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Covid and the Economy

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3 minutes ago, Bopperz said:

Hands up who is keen to get the virus sooner, and get out of lockdown!

Also, if you under lockdown, how are you going to get the virus? Very slowly. You might never escape!

Looking at the stats from Taiwan, South Korea and Sweden (no enforced lockdown, no business closures) we should never have gone into lockdown in the first place, it was the vulnerable and the infected who should have been isolated.

4 minutes ago, Bopperz said:

I like these graphs, are they from the FT?

Surly these graphs should be relative to population size though, else China and India are going to have a large death rate!

yes, FT, looking at the rate of spread. The death rate is totally dependent on the number of people tested.

Today's graphs. 


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Look, China has had very few deaths - even in the epicentre of the virus.

Clearly state-controlled economies and societies are the most 'efficient' at getting sh!t done.  So much for 'liberty' (that these pl0nkers from the Mises Institute f@rt on about when they're not advocating a return to the gold standard) - that just gives you idiots like Trump and Biden 🤠

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4 minutes ago, dmedin said:

Look, China has had very few deaths - even in the epicentre of the virus.

Clearly state-controlled economies and societies are the most 'efficient' at getting sh!t done.  So much for 'liberty' (that these pl0nkers from the Mises Institute f@rt on about when they're not advocating a return to the gold standard) - that just gives you idiots like Trump and Biden 🤠

state-controlled economies and societies are able to put out any bs data they care to make up. 😁

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8 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Boris coming out of isolation on Friday 7 days post positive corona test, yet it seems we must stay in (semi) isolation til end of April at least. This is all complete nonsense.

I think we all know this lock down will be measured in months rather than weeks.

The three weeks at the start, are just a warm up.

Edited by Bopperz
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19 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Boris coming out of isolation on Friday 7 days post positive corona test, yet it seems we must stay in (semi) isolation til end of April at least. This is all complete nonsense.


He is 'terribly important' for the functioning of the country 🤣

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it is hoped the lockdown will limit deaths to 20,000.

But that does not mean 480,000 lives are being saved - many will die whether or not they get the virus.

Every year, about 600,000 people in the UK die. And the frail and elderly are most at risk, just as they are if they have coronavirus.

Nearly 10% of people aged over 80 will die in the next year, Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter, at the University of Cambridge, points out, and the risk of them dying if infected with coronavirus is almost exactly the same.

That does not mean there will be no extra deaths - but, Sir David says, there will be "a substantial overlap".

"Many people who die of Covid [the disease caused by coronavirus] would have died anyway within a short period," he says.

I really hope we haven't destroyed our economy to "save" a lot of really old people who will then all die or other causes within a few years.

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3 minutes ago, Bopperz said:

Link to a news piece

I really hope we haven't destroyed our economy to "save" a lot of really old people who will then all die or other causes within a few years.

yes we have destroyed our economy, the elderly should have been saved by isolating them before the virus even arrived here, the data from Asian countries was clear exactly who was at risk. A catalog of failure from the start in a 'follow the leader' fashion by most western countries, not helped buy China coverup being supported by the WHO. 


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5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

yes we have destroyed our economy, the elderly should have been saved by isolating them before the virus even arrived here, the data from Asian countries was clear exactly who was at risk. A catalog of failure from the start in a 'follow the leader' fashion by most western countries, not helped buy China coverup being supported by the WHO. 


The West's economy is very fragile in that case ...

China is in a far more enviable position, even Russia.

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7 minutes ago, dmedin said:

The West's economy is very fragile in that case ...

China is in a far more enviable position, even Russia.

correct, welding the doors shut of apartment buildings to prevent people getting out was a real game changer for lockdown efficacy.

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17 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

correct, welding the doors shut of apartment buildings to prevent people getting out was a real game changer for lockdown efficacy.


Remember, when there are tens of millions out of work, there's no money to lend ... at least we have 'liberty' (the liberty to be impoverished, homeless and destitute that is).  Ah, Ludwig von Mises, what a genius :D

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10 minutes ago, dmedin said:


Remember, when there are tens of millions out of work, there's no money to lend ... at least we have 'liberty' (the liberty to be impoverished, homeless and destitute that is).  Ah, Ludwig von Mises, what a genius :D

this is your free trial for communism 🥳

- shops empty or closed.

- no wages.

- no right of travel or free movement.

- police stopping people on the street.

- gatherings banned.

- govt barking orders at you everyday.


This is how half of Europe lived just 40 years ago, careful what you wish for 🤓



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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

this is your free trial for communism 🥳

- shops empty or closed.

- no wages.

- no right of travel or free movement.

- police stopping people on the street.

- gatherings banned.

- govt barking orders at you everyday.


This is how half of Europe lived just 40 years ago, careful what you wish for 🤓



So you are beginning to see what the phase 1 of this panic exercise is all about. Phase 3 is what everyone should be worried about. But of course, the majority cannot think for themselves so they are begging for the eventual "solution" to save them without questioning or demand any form of scrutiny. The push for "solution" is what useless people need and deserve.

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2 minutes ago, HPbrand said:

So you are beginning to see what the phase 1 of this panic exercise is all about. Phase 3 is what everyone should be worried about. But of course, the majority cannot think for themselves so they are begging for the eventual "solution" to save them without questioning or demand any form of scrutiny. The push for "solution" is what useless people need and deserve.

the final solution is herd immunity (60% of pop) these types of virus never go away till this occurs. US researchers already predicting this may well return next winter. 

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45 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

this is your free trial for communism 🥳

- shops empty or closed.

- no wages.

- no right of travel or free movement.

- police stopping people on the street.

- gatherings banned.

- govt barking orders at you everyday.


This is how half of Europe lived just 40 years ago, careful what you wish for 🤓




Socialism is a good and indispensable thing, just ask the banks and the corporations who live on government bailouts, tax breaks, subsidies and endless amounts of free money provided by the central banks.  They literally couldn't survive without it :)

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4 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

the final solution is herd immunity (60% of pop) these types of virus never go away till this occurs. US researchers already predicting this may well return next winter. 

The final solution is NOT herd immunity. The herd immunity will come when the solution is enforced, hence the immunity. I am certain on this.

Just watch how this plays out. My crystal ball tells me this coming winter, the media hysteria increases again after the virus dies down over the summer. More panic is ingrained into everyone. More self imprisonment, more individual rights removed, more urgent need to find the solution to save humanity.

Panic training a few times is helpful to lock in the perception. I would say end of 2022/first half 2023 is likely when the begging reaps the reward they have been waiting for.


And to add another point about how this could be enforced from another angle. Many will be made unemployed by this crisis. So you want "free" universal income to exist? You want to have permission to travel and go to supermarkets? Well, do the right thing.

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12 minutes ago, HPbrand said:

The final solution is NOT herd immunity. The herd immunity will come when the solution is enforced, hence the immunity. I am certain on this.

with herd immunity the virus has nowhere to go and dies out, lockdown is just slowing the gaining of herd immunity. not sure where you are but summer is coming here in the northern hemisphere and the virus does not like heat and UV, if pop immunity gained before then then it's over. 

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9 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

with herd immunity the virus has nowhere to go and dies out, lockdown is just slowing the gaining of herd immunity. not sure where you are but summer is coming here in the northern hemisphere and the virus does not like heat and UV, if pop immunity gained before then then it's over. 

You talk about herd immunity and social distancing is imposed. You see the problem? Summer officially starts in June.

Everyone has the freewill to believe what they want. Just watch how this panic progress. I said what I said in 2020.

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4 minutes ago, HPbrand said:

You talk about herd immunity and social distancing is imposed. You see the problem? Summer officially starts in June.

Everyone has the freewill to believe what they want. Just watch how this panic progress. I said what I said in 2020.

yes, 'it's slowing it down' as I said, but it will still come and with it will come business reopening and a return to normality.

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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

will still come and with it will come business reopening and a return to normality.


No, a depression is psychological - it begins with people's emotions.  Business won't go anywhere while people are still depressed and fearful.  But the West abdicated responsibility for moral leadership long ago, so people will be left to cope on their own, aimless and clueless.

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"BREAKING: New York Data Confirms Once Again - 99% of Coronavirus Fatalities Have Pre-Existing Conditions - 94% of Fatalities Over Age 45!"

"* The VAST MAJORITY of the victims are older (NYC, 70% 65 and over)
* Very few are under 50 (NYC, 5.8% under 45)
* Almost NO teenagers or children (NYC, one death under 18, or .07%)
* Only a fraction have NO OTHER HEALTH CONDITIONS (1.29%)"




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wow this weekend's lockdown has been such fun can hardly wait for Easter coming up next week.

meantime still trying to find data comparing coronavirus deaths verses normal flu and pneumonia deaths per year. In the UK flu accounts for around 10,000 but pneumonia is higher likely around 20,000. Coronavirus is claiming these for it's own being the dominant flu strain this year and with it's pneumonia stage (which actually causes the deaths) is soaking up those numbers as well.

This chart below from the US shows pneumonia deaths dropping like a rock as corona gets there first but corona is still nowhere near let alone overtaking combined flu and pneumonia deaths that would normally occur every year in the UK and the US. 


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