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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Weekly pivots look more sensible, this is probably going to correct a bit but might well keep on rising?
  2. Is the VIX anything to be concerned about, Bilbo Baggins? 🙈
  3. A big stonking pick-up in volume, Tom Bombadil 🤓
  4. BEIJING, June 17 (Reuters) – China shares paused on Wednesday, after gaining in the previous session, as Beijing re-imposed travel curbs following a resurgence in cases of the new coronavirus in the capital city.
  5. Here cometh a big stonker Irene 😘
  6. Caution! Virus resurgence - zombies spotted!!!
  7. Eileen, the indices are starting to 'get it up' this morning - but it's a slow burner 😯
  8. I'm seeing lots of Youtube ads from traders wanting to give me free secrets to success in trading! I guess they are so successful they just want to give something back to the community. Sharing, caring souls these traders
  9. Bullish engulfing Eileen ... but would you be tempted to go long? 🤔
  10. That candle is about as welcome as a f4rt in a lift ...
  11. Caution - big drop! More whipsaw volatility = lose more money
  12. Caution! That's quite a wick!
  13. Let's dance, Tom Bombadil 💃🥳🐮
  14. There is a way of copying successful traders, it's called buying a tracker fund or an ETF.
  15. Perrrrrrregrin Toooook! 🥳 The butty is back! Shake ya butty! 😂
  16. I don't see evidence for this supposed short-term $35 a barrel ...
  17. I keep meaning to learn how to use ProBuilder and ProScreener (which are included in ProRealTime) but I spend all day looking at charts instead
  18. On the four hour chart at least, you could have bought after it moved up near the 200 SMA line and made some money but it pooped out now.
  19. When you get beyond the basic 5-3 stuff and into flat, zig zag, complex, double corrections and all the exceptions and irregularities and the four types of triangle and the extended waves within extended waves ... lol
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