus short position, you'd have to add to your shorts and take profit out periodically.  But ay me! you'd have made a sh!-ton from shorting with a stop above $445!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Boeing has had some big set backs this year. It's just been announced that Boeing terminated joint venture with Brazil's Embraer. 

Boeing has ended agreements for the joint ventures after a deadline for the deal passed. 

What does this mean for Boeing come market open Monday. Remember we offer pre and post for Boeing. 


This is not a trade idea but to keep you aware. 

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On 25/04/2020 at 14:20, CharlotteIG said:

Boeing has had some big set backs this year. It's just been announced that Boeing terminated joint venture with Brazil's Embraer. 

Boeing has ended agreements for the joint ventures after a deadline for the deal passed. 

What does this mean for Boeing come market open Monday. Remember we offer pre and post for Boeing. 


This is not a trade idea but to keep you aware. 


The bars/candles in your chart look unusual Charlotte?  🧐

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Who would be surprised that Boeing made a loss?  LOL look at how far the share price has fallen already

Did you sell and hold from March/April 2019 onwards with a stop just above $450 or so?   When the 'bad news' broke? Then you'd be stinking rich by now

Edited by dmedin
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